Post by onePost by proteinPost by LovePost by Venus as a BoyPost by LovePost by Venus as a Boy
I note "immanent" (the divine dwelling within the material) is used
where one might otherwise expect "imminent" (something that is going
to happen very soon).
I got the non-mRNA vaccine, so it doesn't matter to me.
I don't think they made one, if you refer to the vector vaccines they
just use viruses as carriers of mRNA!
I don't think that's true but in any case
the more important part of my post was the
difference between "imminent" and
It's only natural.
Some folks may choose to believe
a divine or the divine being does dwell within.
For them, perhaps, that's only natural.
Life can be said to be what is
within all the living beings.
Life has been said to arise
from non-life, naturally,
given: abiogenesis.
Post by oneSome people might contend
there is no divine. Mother Nature
is more a metaphor, not super-natural.
To suppose, presume or assume a noun,
a category word points to a thing, life, and
that this, thing, called, life, exists occurs
naturally given a language structure.
Post by oneAn urgent emergent sense could be felt surrounding
what looms large and spells doom, a bane that is
uncomfortable to bear in the woulds.
Worldometers suggests a two percent rate
of death due to a virus while people whose demise
contains little or no surprise is rather greater.
When a death occurs, some people want a cause.
Yet when a life occurs, to ask what caused it
might go without saying except, why not ask?
What causes an individual life, at what point might a
or the line be drawn between what effects carry
a single cell from the unliving to the living to
being a multicellular organism?
Chemistry and chemicals, biology, psychology and
sociology could be counted among many causes
of a life being able to take shape over time.
Is there a thing called Life that causes life to be?
Post by oneMore ends of physical life could be said to be caused
by cancer which isn't necessarily a picnic, or heart
problems yet both don't happen near as quick
as a loss of breath as a result of a virus.
With life arrives what is not-life.
Before a being is born, was its being immanent?
Prior to a single cell's conception, what was it?
Is what is to follow life, that is to say, not-life, as divine
as never having been conceived nor born?
- two begin width ... Cheers!
Paradigms vary.
To carve out a form, take a plant
planted without hands by natural forces
that don't force the plant as they allow it to be.
Water, air, sunlight and given a seed a sprout is.
Its life and its death might be slow or fast
compared to a form called animal that
may last a while and then changes.
Between the forces that don't force
and the forms which form which form is
of an essence, immanent, divine within?
Is a form of all forms called Life a spark
of some sort that sparks a life to live,
to be alive, for a spell and then, what?
Where does one go after life to find Life?
- without words ...