Worthy to Exist?
(too old to reply)
chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
2022-03-06 07:05:44 UTC
I recall the Battlestar Galactica series with its endless battle for the
survival of the remainder of the human race persistently attacked by
genocidal Cylons.

At one point, Admiral Adama was faced with the choice of whether to
command murder of his superior officer at the hand of Starbuck.
Then he was faced with the moral dilemma: are we, as a race, worthy
of survival. While he had a vague notion of God Creator, he had some
idea that he must prove his worthiness of existence to Higher Powers,
for we take it for granted far too often.

I believe so it is with us facing a nuclear Armageddon.

We have to prove worthy to exist at all.
What is so precious in this human civilization that destroys its mother
planet so persistently, that we should be saved from death not so
welcome by the most.

Even those who say they'd die flinch before death.

This is maybe this weakness of the Western democracy our adversary

It is not the question of whether there are thermobaric bombs and
cruising missiles, it is the question of whether it is the right thing to do
when they are used on the civilian population.

Haven't we done the same in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, Syria, and what
makes us different and better from our adversary?

For if we do not have a moral advantage, we might not win this war.

The greater victory would still be if the Russian president decided to
agree on an immediate ceasefire and lasting peace, with respect to
the Ukrainian territorial integrity as in accord with Budapest Memorandum
of December 5, 1994.

in the Lord
chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
2022-03-06 07:47:17 UTC
Are we "The Rule of Law" as a civilisation ourselves, or are we just "though on weak, weak on tough"?

Are we a Kingdom of Righteousness the Russians and the Ukrainians should
look up to? Or is such aim just as naive as the League of Nations in the pre-WW2 world?

Will the NATO act as "one for all, all for one" in case of i.e. Sweden or Finland
being attacked, or some Baltic state, if the i.e. the majority of Germans are not ready to pay
more for gas and oil in order to stop Mr. Putin's war machine?

For which he has stashed enough dollars to perpetuate a war for 20 years, and having it ended in
an all-out blast if everything else fails?

The future looks grim.

I guess my best bet is still on the GOD Creator, the LORD.

"Whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved." (Joel 2:32)

in the Lord
Gregory Carr
2022-03-06 20:34:14 UTC
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
Are we "The Rule of Law" as a civilisation ourselves, or are we just "though on weak, weak on tough"?
Are we a Kingdom of Righteousness the Russians and the Ukrainians should
look up to? Or is such aim just as naive as the League of Nations in the pre-WW2 world?
Righteousness Kingdom no in Canada 45% of the populace is basically athiest. Is the Democratic West morally and financially superior to Whore Russia yes. Ukraine looks to the West not Russia they want to be in N.A.T.O. and the E.U. Way, way, way more Russians move to the West than the other way around.
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
Will the NATO act as "one for all, all for one" in case of i.e. Sweden or Finland
being attacked, or some Baltic state, if the i.e. the majority of Germans are not ready to pay
more for gas and oil in order to stop Mr. Putin's war machine?
Sweden and Finland are not N.A.T.O. members so why would N.A.T.O. defend them? They have chosen neutrality. Belgium and Holland were neutral in WW2 Hitler conquered them fast. The Baltic states are all N.A.T.O. there are hundreds of CDN troops in Latvia. The Baltic States know how brutal Russian troops can be.
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
For which he has stashed enough dollars to perpetuate a war for 20 years, and having it ended in
an all-out blast if everything else fails?
Yes Putin is quite the crook.
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
The future looks grim.
In Revelation and Isaiah it looks quite bad we have presently the war against Ukraine, the pandemic, rising levels of psychiatric problems and alcoholism and drug addiction, climate change and global warming, organized crime is a problem and inefficient govts with corruption the homosexual and pedophile agenda.
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
I guess my best bet is still on the GOD Creator, the LORD.
"Whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved." (Joel 2:32)
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
in the Lord
chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
2022-03-07 07:31:49 UTC
Never underestimate Russians. That was Hitler's mistake.

We are dealing with something new here.

Mr. Putin had made allies in the Russian Orthodox Church with his tough stance on LGBTQ rights
and prides. He has the aura of a Russian moral guardian. This is not to be underestimated. Mr. Putin's
system of oligarchy may be flawed and corrupt, the Russian girls might be forced to prostitute themselves
or become "sponsored girls" of the Russian KGB-spawned tycoons and oligarchs to change their social
status, but none of them proved to be a fool yet.

I wish that the Russian patriarch would like to see Russian daughters and virgins working in newly spawned
startups instead, maintaining their pride and dignity instead of resorting to booze, alcohol, and drugs.

It is easy for a leader to project internal problems on the foreign enemy instead. But this will not solve
Russia's problems in the long run, even if he managed to consolidate his economy despite sanctions
gathered around military production.

All seems too familiar and already seen in history repeating, though ...

I believe that peace is the best bet for Russian economic prosperity and decentralising wealth from
the hand of the few. Mr. Putin had the power required, but not the wisdom required to do the right
thing for Russia, and he would neither do the right thing for Ukraine and Belarus, I'm afraid.

The decentralised systems and simply more resilient than big giants, and this is the cause of the
temporary deindustrialisation in Ukraine, which is not the long-term goal. Big industrial giants of communism
seem to be like dinosaurs and the small and medium business looks more like mammals ready
to adapt to a new climate. No big dinosaur survived the Yucatan blast and the global Winter following.

