Prayer for Deliverance of Ukraine
(too old to reply)
myopic falcon
2022-02-26 09:51:53 UTC
7 Even though our crimes bear witness against us,
act, Lord, for your name’s sake—
Even though our rebellions are many,
and we have sinned against you.
8 Hope of Israel, Lord,
our savior in time of need!
Why should you be a stranger in the land,
like a traveler stopping only for a night?

9 Why are you like someone bewildered,
a champion who cannot save?
You are in our midst, Lord,
your name we bear:
do not forsake us!

in the name of the LORD
colour sergeant
2022-02-26 10:08:41 UTC
Isaiah 30:15a

The Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says to the people,
"Come back and quietly trust in me. Then you will be strong and secure."

in the name of the LORD.
colour sergeant
2022-02-26 10:16:11 UTC
Isaiah 38:9-20

10 I thought that in the prime of life
I was going to the world of the dead,
Never to live out my life.
11 I thought that in this world of the living
I would never again see the LORD
Or any living person.

12 My life was cut off and ended,
Like a tent that is taken down,
Like cloth that is cut from a loom.
I thought that God was ending my life.+

13 All night I cried out with pain,
As if a lion were breaking my bones.
I thought that God was ending my life.+

14 My voice was thin and weak,
And I moaned like a dove.
My eyes grew tired from looking to heaven.
LORD, rescue me from all this trouble.

15 What can I say? The LORD has done this.
My heart is bitter, and I cannot sleep.+

16 LORD, I will live for you, for you alone;
Heal me and let me live.+

17 My bitterness will turn into peace.
You save+ my life from all danger;
You forgive all my sins.

18 No one in the world of the dead can praise you;
The dead cannot trust in your faithfulness.

19 It is the living who praise you,
As I praise you now.
Parents tell their children how faithful you are.

20 Lord, you have healed me.
We will play harps and sing your praise,
Sing praise in your Temple as long as we live.

This is the word of the LORD.
Gregory Carr
2022-02-28 04:54:24 UTC
Long live a free and democratic Ukraine.
Post by colour sergeant
Isaiah 38:9-20
10 I thought that in the prime of life
I was going to the world of the dead,
Never to live out my life.
11 I thought that in this world of the living
I would never again see the LORD
Or any living person.
12 My life was cut off and ended,
Like a tent that is taken down,
Like cloth that is cut from a loom.
I thought that God was ending my life.+
13 All night I cried out with pain,
As if a lion were breaking my bones.
I thought that God was ending my life.+
14 My voice was thin and weak,
And I moaned like a dove.
My eyes grew tired from looking to heaven.
LORD, rescue me from all this trouble.
15 What can I say? The LORD has done this.
My heart is bitter, and I cannot sleep.+
16 LORD, I will live for you, for you alone;
Heal me and let me live.+
17 My bitterness will turn into peace.
You save+ my life from all danger;
You forgive all my sins.
18 No one in the world of the dead can praise you;
The dead cannot trust in your faithfulness.
19 It is the living who praise you,
As I praise you now.
Parents tell their children how faithful you are.
20 Lord, you have healed me.
We will play harps and sing your praise,
Sing praise in your Temple as long as we live.
This is the word of the LORD.
colour sergeant
2022-02-28 15:06:27 UTC
Post by Gregory Carr
Long live a free and democratic Ukraine.

Ukrainians said a clear NO to Putin's plan for the "liberation" of Ukraine and the installation of his oligarchy.

Putin's oligarchy is a flawed system with wealth in the hands of the few and pauperized nation with women
and girls forced to prostitute themselves if they want to change their social status.

He should be allowing business startups uncontrolled by the planned economy by the government, and take
the risk that one in ten startups is a success, instead of supplying protected businesses with endless subsidies
at the expense of taxpayers.

The public education system, on the other hand, is good. Just as the public health system has been proven
better in the pandemic, and I suspect this is not the last one.

Obviously, he has smarter things to do with the petro and gas dollars and euros than to fuel his war machine
and stash additional nukes upon the pile of 6,200 he already has.

