shattered hologram
2023-02-19 17:25:00 UTC
While speaking out from a personal experience, being abused by a
"man of God" may appear as if God had somehow cursed you, denied you,
and abused you by a proxy.
This would seem like Zeus who lusted for young and beautiful Ganimedes,
and seduced him in a form of an eagle.
This was permissible for Greek gods, and for Roman gods they
said "Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi" (What is appropriate for Jupiter
is not suitable for an ox.)
However, the LORD God Creator of the Universe, Creator of Adam
and Eve, is the Holy God who never does what He hates, for He
cannot lie. (Or He'd become equal to Satan, giving the Devil
right for using the lie to seduce Eve.)
And God told us what He hates through the words of His prophet
Joel 3:3
"They cast lots for My people;
they bartered a boy for a prostitute
and sold a girl for wine to drink."
This is on the list of things God hated in ancient Israel by the word
of the prophet.
So pedophilia never comes from God, or Christ, or virgin Mary.
It is always abuse of power and trust. Immoral and unacceptable.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 lists the sexually immoral (porneia) as
the people who will not inherit the kingdom of Heaven.
(Of course, unless they would repent, come clean with Christ,
repent, make amends and never repeated that sin.)
in Jesus name
"man of God" may appear as if God had somehow cursed you, denied you,
and abused you by a proxy.
This would seem like Zeus who lusted for young and beautiful Ganimedes,
and seduced him in a form of an eagle.
This was permissible for Greek gods, and for Roman gods they
said "Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi" (What is appropriate for Jupiter
is not suitable for an ox.)
However, the LORD God Creator of the Universe, Creator of Adam
and Eve, is the Holy God who never does what He hates, for He
cannot lie. (Or He'd become equal to Satan, giving the Devil
right for using the lie to seduce Eve.)
And God told us what He hates through the words of His prophet
Joel 3:3
"They cast lots for My people;
they bartered a boy for a prostitute
and sold a girl for wine to drink."
This is on the list of things God hated in ancient Israel by the word
of the prophet.
So pedophilia never comes from God, or Christ, or virgin Mary.
It is always abuse of power and trust. Immoral and unacceptable.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 lists the sexually immoral (porneia) as
the people who will not inherit the kingdom of Heaven.
(Of course, unless they would repent, come clean with Christ,
repent, make amends and never repeated that sin.)
in Jesus name