(too old to reply)
chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
2022-03-04 08:34:54 UTC
You will do good if you obey LORD's Commandments:

Thou shalt not kill!
Thou shalt not steal!
Thou shalt not falsely testify!
Thou shalt not commit adultery!
Thou shalt not covet what is thy neighbours!
Thou shalt honour thy father and mother!
Thou shalt not call God's Name in vain!
Hallow the day of rest!

Thou shalt not lie, steal or deceive thy neighbour (Leviticus 19:11).
Thou shall not avenge, or bear grudge against thy neighbour, but
thou shall love thy neighbour as thyself! (Leviticus 19:18).
Gregory Carr
2022-03-05 03:49:57 UTC
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
Thou shalt not kill!
Never killed anyone but came close when I was an athiest.
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
Thou shalt not steal!
Did not even steal when I was homeless. Google "millionaires convicted of theft" for fun.
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
Thou shalt not falsely testify!
I do not lie in court not even when I was an atheist or United Church person.
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
Thou shalt not commit adultery!
Pretty easy if one never marries.
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
Thou shalt not covet what is thy neighbours!

When I was homeless I liked looking at the yachts in Coal Harbour and expensive cars still do.
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
Thou shalt honour thy father and mother!
Luke 14:26
New International Version (NIV)
LUKE 14:26
“If any man come to Me and hate not his father and mother, and wife and children, and brethren and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.

Not all parents are Christian or spiritual or even law abiding.
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
Thou shalt not call God's Name in vain!
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
Hallow the day of rest!
In the modern era we have the weekend. When I was working poor I refused to work on the weekend.
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
Thou shalt not lie, steal or deceive thy neighbour (Leviticus 19:11).
Post by chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
Thou shall not avenge, or bear grudge against thy neighbour, but
thou shall love thy neighbour as thyself! (Leviticus 19:18).
I have no problems with my neighbours or anyone in the building don't know anyone who does.

I did not go homeless until a cpl years after becoming Christian. I never was homeless when I drank or did drugs. I did not remember being molested by my dad until I became a Christian. The Bible also says to tithe to church or charity which I do most self described Christians do not in Canada.