Debts of Karma
(too old to reply)
shattered hologram
2022-11-13 06:19:26 UTC
"Paying debts of karma
You party for a living
What you take won't kill you
But careful what you're giving!"

* * *

Debts of karma can restrain you from success in life, from turning over
to the new page, like bad creeping bank debt and mortgage.

Debts of karma can be personal debt, debts that shows themselves
as illnesses and addictions that run in families, karmic debts can
also be national. For example, your nation might have committed
oppression 500 or 600 years ago, and the memory of those cruelties
is still present in the victimised nation's racial memory.

Debts can also be due to ethnicity, race or religion.

Many crimes have been done in the name of the church, many
evils, like inquisitions and witch hunts, many were accompanied
with religions like paedophilia.

White race as a race had oppressed other races, like the genocidal
persecution and the virtual extermination of the American natives
(wrongly called "Indians"), or keeping other nations in slavery.

Some nations have executed genocides like the Armenian genocide,
Holocaust or the Killing Fields, or genocide in Rwanda.

All of this adds to the debts of karma. You might be surprised why
there is no economic progress in Western Balkans, but only tyranny,
corruption, recurring bloodshed, embezzlement, thefts by kinds,
disrespect for work, savings, honesty, knowledge and wisdom
(except the wisdom of the evil behaviours).

Dishonest wealth also brings bad karma. Wealth has to be "blessed",
which usually means karmically earned. This is why more than 9 in 10
people gets ruined rather than helped with lottery winnings, many
sport, musical and film stars end up broke, in addictions, and
with broken lives.

Likewise, it is known that the children of the oligarchs only want to
party, drink alcohol, take drugs and participate in orgies and perversions,
like even changing sex or gender.

Then come the karmic debts of past lives, which brought you born
on a planet that is an ocean of misery, in a nation plagued by misery,
and in a family that was not happy, maybe with birth defect or
some heavy physical or mental illness.

One of the ways to pay off the debts of karma is by paying the tithes
for building the Temple of God. Today this is largely done by paying
to the church, religions or charities. Helping God's Word and message
or redemption and salvation being spread. The other way is hard
work and living in virtues, a life regulated by the principles of

One of the greatest endeavours in paying debts of karma for the
entire humankind was the cross of the Lamb of God on the Calvary.
But very few people benefit from this.

At most, they confess personal sins, and not the sins of the fathers,
nor sins of the nations like Daniel and Ezra had.

The key is not a denial of Holocaust, the denial of Jasenovac
concentration camp, denial of Armenian genocide,
denial of the Killing Fields or denial or Srebrenica massacre or
Rwanda genocide. Not the denial of the Ottoman Turk oppression,
or paedophilia in the church or inquisition or witch hunts.

This is cowardly denial. We know the punishment is pending, and
do not have the courage to face it and admit the truth.

But this debt of karma and generational sins creep up on us in
the form of bad and negative energy in life, emotions, and work place
and countries and their economies. After each new election promises,
new managements and governments find themselves bound and
dragged to the old ways like a yo-yo, cancelling even sincere good
desires to turn a new page.

The solution is to return to the Creator of the Universe,
confess sins, generational sins and the debts of karma as
listed above.

The Lamb of God had paid for them 2000 years ago, but we have to
do our part. The first step is to stop (karmically) spending more
than we earned, which only increases debt and misery, which will
eventually bring physical deformations to the offspring, not only that
of character and soul. The inwards ugliness will eventually come out
as we age, despite all beauty treatments.

There is a sum covering most of our debts paid by our rich relative,
but we have to come to the bank and claim it.

If we continue living and spending more than we earn, our debt
is not likely to decrease.

It is known that some people increase reckless spending if there is
an opportunity to spend on a consumer loan. But in the long run,
it increases misery.

The Universe doesn't get fooled: we cannot get out of the material world
("maya") into Heaven unless we have paid our debts.