The little Russian child should have a better future than being hated for their President, but right now what
they can do is to learn all of the natural sciences they can, provided they can still access the Internet and
sites like Wikipedia.

My calculations and data are easily verifiable from public sources, and I hope children will learn better than to
resort to neonazism, drugs and alcohol. There is a future and hope for them (Jeremiah 29:11).

But it is certainly not in nuking the world, because the fallout tends to be brought back by the winds. They were
not born in 1986 when the Chernobyl accident happened, and the fallout was brought over entire Europe.
Why do they think Putin's nuke's mushroom clouds would stay only where they hit?

Privately, I agree with the statement that the entire Europe should be a nuke-free continent, in the start of making
a nuke-free world. The ultimate weapon that can only cause the demise of the human race serves no one.

Joining NATO and hosting nukes on a country's territory are not yet the same thing.

Turkey, for instance, also has a nuclear disarmament movement, and I feel strongly in favour of it:


There is no security in nuclear weapons as a deterrent from invasion, for launching them makes things only
worse. And besides, having them makes one a likely target for nuclear missiles of the opposite side.

in the LORD God Maker of Adam and Eve
Gregory Carr
2022-03-01 22:27:29 UTC
Post by colour sergeant
Post by Gregory Carr
Long live a free and democratic Ukraine.
Ukrainians said a clear NO to Putin's plan for the "liberation" of Ukraine and the installation of his oligarchy.
Putin's oligarchy is a flawed system with wealth in the hands of the few and pauperized nation with women
and girls forced to prostitute themselves if they want to change their social status.
He should be allowing business startups uncontrolled by the planned economy by the government, and take
the risk that one in ten startups is a success, instead of supplying protected businesses with endless subsidies
at the expense of taxpayers.
Agree with all the above.
Post by colour sergeant
The public education system, on the other hand, is good. Just as the public health system has been proven
better in the pandemic, and I suspect this is not the last one.
I disagree one of their hospitals had a massive explosion the Sputnik vaccine is 5th rate at best. https://www.google.ca/search?q=covid+numbers+russia&sxsrf=APq-WBtAeiKrT163r0odc33PlhWSV5f4nw%3A1646171814125&source=hp&ei=ppYeYv_mBdPb0PEPsdyywAc&iflsig=AHkkrS4AAAAAYh6ktjwHkcfGHO3lNsr2zQhMK_7o36gL&ved=0ahUKEwj_0d_x86X2AhXTLTQIHTGuDHgQ4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=covid+numbers+russia&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQgAEIAEMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjoECCMQJzoHCC4Q1AIQQzoOCC4QgAQQsQMQxwEQowI6EQguEIAEELEDEIMBEMcBENEDOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToRCC4QgAQQsQMQgwEQxwEQowI6EAgAEIAEEIcCELEDEIMBEBQ6BwgAELEDEEM6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBENEDOggIABCABBCxAzoFCAAQsQM6DQgAEIAEEIcCELEDEBQ6CAgAEIAEEMkDOgUIABCSAzoECAAQQzoLCAAQgAQQsQMQyQM6CAgAELEDEIMBOgoIABCABBCHAhAUOggIABAWEAoQHlAAWPMmYLUpaABwAHgAgAE_iAHcCJIBAjIwmAEAoAEB&sclient=gws-wiz 105,000 ppl in Russia had new Wuhan cases yesterday. Russia has some world class computer ppl and engineers and scientists but few ppl from outside Russia go there for an education unlike Canada, U.S.A. and Great Britain.
Post by colour sergeant
Obviously, he has smarter things to do with the petro and gas dollars and euros than to fuel his war machine
and stash additional nukes upon the pile of 6,200 he already has.
He has publicly put his nuclear forces on full alert even though not one bomb or missle has fallen on Moscow, Volvograd or St.Petersburg. His Defense Minister has also said the nuclear forces are on full alert. The stock market in Moscow is closed for the second day in a row. Ruble down 20% Apple Pay doesn't work in Russia now. Demonstrations against the attack on Ukraine are occurring in all G7 nations all E.U. nations and in Russia. Canada has banned Russian ships Britain is planning to do the same. Even the ****** Taliban has told Russia to behave.
Post by colour sergeant
The little Russian child should have a better future than being hated for their President, but right now what
they can do is to learn all of the natural sciences they can, provided they can still access the Internet and
sites like Wikipedia.
FB and Twitter are being censored in Russia. Natural Sciences is important.
Post by colour sergeant
My calculations and data are easily verifiable from public sources, and I hope children will learn better than to
resort to neonazism, drugs and alcohol. There is a future and hope for them (Jeremiah 29:11).
The Ukranian Pres. is a Jew his parents were Jewish and he had relatives die in the Holocaust. Putin has said he is invading Ukraine to denazify it and demilitarize it. The usu. Putin lies. Fascism failed in Spain, Italy and Deutschland. Hitler was addled further by amphetamines his Dr. injected him with. I personally quit drugs 19 years ago at least. I know ppl addicted to heroin since the 1970's they live in poverty someone I met in Grade 1 died at 19 from smack. Seen meth destroy lives and shatter families. Crack guys turned into homosexual bottoms. Jeremiah only saved himself and Baruch. Jeremiah was beaten and jailed for his troubles but at least a billion ppl know his name. He never got laid.
Post by colour sergeant
But it is certainly not in nuking the world, because the fallout tends to be brought back by the winds. They were
not born in 1986 when the Chernobyl accident happened, and the fallout was brought over entire Europe.
Why do they think Putin's nuke's mushroom clouds would stay only where they hit?
Chernobyl was captured quickly by Putin's draftee army.
Post by colour sergeant
Privately, I agree with the statement that the entire Europe should be a nuke-free continent, in the start of making
a nuke-free world. The ultimate weapon that can only cause the demise of the human race serves no one.
Little premature for that.
Post by colour sergeant
Joining NATO and hosting nukes on a country's territory are not yet the same thing.
There is no security in nuclear weapons as a deterrent from invasion, for launching them makes things only
worse. And besides, having them makes one a likely target for nuclear missiles of the opposite side.
in the LORD God Maker of Adam and Eve
Nuclear weapons have been around since the early 1950's they have never been used. The two A-bombs dropped on Japan hastened the end of the war and saved the lives of countless Allied troops. There are anti-nuke groups around the world. No nuclear equipped country has ever been conquered.

