Am 22.07.2021 um 01:18 schrieb Noah Sombrero:
Initial words: loads of bullshitt written by a naive person named Noah!
Post by Noah SombreroAmong the rest of us, the story is that, if you are a sane person who
somehow gets stuck in an asylum, how do you get out? You do exactly
what you are told every time, immediately without complaint. A person
Actually that is what all so called psychos do, but since you never been
to an asylum, i tell you reality, you get loaded with psychotropic
psychopharmaceuticals, almost 99% of the patients get so, whcih make you
irrational and prone to the nonstop harrasment of the psychiatry staff,
not all staff of course but maybe from real psychopaths that love to
torture you for the biases like noah has or other biases or maybe bc
they are just evil or simply bc years of routine and seeing not getting
anywhere with the so called help always seeing the old faces over and
over makes them some kind of hard-boiled and treat the püatients like shit.
Post by Noah Sombreroprobably would not act that way normally, but a sane person will have
the ability to act that way if he chooses to, a not sane person cannot
stick to a choice like that. If the sane person is not entirely sane,
Where you got that bias from, especially if you look at the still
compliant patients trying to get "healed" after years of nonworking
Post by Noah Sombrerothen at least he has demonstrated that he can function in a society
composed on not particularly sane people.
When you don't tell the doc how the medication makes you feel, you
eliminate any chance of getting medication that you can be comfortable
You know nothing of these kind of meds, if they don'T make you feel bad
at least they start giving you a thing like apathy, numbness and many
others that are described as negativesymptoms and are ascribed to sz but
as more and more comes to light it is shown that so called negative
symptoms are induced through so called meds!
Post by Noah SombreroThe rest of us don't believe that psychiatrists don't act without good
reason. If you say that they do, we don't believe you. So,
They have a reason to act the way they act, superficial it is the so
called psychiatry guild interest to keep their profession alive and earn
money with that, but beneath that there might be darker interests which
i won'T go into detail!
Post by Noah Sombreroregardless of what you think, it would be best if you don't tell us
that. And other things related to your condition. It is none of our
business anyway. Not that I am complaining. I am talking about how
things go in the world for you if you tell us things like that.
Do you say so also to survivers of rape and childabuse, to hush hush and
don'T tell the police or anybody!