Post by o'MahoneyPost by Noah SombreroPost by onePost by Noah SombreroPost by onePost by o'MahoneyI should have clarified. Does God know the last *natural* number?
Does God know the last decimal of every *irrational* number including
Euler's number, the square root of 8, Pi and the golden ratio? Does
God know the largest irrational number? Does God know the final
prime? Does God know the final rational number?
A pair, a dime, a time can shifts a box in shadows made by frogs
when a boxing ring of truth claims worms beneath the lids there on.
The questions presuppose a last or final number exists
As for various other conundrums, the existence of a knowledge does not
mean that it is possible for humans to know it.
Questions are able to be asked
which have little or no meaning.
How high is up, for example.
An answer may deep end to a point.
Which direction is down, could be an other
for one who lives above or below an equator,
the imaginary line said to circle a pale blue dot.
Post by o'MahoneyPost by Noah SombreroPost by onePost by Noah SombreroIn other words, it is possible, unlike god, for humans to invent a
number (square root of 8) that they cannot know.
The square roots of 8 exists in various forms.
Take 2 times the square root of 2, for example.
One might take a minus two as a root too, prehaps.
A quest-
ion may form in terms of weather
and whether minus numbers actually exist or
arghh like maps which mathematicians like naturally.
Post by Noah SombreroIt might actually be that god does not count things.
It's possible gods do not exist
other than in the minds of those
for whom a god or gods do exist.
God being granted for the purposes of the discussion.
Is the god being taken for granted the tetragrammaton
of Abraham or the personal aspect of Brahman or some
other god of a sort being sorted out and through?
Is this god for the porpoises of the discussion a deist's god?
One who or which like a clock-maker who set a watch once
and then never touches the creation created by the god.
Does the god on the table intervene at times
or is the god in all things or is the god all things
as a theistic or panentheistic or pantheistic god?
Lots of gods have attributes once a mind is made up
in a fantasy of gods of pagan mind sets in cement.
From an a mist to a midst of invisible beings a fly
flying through gaps lands in an oin't meant.
Post by o'MahoneyPost by Noah SombreroPost by oneMathematics and sciences can be counted on, and are
counted on given various points, such as for example,
number lines and experimentally being able to repeat
phenomena and subsequently theorize to explain them.
Post by Noah SombreroWouldn't that be like you counting how many cells comprise your liver?
The cells in my liver are finite at a given time as are
the number of hairs on my head which exist and may
be said to be known by the Universal Being (UB).
No, no. The point is that a person would not bother to count tiny
parts of himself, and one supposes neither would god. Would god be so
silly? One never knows.
If the god is the abba, the father of a man who
was said to be present at the creation, the logos,
in other words, that abba knows all the hairs on all
the heads of all the people all the time and watches
when a sparrow falls and like a father would not give
a child a stone who asks for bread either.
The man who was that god didn't know all things
naturally as a man and people, although they are,
in this version of a tale told to be like-minded to have
the mind that they as well were in the form of that god
but then took on people form forms and they don't know.
And if they don't know, then, as god, god doesn't know.
Post by o'MahoneyPost by Noah SombreroHe did create this silly universe after all,
as part of himself. Stop right there. Do not get entangled in
First, god is taken for granted, for purposes of a discussion.
Then, forget about discussing various attributes of the god.
Sounds like a quick end to a short discussion on the table.
Post by o'MahoneyPost by Noah SombreroPost by oneThat, UB, metaphysically speaking seeing
as how it's a category word, knows without knowing
intellectually. Similar to how water knows how to seek
and find its own level given a plane it's plain to see.
If, by definition, a god known as God is said to exist
and is known by the book known as The Book seeing
as how it says so, dogmatically, that's a form of being.
We need not consider such things
### - (my sever doesn't allow cross-posting so he'll likely never see this
reply anyway, but)
Noah knows all, sees all, or not then and now he does.
Post by o'MahoneyThere you go. Fixed it for you.
Pay peanuts, get monkeys. However, if you toss aioe, you can use
eternal-september like most of these fellas, it's free too.
Or, you could use a paid block like me, only about $15 for a TB, will
last you for ages and you can access all the binaries too, like the
e-books, mags, a whole universe of shows etc.
Don't live in ignorance and darkness :)
Don't be like a hypothetical god invented for a discussion.