If you understand this parable?

I hope the little, peaceful Russian man will not be instrumentalised in this politics of Mr. Putin's
new world domination. You spot that Russian economy is the size of Italian, but may I remind you
that Stalin was able to quickly build new production behind the Ural in WW2 after Hitler's blitzkrieg?

But then the Russians had the moral advantage of defending themselves, despite the pact with
Hitler and invasion of Poland, which KGB executed rather shamelessly, killing almost entire Poland's
nobility and ranking officers in Katyn forest. With the new Polish leadership recently sadly joining them in
suspicious circumstances of an air catastrophe ...

in the Lord

Gregory Carr
2022-03-06 20:14:36 UTC
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
I recall the Battlestar Galactica series with its endless battle for the
survival of the remainder of the human race persistently attacked by
genocidal Cylons.
I think I watched every episode. The casino where everyone wins. The turboflush. Cassiopeia who left a religious group where they could only have sex every 7 years. The Lords Of Kolob. Kolob
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Detail of Facsimile No. 2 (the Hypocephalus of Sheshonq). Reference numeral 1 represents Kolob according to Joseph Smith. Egyptologists interpret this as an altered figure of a creator God.
Kolob is a star or planet described in the Book of Abraham, a sacred text of the Latter Day Saint movement. Several Latter Day Saint denominations hold the Book of Abraham to have been translated from an Egyptian papyrus scroll by Joseph Smith, the founder of the movement. According to this work, Kolob is the heavenly body nearest to the throne of God. While the Book of Abraham calls Kolob a "star",[1] it also calls planets "stars",[2] and therefore some Latter Day Saint commentators consider Kolob a planet.[3] The body also appears in Latter Day Saint culture, including a reference to Kolob in an LDS hymn.[4]

Kolob as the inspiration for Kobol in Battlestar Galactica
Some of the elements of the two Battlestar Galactica science-fiction television shows seem to be derived from the Mormon beliefs of its creator and chief producer, Glen A. Larson. In both the original series from 1978, and the 2003 new series, the planet Kobol is the ancient and distant mother world of the entire human race and the planet where life began, and the "Lords of Kobol" are sacred figures to the human race. They are treated as elders or patriarchs in the old series, and versions of the Twelve Olympians in the new series. According to academic Jana Riess, this is one of many plot points Larson has borrowed from Mormonism.[51][52]

I didn't find out about the link to Mormonism until decades after I first saw the tv show.
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
At one point, Admiral Adama was faced with the choice of whether to
command murder of his superior officer at the hand of Starbuck.
Then he was faced with the moral dilemma: are we, as a race, worthy
of survival. While he had a vague notion of God Creator, he had some
idea that he must prove his worthiness of existence to Higher Powers,
for we take it for granted far too often.
I believe so it is with us facing a nuclear Armageddon.
Some ppl would survive a nuclear war. Who would nuke Antarctica or Togo or the Netherland Antilles or the Falkland Islands.?
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
We have to prove worthy to exist at all.
Disagree. That happens on the Day of Judgement.
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
What is so precious in this human civilization that destroys its mother
planet so persistently, that we should be saved from death not so
welcome by the most.
The Earth has never been destroyed and according to the Bible it never will be.
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
Even those who say they'd die flinch before death.
Not true and yes there are sometimes atheist's in foxholes. Deathbed conversions have been known to happen but such as in the case of Constantine not relevant to GOD since your supposed to list the sins you are repenting of and not do them again.
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
This is maybe this weakness of the Western democracy our adversary
Our enemy leads a nation with a smaller economy than Italy or Canada despite being the largest country in the world. Hitler despised democracy, Slavs and Jews and communism after what happened at Munich he considered the Western European leaders to be worms. Hitler violated his agreement and within 2 years there was WW2 within 5 years of that Hitler was dead by suicide Deutschland split in two, East Prussia gone, all major German cities blasted repeatedly by day and night bomber raids often by a 1,000 planes. Putin is a corrupt thief who kills journalists and political opponents in Russia. Hopefully he will lose in Ukraine or it will turn into Chechenya or Afghanistan meat grinder for Russian attackers. Ruble is down by 35% since the first bombs fell on Ukraine. Mastercard and Visa have cancelled service there Apple Pay doesn't work. Some of the oligarchs are for the first time condemning Putin. Rally to be held in Vancouver, BC at Jack Poole Plaza at 1 PM today there were rallies at the Vancouver Art Gallery and a smaller one in Langley, BC for Ukraine yesterday although the largest rally of the day was at the legislature for the anti-mask ppl. Keep on protesting Putin ppl. Way to go foreign volunteers going to Ukraine to drive off the Russian invaders with lethal force.
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
It is not the question of whether there are thermobaric bombs and
cruising missiles, it is the question of whether it is the right thing to do
when they are used on the civilian population.
It is wrong Ukraine was no threat to Russia.
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
Haven't we done the same in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, Syria, and what
makes us different and better from our adversary?
Russian forces are in two of those countries right now.
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
For if we do not have a moral advantage, we might not win this war.
Victory for Ukraine!
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
The greater victory would still be if the Russian president decided to
agree on an immediate ceasefire and lasting peace, with respect to
the Ukrainian territorial integrity as in accord with Budapest Memorandum
of December 5, 1994.
Yes and it would be great if I won the lottery or a cure was found for all cancers.
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
in the Lord