Read the Bible daily and follow it in your daily life.

colour sergeant
2022-03-02 10:01:32 UTC
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by colour sergeant
Post by Gregory Carr
Long live a free and democratic Ukraine.
Ukrainians said a clear NO to Putin's plan for the "liberation" of Ukraine and the installation of his oligarchy.
Putin's oligarchy is a flawed system with wealth in the hands of the few and pauperized nation with women
and girls forced to prostitute themselves if they want to change their social status.
He should be allowing business startups uncontrolled by the planned economy by the government, and take
the risk that one in ten startups is a success, instead of supplying protected businesses with endless subsidies
at the expense of taxpayers.
Agree with all the above.
Good. Then I will concentrate on explaining things which I did not express so clearly.
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by colour sergeant
The public education system, on the other hand, is good. Just as the public health system has been proven
better in the pandemic, and I suspect this is not the last one.
I disagree one of their hospitals had a massive explosion the Sputnik vaccine is 5th rate at best.
Yes, but free public healthcare is something close to a human right. Provided that it is competent, it can save
thousand of lives from very preventable deaths and illnesses like TBC.
Post by Gregory Carr
Russia has some world class computer ppl and engineers and scientists but few ppl from outside Russia go
there for an education unlike Canada, U.S.A. and Great Britain.
I am glad you do not underestimate Russian computer engineers and mathematicians. I am not Russian by
nationality but I do believe in so-called "small Russian man". He has defied Stalin and Hitler alike. I don't know
what made such a good people choose tyrannic leaders like Tzars and Lenin, Stalin, Krutschev etc. This is
probably a question for scholars of Russian studies. We must not despise Russian classic literature, art and

