The more violent races
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Dan Urtiz
2021-03-01 20:37:22 UTC
In my opinion, certain races and ethnicities of the world might tend to be more unjustly violent than others might be. But it might not be so politically savvy or socially safe for me to list those races openly, lest such lash out in anger or in lawsuit.

There might also exist races as such with a propensity to more readily know who the “bad” people of the world might be, perhaps even possessing a sort of psychic intuition. They might, for instance, be able to sometimes detect the emotion of hate, the likes of which might be a precursor to certain kinds of violence.

Such an ability, if it be real, might sometimes need to remain latent, or at the very least kept low key. After all, the haters of the world, which might be many and sometimes be powerful, might sometimes find such hate detectors to be a threat to them, or at the very least a nuisance.

This might sound dismal, but I surmise that the haters of the world might often be more in number than the non-haters. But God might be on the side of love, and he is a mighty ally for non-haters to have, if he truly exists.

Think order, and perhaps not always democracy. If it were strictly a matter of voting then haters, if they are truly in fact more numerous than non-haters, might win politically.

There might, one might propose, be those who are both haters and lovers. But such is, to myself, poppycock of being half ass, perhaps akin with allying oneself to both God and Satan, God possibly himself being a force of love.

It is perhaps normal enough or popular enough to hate. But I personally find love to be more satisfying to take part in. Do you hate me already simply for saying that? Certain of you just might. As Socrates might once have quipped, Know thyself,

Greg Carr
2021-03-02 11:09:34 UTC
Post by Dan Urtiz
In my opinion, certain races and ethnicities of the world might tend to be more unjustly violent than others might be. But it might not be so politically savvy or socially safe for me to list those races openly, lest such lash out in anger or in lawsuit.
Mr. Urtiz your an ex-dishwasher who lives with his Mom you have no money don't be concerned about being sued. Has anyone in the last year beaten you or threatened you with violence? I doubt it. I knew a person now dead who considered Hispanics of California to be violent and dangerous. He used words like, "beaners" and "wetbacks" which was really hypocritical since he was in Cali illegally himself. I think he got deported eventually. He died owing me money, one of my friends punched him out because he racked up a phone bill of one of his buddies and wouldn' t pay it and 5 Indos beat him so bad he needed a steel plate in his head. He had children but never mentioned them on FB or had pictures of them on it. He had pictures numerous of his dog Tucker even set up a FB page for his mutt. Yet gave him up in his last year of life because he couldn't find a landlord who would take him and Tucker. The point is its about individuals being violent not races. The Spanish killed millions in the New World LORD only knows how many Injuns were killed by the French and British.
Post by Dan Urtiz
There might also exist races as such with a propensity to more readily know who the “bad” people of the world might be, >perhaps even possessing a sort of psychic intuition. They might, for instance, be able to sometimes detect the emotion of >hate, the likes of which might be a precursor to certain kinds of violence.
Some ppl are very capable of violence without hate. Such as soldiers or thugs. No such things as psychics and in any case you are not one.
Post by Dan Urtiz
Such an ability, if it be real, might sometimes need to remain latent, or at the very least kept low key. After all, the haters of >the world, which might be many and sometimes be powerful, might sometimes find such hate detectors to be a threat to >them, or at the very least a nuisance.
This might sound dismal, but I surmise that the haters of the world might often be more in number than the non-haters. But God might be on the side of love, and he is a mighty ally for non-haters to have, if he truly exists.
Get right with JESUS Mr. Urtiz. Avoid catholics.
Post by Dan Urtiz
Think order, and perhaps not always democracy. If it were strictly a matter of voting then haters, if they are truly in fact more >numerous than non-haters, might win politically.
Democracy might not be ideal but it is better than any other system that has ever been tried.
Post by Dan Urtiz
There might, one might propose, be those who are both haters and lovers. But such is, to myself, poppycock of being half >ass, perhaps akin with allying oneself to both God and Satan, God possibly himself being a force of love.
Lots of SS men who killed and tortured Jews and Slavs loved their grandchildren. Their are serial killers that never hurt their children physically.
Post by Dan Urtiz
It is perhaps normal enough or popular enough to hate. But I personally find love to be more satisfying to take part in. Do you >hate me already simply for saying that? Certain of you just might. As Socrates might once have quipped, Know thyself,
Socrates was a homosexual who molested boys and killed himself.

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