Post by o'Mahoneyexactly! there's nada to consider!
coz there IS no... philosophy!
Bullshit. It's only people like you who lack the ability to WONDER
who don't or can't understand what philosophy actually is. What about
the philosophy of logic, the philosophy of mathematics, metaphysics,
ethics and epistemology. Ever heard of a guy called Bertrand Russell?
Didn't he spill much ink over trying to prove 1+1=2?
Then, some other inventor sentenced some sentences proving how
some truths can't be proved within a system that takes them for
being granted, axiomatically, naturally, by definition?
Post by o'MahoneyI did an elective in my first year commerce degree called Phil 101. It
was predominantly logic - how to think. Then, the use of that tool in
dissecting very big subjects indeed. A very, very hard unit in which
to score anymore than a pass...and, no bullshit accepted.
A logical argument may be valid yet unsound.
Premises tend to make differences when added.
Post by o'MahoneyBrian, as usual, you don't know what you're talking about.
Terms may be kneaded to be defined to make bread.
Post by o'Mahoneyor do you really think the Universe (or 'god' if you really must
anthropomorphise everything) sits there in its vastness: figuring things
out?? (riiiight...)
Some gods in some tales may have known
their critters would do as they did prior to
saying: Lights. Camera. And, action!
Post by o'Mahoneyno! - it just IS - and is just doing ITS thing regardless of 'anything' we
might ever wanna 'think' about it! it's too BIG to ever understand anyway!
literally goes out of sight in every direction one looks!
Kinda reminds one, aye, of a Tao.
For Tao Chia however, Tao is not god, a god, etc.
A said to be Tao of Tao Chia, according to the Chuang-tzu,
and the Tao Te Ching is in all things and every where going
without going and some may say being without being.
Neo-Taoists equated Tao with Wu, Nothing, Nonbeing.
Meanings of words are not fixed, says the Chuang-tzu,
yet are not simply hot air either seeing as how they may
and often do carry meaning. Conversations vary.
Post by o'Mahoneywe'll NEVER understand it!
don't even TRY! the universe doesn't 'think' - it's silent! :)
What on earth are you trying to say?
He may be said to say, the Tao put in words isn't the Tao.
TTC 1 has many connotations as the word, Tao, can mean
words, walking, paths, doctrines, singular, plural, noun, verb.
Post by o'Mahoneyas such: philosophy + anything else we might rationalise or come-up with,
doesn't exist except in the heads of dumbass human beings who literally
made up/invented ALL that crap themselves! putting OUR words in the mouth
of the universe?? duh! (i think what god MEANT to saaaay? riiight...)
You are so fucking bitter. Old saying - life gives you lemons, make
The Vinegar Tasters arrived in mind yesterday, iirc.
Post by o'Mahoneythe simple + direct truth of the matter being: that we do not KNOW...
Tell that to they who use electron scanning microscopy, particle
colliders and monoclonal antibodies.
Rhetoric and hyperbole could lend their hands
bringing and wringing bells on a table when
semantics are at play and contexts the rulers.
Post by o'Mahoneyso why pretend? why get lost in useless conjecture that will never resolve
Hey, I almost forgot. You evidently have an IQ of +160. Who am I to
argue with the great "you"
For me, to pretend can be to adopt
a paradigm to ease a weary soul.
To presume, for example, forgiveness exists.
Vengence belongs to a god, as another.
To believe consciousness survives physical death
or that reincarnation is a fact, could satisfy and/oar knots.
Post by o'Mahoneyit 'feels' nice so we keep doin' it, is that it?? lol :))))
yeah well: STOP it! leave it alone! (or you'll stay blind? really laffing
You know, I've never come across someone so scornful of practically
every other person on the planet, except some long dead poets. You
must really have a low opinion of yourself or have been dealt some
devastating psychological blows at some formative point.
Trauma isn't always fun.
There's nothing like a good except when bad exists as wells
well bringing up from beneath a depth at length for a while.
Post by o'MahoneyI note these characters in this crossposted thread aren't like that.
Nor is anyone else in this froup, even Christopher. Wise up before
it's too late and the reaper reaps.
If there is no life after physical/material being
then there's no problem for those having shed skins.
- in the game ... thanks! Cheers!