shattered hologram
2023-09-18 08:24:34 UTC
As we live in a "Catholic country", my nosy neighbours demand that I am castrated eunuch.
The medieval missionary in darkness wouldn't do, as they gaze through the window shutters and comment.
After that, they consider themselves THE most qualified aides to my job and freelance work.
Of course, the Hanlon's razor says that it is wrong to attribute to evil conspiracy what can be sufficiently
well explained with human stupidity.
Additionally, those trolls had rampant sexual life in my age and screwed virtually everybody's wives. But I am
supposed to be über-archangel. More like a castrated asexual BORG drone.
Croats are like toilet paper. If you let one in and closer to you, he will draw his friends and prostitute your privacy.
This forces you to be alone.
* * *
All State-assigned friends and neighbours are just like that, because they do not have to show any loyalty to stay friends
or neighbours, so they thrash you private life and very soon start to abuse you.
It is not enough to just not do anything to annoy them, because simply doing one's regular work makes them envious because
they are freeloaders and lazybreads.
They could find job if they wanted to, because they are the State.
They have more objection to my honestly paid bike than to someone's Lamborgini from embezzled money.
Also they sell to the State to get the "berserker" powers, so they spoil food and equipment and annoy mentally.
Typically, if a person complains about this to the State psychiatrist, the shrink (he or she) will never stand up to the bullies, but
prescribe more meds and diagnose the "basic mental illness worsening".
Basically, the System psychiatrists complete social marginalisation and elimination of the persons whom the System chose
to be bullied because they were somehow threat or simply not average.
The medieval missionary in darkness wouldn't do, as they gaze through the window shutters and comment.
After that, they consider themselves THE most qualified aides to my job and freelance work.
Of course, the Hanlon's razor says that it is wrong to attribute to evil conspiracy what can be sufficiently
well explained with human stupidity.
Additionally, those trolls had rampant sexual life in my age and screwed virtually everybody's wives. But I am
supposed to be über-archangel. More like a castrated asexual BORG drone.
Croats are like toilet paper. If you let one in and closer to you, he will draw his friends and prostitute your privacy.
This forces you to be alone.
* * *
All State-assigned friends and neighbours are just like that, because they do not have to show any loyalty to stay friends
or neighbours, so they thrash you private life and very soon start to abuse you.
It is not enough to just not do anything to annoy them, because simply doing one's regular work makes them envious because
they are freeloaders and lazybreads.
They could find job if they wanted to, because they are the State.
They have more objection to my honestly paid bike than to someone's Lamborgini from embezzled money.
Also they sell to the State to get the "berserker" powers, so they spoil food and equipment and annoy mentally.
Typically, if a person complains about this to the State psychiatrist, the shrink (he or she) will never stand up to the bullies, but
prescribe more meds and diagnose the "basic mental illness worsening".
Basically, the System psychiatrists complete social marginalisation and elimination of the persons whom the System chose
to be bullied because they were somehow threat or simply not average.