We in the East were largely underfunded and we did not have such wonderful toys like CERN or ITER. But
I believe that in the elementary culture and general education Eastern people have an advantage. Which
seems powerless to stop dictators from coming to power, but comes very handy in surviving under one.
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by colour sergeant
Obviously, he has smarter things to do with the petro and gas dollars and euros than to fuel his war machine
and stash additional nukes upon the pile of 6,200 he already has.
He has publicly put his nuclear forces on full alert even though not one bomb or missle has fallen on
Moscow, Volvograd or St.Petersburg. His Defense Minister has also said the nuclear forces are on full alert.
The stock market in Moscow is closed for the second day in a row. Ruble down 20% Apple Pay doesn't
work in Russia now. Demonstrations against the attack on Ukraine are occurring in all G7 nations all E.U.
nations and in Russia. Canada has banned Russian ships Britain is planning to do the same. Even
the ****** Taliban has told Russia to behave.
I am encouraged by the wisdom of experienced President Mr. Biden who refused to escalate situation
further by doing the same.
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by colour sergeant
The little Russian child should have a better future than being hated for their President, but right now what
they can do is to learn all of the natural sciences they can, provided they can still access the Internet and
sites like Wikipedia.
FB and Twitter are being censored in Russia. Natural Sciences is important.
I can read Russia Today and I am glad that we did not censor them. I believe that democracy is better,
and I believe in the critical thinking of our citizens more than in State all-out thought control. I want my
people to be critical thinkers because they are harder to control and manipulate.

I do not have to constantly watch over my shoulder because I believe that the LORD God is protecting me.
I also carry no weapons.
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by colour sergeant
My calculations and data are easily verifiable from public sources, and I hope children will learn better than to
resort to neonazism, drugs and alcohol. There is a future and hope for them (Jeremiah 29:11).
The Ukranian Pres. is a Jew his parents were Jewish and he had relatives die in the Holocaust. Putin has said he
is invading Ukraine to denazify it and demilitarize it. The usu. Putin lies. Fascism failed in Spain, Italy and
Deutschland. Hitler was addled further by amphetamines his Dr. injected him with. I personally quit drugs
19 years ago at least. I know ppl addicted to heroin since the 1970's they live in poverty someone I met in
Grade 1 died at 19 from smack. Seen meth destroy lives and shatter families. Crack guys turned into
homosexual bottoms.
This is not entirely correct. See this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov_Battalion

I am not advocating Mr. Putin, but only critically assessing the situation. Azov Battalion's insignia reminds
of SS in some visual impression, and they are right-wing nationalists. I am only hoping that they will behave
disciplined to the honour of Ukraine now that they are again a vital part of the first response to the aggression.

Remember, I am praying for the Ukrainians, and this is why I want them to abstain from anything that would
harm their souls, like responding to war crimes with war crimes, resorting to revenge or hatred etc.

