Post by David DaltonIncompatible relationships are an abomination, so for a gay man
(man attracted just to men) to have sex with a woman, often by
thinking of a man who is not there, or for a lesbian (woman
attracted just to women) to have sex with a man, sometimes
by thinking of a woman who is not there, is an abomination.
The Bible clearly states that gay sex acts are an ABOMINATION. 7 Bible verses specifically condemn gay sex with the penalty being death.
Post by David DaltonAnd associated with that is a black widow effect, when a lesbian
is married to a man the man’s lifespan is shortened, and a
black widower effect, when a gay man is married to a woman
the woman’s lifespan is shortened. (That does not apply to
platonic gay--lesbian parental units.)
Enough mental masturbation get a job you can bus tables.
Post by David DaltonOne example of this that I intuited with my past matchmaking
ability is that UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres is
gay, and that resulted in the early death of his first wife.
However, he is optimally sexually compatible with his
current wife, who is bimT.
Even for USENET you are unusually ****ed up.
Post by David DaltonWhile in the long term there can be detrimental effects to the
physical health of the deceived partner, in the short term
there may be detrimental mental health effects.
Mental health advice from a bipolar who admits pedophilia attraction.
Post by David Dalton-- Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“‘Then you saw me from the cathedral/Well I'm an ancient heart/Yes,
you saw me from the cathedral/And here we are just falling apart" (T.T.)
his Bipolar David Dalton Person Claims To Be Working At Taxpayer Funded Memorial University Again. With All The Unemployed Can't You Find Someone Else To Employ.?
Gregory Carr's profile photo
Gregory Carr
Apr 29, 2022, 5:52:51 PM
This Bipolar David Dalton Person Claims To Be Working At Taxpayer Funded Memorial University Again. With All The Unemployed Can't You Find Someone Else To Employ?
Greg Carr <***>
Fri, Apr 29 at 12:26 a.m.
Post by David DaltonI have updated both my Salmon on the Thorns web page and my
home page tonight.
For those who haven’t visited it, my Salmon on the Thorns web page
describes patterns and unique events in my life
You spent your life on the govt payroll basically until your bipolar problem got you terminated that and your kook ideas about E.S.P. and telepathy with animals you admit a pedophile attraction to children and a interest in doing magic mushrooms.
David Dalton makes no attempt to follow the Bible. He openly says on the Internet that he supports gaia which is a fag thing. He also worships Sola, Luna, and Ghuman1 Sola of course is old fashioned Sun worship which the human race gave up around 500 AD and Luna as in moon worship or short for lunacy what a load of rubbish. Tarot cards ???? Give me a break.
You have been a total failure on civvy street. Your education is better than mine but you tried for a Phd twice ten years apart and failed. I notice your majic, tarot cards stuff appears nowhere on this bio you created.
(modified from IEEE Trans. AP, June, 1990; updated April 26, 2022)
David R. Dalton was born in St. John's (but is from Lake View), Newfoundland, Canada in early 1964. He received the B.Sc. (Hon.) degree in Earth Sciences (Geophysics) in 1985 from Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. His B.Sc. thesis re-examined electromagnetic core-mantle coupling. During the summers of 1983 and 1985 he also worked in Memorial University field programs for collecting and processing gravity, magnetic and seismic data. He received the M.Sc. degree in 1988 from the University of British Columbia. His M.Sc. research examined exact and approximate solutions for acoustic diffraction by an edge. He received the Ph.D. degree in 2018 from Memorial University of Newfoundland with thesis title "On Backus average in modelling guided waves."
His geophysical corporate experience consists of one summer (1984) working with Chevron Canada in Calgary, doing seismic modelling, interpretation and some field work.
His music industry experience consists of four years as part-time audio engineer and booker/promoter/publicist/host for Friday night gigs at the UBC grad centre. This is related somewhat to the acoustical physics and digital signal processing research and education since audio engineering involves acoustical physics and digital signal processing, and so does geophysics. For a list of musical acts he has booked and/or done sound for, see music industry experience.
Since early 2019 he has been a part-time research assistant in the Department of Earth Sciences at Memorial. Thus contract will end in early 2023 unless it is extended.
Dr. Dalton has been a student member of each of the Canadian Applied Mathematics Society (CAMS), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the American Geophysical Union (AGU) the Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU), the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (CSEG), the Geological Association of Canada (GAC), and the TeX Users Group (TUG).
He appears to have found PT employment on the Nfld taxpayer teat again sigh let's try to get the satanist wimp fired again. This says he is still unemployed look at his 20 yr old profile pic. The picture of the heart shaped amethyst was cool. Amethyst is a word in the Bible and if I ever have a daughter I will name her that. Only met two girls named Amethyst in my life and they were both hot.
Romans 1:22
Professing to be wise, they became fools,
Colossians 2:8
See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.
evolution of SARS-CoV-2 (
My *funnel working causes a bounce for black magick
and a restoration of some of the white magick
than was broken by black magick breakage spells
(including some Christian rituals for breakage of
magick). That white magick includes some
indigeneous, tribal, and other species magick.
