Post by gamoperl -E 'say "Error: Nazi world."'
And how to avoid being authoritarian in a world that demand
autoritative labels in order to perform diferent functions
that integrates in a complex set? Being both flexible and
verbose (argumentative) on demand. An example of an authoritative
idea is this as it's only based on itself. This is based on
intuitions of what is a good attitude and a bad attitude and
something called in the past 'participative direction' or
'integrative direction' or something like that.
Let's call it antinazi leadership, case-example:
- Wanda, I have an idea, so come to give an opinion
- It's blah blah blah sales rocketing.
- It sucks. Bullshit. People are not idiot.
- People are in fact, idiot. Your opinion sucks and you are fired.
- Your wage sucks too and you smell like a orine lake beside a gas plant
- Wait! Take the joistick of the office. I want to take a snap.
perl -E 'say "Error: not found"'