I am praying for the Ukrainians not because I hate Russians, but because they are under a siege.
Post by Gregory Carr
Jeremiah only saved himself and Baruch. Jeremiah was beaten and jailed for his troubles but at least a billion
ppl know his name. He never got laid.
That is irrelevant, Jeremiah had a greater reward in Heaven.
Jeremiah kept the hope for Israel in 70 years of Babylon's captivity. Which I hope won't happen to Ukraine
now. Israel was also restored to a better condition than Baal worship and unrighteous government it
had prior to exile.
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by colour sergeant
But it is certainly not in nuking the world, because the fallout tends to be brought back by the winds. They were
not born in 1986 when the Chernobyl accident happened, and the fallout was brought over entire Europe.
Why do they think Putin's nuke's mushroom clouds would stay only where they hit?
Chernobyl was captured quickly by Putin's draftee army.
Post by colour sergeant
Privately, I agree with the statement that the entire Europe should be a nuke-free continent, in the start of making
a nuke-free world. The ultimate weapon that can only cause the demise of the human race serves no one.
Little premature for that.
Post by colour sergeant
Joining NATO and hosting nukes on a country's territory are not yet the same thing.
There is no security in nuclear weapons as a deterrent from invasion, for launching them makes things only
worse. And besides, having them makes one a likely target for nuclear missiles of the opposite side.
Nuclear weapons have been around since the early 1950's they have never been used. The two A-bombs dropped on
Japan hastened the end of the war and saved the lives of countless Allied troops. There are anti-nuke groups around
the world. No nuclear equipped country has ever been conquered.
If you believe in nuclear weapons, I believe in the protection of the LORD which is stronger. And works against a
nuclear superpower.
Post by Gregory Carr
Read the Bible daily and follow it in your daily life.
I intend to. So help me God.
Post by Gregory Carr
colour sergeant
2022-03-02 15:19:04 UTC
It is essential that the Russian POWs are well treated, as the little Russian man is not an enemy.
Gregory Carr
2022-03-03 12:59:13 UTC
Post by colour sergeant
It is essential that the Russian POWs are well treated, as the little Russian man is not an enemy.
If they are others will be more willing to surrender or disobey orders and go home. There are reports the Russian troops are not well fed.
Gregory Carr
2022-03-03 12:57:05 UTC
Post by colour sergeant
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by colour sergeant
Post by Gregory Carr
Long live a free and democratic Ukraine.
Ukrainians said a clear NO to Putin's plan for the "liberation" of Ukraine and the installation of his oligarchy.
Putin's oligarchy is a flawed system with wealth in the hands of the few and pauperized nation with women
and girls forced to prostitute themselves if they want to change their social status.
He should be allowing business startups uncontrolled by the planned economy by the government, and take
the risk that one in ten startups is a success, instead of supplying protected businesses with endless subsidies
at the expense of taxpayers.
Agree with all the above.
Good. Then I will concentrate on explaining things which I did not express so clearly.
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by colour sergeant
The public education system, on the other hand, is good. Just as the public health system has been proven
better in the pandemic, and I suspect this is not the last one.
I disagree one of their hospitals had a massive explosion the Sputnik vaccine is 5th rate at best.
Yes, but free public healthcare is something close to a human right. Provided that it is competent, it can save
thousand of lives from very preventable deaths and illnesses like TBC.
Canada and Britain and Germany since Bismarck have had free health care. The Scandinavian countries have it.
Post by colour sergeant
Post by Gregory Carr
Russia has some world class computer ppl and engineers and scientists but few ppl from outside Russia go
there for an education unlike Canada, U.S.A. and Great Britain.
I am glad you do not underestimate Russian computer engineers and mathematicians. I am not Russian by
nationality but I do believe in so-called "small Russian man". He has defied Stalin and Hitler alike. I don't know
what made such a good people choose tyrannic leaders like Tzars and Lenin, Stalin, Krutschev etc. This is
probably a question for scholars of Russian studies. We must not despise Russian classic literature, art and
We in the East were largely underfunded and we did not have such wonderful toys like CERN or ITER. But
I believe that in the elementary culture and general education Eastern people have an advantage.
I disagree look at all the wars.
Post by colour sergeant
seems powerless to stop dictators from coming to power, but comes very handy in surviving under one.
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by colour sergeant
Obviously, he has smarter things to do with the petro and gas dollars and euros than to fuel his war machine
and stash additional nukes upon the pile of 6,200 he already has.
He has publicly put his nuclear forces on full alert even though not one bomb or missle has fallen on
Moscow, Volvograd or St.Petersburg. His Defense Minister has also said the nuclear forces are on full alert.