In my global region,
such rituals will now work only to break black
magick (magick with a negative goodness
measure as defined by each of my four local
main deities Gaia, Sola, Luna, and Ghuman1).
All’s quiet here so far tonight, and I am beginning to think
that I was sucked into spamming a bunch of newsgroups
again last night to no avail. But new moon and
Chinese New Year are coming up.
We are experiencing a surge in cases here in the
metro St. John’s area, just before a provincial election,
but I have no evidence yet that they are all mild cases,
and I advise readers to not believe my last post
until there is genome sequencing evidence combined
with evidence of all mild cases.
In my global region,
such rituals will now work only to break black
magick (magick with a negative goodness
measure as defined by each of my four local
main deities Gaia, Sola, Luna, and Ghuman1).
know that ideally we could learn to communicate acoustically
with cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) but that is
not yet possible (though I hope to research it in the future).
But I think that some of us may have mind to mind communication
abilities that would enable us to communicate telepathically
with cetaceans.
I don't have any such abilities beyond a low level though
perhaps I could improve what little I have by meditation
techniques and/or psychotropic drugs, but I am reluctant
to try such drugs since I have bipolar disorder.
If you think you might have such abilities could you
please try and contact the nearest (to you) whale,
dolphin or porpoise and pass on a greeting from me
(David Dalton in Newfoundland).
Ha, I wonder if the porpoises are cross porpoises.
communicating with dolphins, whales and porpoises (
Why would humans want others thoughts forced into their brains? Thought broadcasting is bad enough. Why would animals want humans thoughts forced into their brains? Hi I am from Japan you will make a great filet on my plate. Hey you stupid mammal because of you I am not allowed to fish anymore. Gilligan's Island did an episode on ESP and telepathy.
I contacted these ppl to get David Dalton terminated from the NfLd taxpayer teat. Hey East Coasters think your tax dollars should give this guy a job when he is such a satanist and clown and sad sack? Hey Jehovah's Witnesses you pay taxes you like your tax dollars going to help feed and and shelter such a person as David Dalton? Hey Christians you think ppl that support Gaia and Sola and Luna should have jobs on your tax dime? The guy is bipolar put him on disability welfare already. Contact any ppl you know in Nfld to get them on the band wagon.
Post by David Daltonand compares the
to those of some past major pagan and non-pagan religious figures,
plus summarizes some magickal workings that I am attempting in
the Recent Changes section, plus discusses my Eight Sexual
Harmonics theory in another section.
Who was the last guy, woman or child or animal you had sex with? You only have 42 FB friends.
Post by David DaltonMy home page has been updated to update my CV (though I
have neglected looking for postdoc positions during the
pandemic), include a brief professional biography, and include
a subpage on my music industry/sound tech experience
while I was at UBC. I haven’t updated my Newfoundland
and Labrador Travel and Music subpage during the pandemic
(or tonight), but plan to soon.
I haven’t put a link to my Salmon on the Thorns web page
on my home page yet since I don’t want prospective
employers to see it
Yes you evil creepy lowlife wouldn't want your employer to know you are mentally ill with demonic ideas and almost no social life.
(at least until I successful in
Post by David Daltonmy new age onset attempt, if ever).
Salmon on the Thorns Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“‘And if I shed a tear I won’t cage it/I won’t fear love
And if I feel a rage I won’t deny it/I won’t fear love" (Sarah McLachlan)
Salmon on the Thorns
My mystic bipolar autobiography with comparison to some past major pagan and non-pagan religious figures.
Salmon on the Thorns
This page is a mystic bipolar autobiography with comparison to some past major pagan and non-pagan religious figures. The title refers to celtic salmon, North American aboriginal salmon and Christian fish and to my sun stare, naked thorn hill climb, and blue rose vision during late waning crescent moon in early September, 1991. Dedicated to the Beothuk people, celtic pagans hung, drowned, burned at the stake or starved and to all others who have died due to religious intolerance or in religious wars born of cross-cultural misunderstanding. Last update: April 26, 2022. Log of changes: ChangeLog. Also see Planned edits.
Preliminary remarks
My main messages
Key features of my cycles
Eight Sexual Harmonics theory
Recent Changes/Working Notes
Concluding notes
Longer detail for those who want it:
Biography/mystic experiences
Parallels in various world religions
Scientific notes
My main deities
Poem/song fragments
My old fte list writing
Some useful links
Click on my home page, which I updated on April 26, 2022, if you wish to verify my scientific credentials or look at my file on Newfoundland & Labrador music and travel or music reviews or for contact information.
Copyright David Raymond Dalton, 1997--2022.
This page has been accessed times since Apr. 4, 1997.
Hope you join the Beothuk soon whereever they ended up they are excellent proof how bad immigration can be.
Anyone know anybody that can be contacted in govt or in NFLD to get this satanic dork fired? Lots of halfway normal ppl in St. John's that could use the work. The guy is bipolar and should easily qualify for disability welfare. If the spells worked he would have won the lottery.