Election 2020, Undecided?
(too old to reply)
William Mahler
2020-10-24 16:24:54 UTC
Election 2020: Undecided?

If Trump wins another term, he already stated publicly he plans to effectively end the payroll tax permanently, only something congress has the authority to do. trump already made temporary the removal of the payroll tax for covid19 relief. if trump is successful in making permanent the removal of the payroll tax, more than 100,000.000 us citizens will completely lose their federally funded https://ssa.gov social security benefits in less than three years if trump gets his way

Also, in four long trying years, Trump has never managed to acknowledge climate change, outright saying it's not real.

Joe Biden will keep social security benefits going to paying us citizens for as long as he is president with vice president harris also in complete agreement.

joe biden promises to invest heavily in natural power resources including major funding for wind, solar and water power to effectively in 5 to 10 years overpower the dependency on planet wrecking fossil fuels such as coal and gas, something trump only hints at doing himself but to date, has no real plans to save our ecosystem with harmless natural power such as wind, solar and water.

the choice is clear based on those two major facts but lets also be clear about this undeniable fact about donald j. trump

he is without a doubt the most controversial, untruthful president we have had as an elected president of the united states since nixon and quite possibly the worst since pre-great depression warren and harding, forever known as the two presidents linked directly to the failures that brought on the great depression.

trump is that bad.

biden, is a proven, god fearing man, he wears a huge marble sky blue cross on a real chain link and a proven man of god.

since when has trump been videotaped inside a church praying as every parishoner does? never.

My choice has been made, I voted for Joe Biden & Kamala Harris for president and vice president 2020.

I pray you vote your conscience, that's all i can ask.

William Mahler
Greg Carr
2020-10-25 08:31:01 UTC
Post by William Mahler
Election 2020: Undecided?
If Trump wins another term, he already stated publicly he plans to effectively end the payroll tax permanently, only something congress has the authority to do. trump already made temporary the removal of the payroll tax for covid19 relief. if trump is successful in making permanent the removal of the payroll tax, more than 100,000.000 us citizens will completely lose their federally funded https://ssa.gov social security benefits in less than three years if trump gets his way
Also, in four long trying years, Trump has never managed to acknowledge climate change, outright saying it's not real.
Joe Biden will keep social security benefits going to paying us citizens for as long as he is president with vice president harris also in complete agreement.
joe biden promises to invest heavily in natural power resources including major funding for wind, solar and water power to effectively in 5 to 10 years overpower the dependency on planet wrecking fossil fuels such as coal and gas, something trump only hints at doing himself but to date, has no real plans to save our ecosystem with harmless natural power such as wind, solar and water.
the choice is clear based on those two major facts but lets also be clear about this undeniable fact about donald j. trump
he is without a doubt the most controversial, untruthful president we have had as an elected president of the united states since nixon and quite possibly the worst since pre-great depression warren and harding, forever known as the two presidents linked directly to the failures that brought on the great depression.
trump is that bad.
biden, is a proven, god fearing man, he wears a huge marble sky blue cross on a real chain link and a proven man of god.
since when has trump been videotaped inside a church praying as every parishoner does? never.
My choice has been made, I voted for Joe Biden & Kamala Harris for president and vice president 2020.
I pray you vote your conscience, that's all i can ask.
William Mahler
I can't endorse Biden but if I had to choose one of the two men to be my next door neighbour it would be Joe Biden hands down.
2020-10-26 19:21:31 UTC
Post by Greg Carr
Post by William Mahler
Election 2020: Undecided?
If Trump wins another term, he already stated publicly he plans to effectively end the payroll tax permanently, only something congress has the authority to do. trump already made temporary the removal of the payroll tax for covid19 relief. if trump is successful in making permanent the removal of the payroll tax, more than 100,000.000 us citizens will completely lose their federally funded https://ssa.gov social security benefits in less than three years if trump gets his way
Also, in four long trying years, Trump has never managed to acknowledge climate change, outright saying it's not real.
Joe Biden will keep social security benefits going to paying us citizens for as long as he is president with vice president harris also in complete agreement.
joe biden promises to invest heavily in natural power resources including major funding for wind, solar and water power to effectively in 5 to 10 years overpower the dependency on planet wrecking fossil fuels such as coal and gas, something trump only hints at doing himself but to date, has no real plans to save our ecosystem with harmless natural power such as wind, solar and water.
the choice is clear based on those two major facts but lets also be clear about this undeniable fact about donald j. trump
he is without a doubt the most controversial, untruthful president we have had as an elected president of the united states since nixon and quite possibly the worst since pre-great depression warren and harding, forever known as the two presidents linked directly to the failures that brought on the great depression.
trump is that bad.
biden, is a proven, god fearing man, he wears a huge marble sky blue cross on a real chain link and a proven man of god.
since when has trump been videotaped inside a church praying as every parishoner does? never.
My choice has been made, I voted for Joe Biden & Kamala Harris for president and vice president 2020.
I pray you vote your conscience, that's all i can ask.
William Mahler
I can't endorse Biden but if I had to choose one of the two men to be my next door neighbour it would be Joe Biden hands down.
If I shut my mouth, I'll suffer. Between Trump and Biden, Biden is
clearly the gentleman.

I put on my TV set on rare ocassions, only for eat a pizza with fun,
and in the CNN was a speech from Kamala Harris... what a nice woman:
first, she started laughin LOL because she could not resist...
after that, she tolds that Trumps says that "science doesn't knows",
so BTW I think "humanism doesn't too", so it's a "belive only in ME
that I am not honest but competent"... WTF???

BTW I'm not US citizen so take me with a grain on saltz, I have to
manage media with local and foreing fools on basics.

We, the humanity, could survive any political critter, and Trump is
not a monster, he does not wars... so LET IT BE. And let's do deals
instead of commercial harassment...

Best, Greg.
“Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer
in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is
taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be
a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae
the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as
a wlohe.”