The stock market in Moscow is closed for the second day in a row. Ruble down 20% Apple Pay doesn't
work in Russia now. Demonstrations against the attack on Ukraine are occurring in all G7 nations all E.U.
nations and in Russia. Canada has banned Russian ships Britain is planning to do the same. Even
the ****** Taliban has told Russia to behave.
I am encouraged by the wisdom of experienced President Mr. Biden who refused to escalate situation
further by doing the same.
I agree.
Post by colour sergeant
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by colour sergeant
The little Russian child should have a better future than being hated for their President, but right now what
they can do is to learn all of the natural sciences they can, provided they can still access the Internet and
sites like Wikipedia.
FB and Twitter are being censored in Russia. Natural Sciences is important.
I can read Russia Today and I am glad that we did not censor them. I believe that democracy is better,
and I believe in the critical thinking of our citizens more than in State all-out thought control. I want my
people to be critical thinkers because they are harder to control and manipulate.
I did not learn critical thinking until I was in college only 54% of CDNS have college or better education. I despise Russia Today it used to be called Pravda.
Post by colour sergeant
I do not have to constantly watch over my shoulder because I believe that the LORD God is protecting me.
That is great.
Post by colour sergeant
I also carry no weapons.
I usu. carry a knife. I have received 6 in person death threats and been shot at once.
Post by colour sergeant
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by colour sergeant
My calculations and data are easily verifiable from public sources, and I hope children will learn better than to
resort to neonazism, drugs and alcohol. There is a future and hope for them (Jeremiah 29:11).
The Ukranian Pres. is a Jew his parents were Jewish and he had relatives die in the Holocaust. Putin has said he
is invading Ukraine to denazify it and demilitarize it. The usu. Putin lies. Fascism failed in Spain, Italy and
Deutschland. Hitler was addled further by amphetamines his Dr. injected him with. I personally quit drugs
19 years ago at least. I know ppl addicted to heroin since the 1970's they live in poverty someone I met in
Grade 1 died at 19 from smack. Seen meth destroy lives and shatter families. Crack guys turned into
homosexual bottoms.
This is not entirely correct. See this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov_Battalion
I am not advocating Mr. Putin, but only critically assessing the situation. Azov Battalion's insignia reminds
of SS in some visual impression, and they are right-wing nationalists. I am only hoping that they will behave
disciplined to the honour of Ukraine now that they are again a vital part of the first response to the aggression.
I think they need some attention the article you cited said about 20% were nazis but that there were hundreds of Jews also in the unit.
Post by colour sergeant
Remember, I am praying for the Ukrainians, and this is why I want them to abstain from anything that would
harm their souls, like responding to war crimes with war crimes, resorting to revenge or hatred etc.
I am praying for the Ukrainians not because I hate Russians, but because they are under a siege.
Post by Gregory Carr
Jeremiah only saved himself and Baruch. Jeremiah was beaten and jailed for his troubles but at least a billion
ppl know his name. He never got laid.
That is irrelevant, Jeremiah had a greater reward in Heaven.
Jeremiah kept the hope for Israel in 70 years of Babylon's captivity. Which I hope won't happen to Ukraine
now. Israel was also restored to a better condition than Baal worship and unrighteous government it
had prior to exile.
Post by colour sergeant
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by colour sergeant
But it is certainly not in nuking the world, because the fallout tends to be brought back by the winds. They were
not born in 1986 when the Chernobyl accident happened, and the fallout was brought over entire Europe.
Why do they think Putin's nuke's mushroom clouds would stay only where they hit?
Chernobyl was captured quickly by Putin's draftee army.
Post by colour sergeant
Privately, I agree with the statement that the entire Europe should be a nuke-free continent, in the start of making
a nuke-free world. The ultimate weapon that can only cause the demise of the human race serves no one.
Little premature for that.
Post by colour sergeant
Joining NATO and hosting nukes on a country's territory are not yet the same thing.
There is no security in nuclear weapons as a deterrent from invasion, for launching them makes things only
worse. And besides, having them makes one a likely target for nuclear missiles of the opposite side.
Nuclear weapons have been around since the early 1950's they have never been used. The two A-bombs dropped on
Japan hastened the end of the war and saved the lives of countless Allied troops. There are anti-nuke groups around
the world. No nuclear equipped country has ever been conquered.
If you believe in nuclear weapons, I believe in the protection of the LORD which is stronger.
I would take both.
Post by colour sergeant
And works against a
nuclear superpower.
Post by Gregory Carr
Read the Bible daily and follow it in your daily life.
I intend to. So help me God.
Post by colour sergeant
Post by Gregory Carr