in the LORD
2022-11-13 12:19:15 UTC
Post by shattered hologram
"Paying debts of karma
You party for a living
What you take won't kill you
But careful what you're giving!"
* * *
Debts of karma can restrain you from success in life, from turning over
to the new page, like bad creeping bank debt and mortgage.
Debts of karma can be personal debt, debts that shows themselves
as illnesses and addictions that run in families, karmic debts can
also be national. For example, your nation might have committed
oppression 500 or 600 years ago, and the memory of those cruelties
is still present in the victimised nation's racial memory.
Debts can also be due to ethnicity, race or religion.
Many crimes have been done in the name of the church, many
evils, like inquisitions and witch hunts, many were accompanied
with religions like paedophilia.
White race as a race had oppressed other races, like the genocidal
persecution and the virtual extermination of the American natives
(wrongly called "Indians"), or keeping other nations in slavery.
Some nations have executed genocides like the Armenian genocide,
Holocaust or the Killing Fields, or genocide in Rwanda.
All of this adds to the debts of karma. You might be surprised why
there is no economic progress in Western Balkans, but only tyranny,
corruption, recurring bloodshed, embezzlement, thefts by kinds,
disrespect for work, savings, honesty, knowledge and wisdom
(except the wisdom of the evil behaviours).
Dishonest wealth also brings bad karma. Wealth has to be "blessed",
which usually means karmically earned. This is why more than 9 in 10
people gets ruined rather than helped with lottery winnings, many
sport, musical and film stars end up broke, in addictions, and
with broken lives.
Likewise, it is known that the children of the oligarchs only want to
party, drink alcohol, take drugs and participate in orgies and perversions,
like even changing sex or gender.
Then come the karmic debts of past lives, which brought you born
on a planet that is an ocean of misery, in a nation plagued by misery,
and in a family that was not happy, maybe with birth defect or
some heavy physical or mental illness.
One of the ways to pay off the debts of karma is by paying the tithes
for building the Temple of God. Today this is largely done by paying
to the church, religions or charities. Helping God's Word and message
or redemption and salvation being spread. The other way is hard
work and living in virtues, a life regulated by the principles of
One of the greatest endeavours in paying debts of karma for the
entire humankind was the cross of the Lamb of God on the Calvary.
But very few people benefit from this.
At most, they confess personal sins, and not the sins of the fathers,
nor sins of the nations like Daniel and Ezra had.
The key is not a denial of Holocaust, the denial of Jasenovac
concentration camp, denial of Armenian genocide,
denial of the Killing Fields or denial or Srebrenica massacre or
Rwanda genocide. Not the denial of the Ottoman Turk oppression,
or paedophilia in the church or inquisition or witch hunts.
This is cowardly denial. We know the punishment is pending, and
do not have the courage to face it and admit the truth.
But this debt of karma and generational sins creep up on us in
the form of bad and negative energy in life, emotions, and work place
and countries and their economies. After each new election promises,
new managements and governments find themselves bound and
dragged to the old ways like a yo-yo, cancelling even sincere good
desires to turn a new page.
The solution is to return to the Creator of the Universe,
confess sins, generational sins and the debts of karma as
listed above.
The Lamb of God had paid for them 2000 years ago, but we have to
do our part. The first step is to stop (karmically) spending more
than we earned, which only increases debt and misery, which will
eventually bring physical deformations to the offspring, not only that
of character and soul. The inwards ugliness will eventually come out
as we age, despite all beauty treatments.
There is a sum covering most of our debts paid by our rich relative,
but we have to come to the bank and claim it.
If we continue living and spending more than we earn, our debt
is not likely to decrease.
It is known that some people increase reckless spending if there is
an opportunity to spend on a consumer loan. But in the long run,
it increases misery.
The Universe doesn't get fooled: we cannot get out of the material world
("maya") into Heaven unless we have paid our debts.
in the LORD
Mostly true. It's easy to be cruel, so some bad people must be comdemned
to stay alive and live with her misery interior. Say NO to death penalty.
Beware: nobody will clean that amount of .sh
shattered hologram
2022-11-13 16:41:05 UTC
Post by qwerty
Mostly true. It's easy to be cruel, so some bad people must be comdemned
to stay alive and live with her misery interior. Say NO to death penalty.
Indeed, many wise rulers in Medieval Age or even the Roman Empire or Babylon chose to imprison
their enemies rather than execute them.

Yehoyakin, for example was pardoned by the Babylonian heir Evil Merodak and even ate at the
king's table. The noble Babylonian king gave Yehoyakin, the Judean captive king, sustenance until
the end of his life.

OTOH, cruelty of women is a different story. There should be a study on correlation between
the "body count", "abortion count" and inclination to lie, false testimony, mounted trial judgments,
and immoral behaviour of women.

This is specially true i.e. with KGB style agents in charge of mounted trials with special techniques
like accused accusing themselves as puppet from tummy speaking.

Adam Smith said that mercy towards the cruel is cruelty towards the innocent.

Certainly, no one deserving death penalty shall enter the Pearly Gates without paying the price
for his sins. Or no girl or woman committing abortion, adultery or breach of any of the Ten Commandments.

As I said, the Universe is not being fooled. It keeps straight account on every single one of our deeds,
words, and thoughts. Much like Windows logs.

And everybody must pay the price for vikarma (unlawful misconduct and breach of the sacred Law).

So, nothing that happens, like COVID-19, or inflation, children dying from leukemia, is happening without
us having deserved it with our bad karma first. In this life, in our generational ancestry, nation, religion,
race, or previous life.

For children with leukemia, it is obvious, it wasn't the Creator but DuPont that deposed Teflon byproduct
C-8 close to the underground waters. It is just that your government believes that corporate interests,
money and greed are more important than children's lives. It has nothing to do with Blasphemous Rumors
and my Creator or the Creator of the Universe.

in the LORD
shattered hologram
2022-11-13 17:03:32 UTC

On the principle of holiness of life.

Pardoning the sentenced to death on life sentence we do two good things:
1. Prevent executing many who were later found falsely accused.
2. By pardoning murderers to life we do not approve murder, but show that we appreciate any life,
even the life of a murderer, more than the murderer had, and this includes life from conception to the
natural death.

But life for life should remain as man is made in the image of GOD.
So, there should be no such thing as maximum 20, or 30, or even 40 years in prison for a murder one
(planned, premeditated murder out of planned advantage and benefit).

All of this take effect now, and as a crime as against humanity doesn't come under the statute of limitation.

in the LORD
2022-11-14 10:42:03 UTC
Post by shattered hologram
All of this take effect now, and as a crime as against humanity doesn't come under the statute of limitation.
in the LORD
Problem is to define who is 'humanity', and even who can represent
'humanity'. Did you know the amount of the UN budget?
Beware: nobody will clean that amount of .sh
2022-11-15 06:28:20 UTC
Post by shattered hologram
in the LORD
Fail: with and/or without the Lord
Post by shattered hologram
Fail: a person can't say 'amen' to himself
Beware: nobody will clean that amount of .sh
God father bless us all
shattered hologram
2022-12-03 15:57:30 UTC
Post by qwerty
Post by shattered hologram
in the LORD
Fail: with and/or without the Lord
Post by shattered hologram
Fail: a person can't say 'amen' to himself
Beware: nobody will clean that amount of .sh
God father bless us all
"Amen" or "Amin" in Semitic languages is taken to mean "so be it" or equivalent of the Egyptian
"so it shall be written, so it shall be done".

This is correct to say as when agreeing with someone you have a conversation with or hear a
sermon of, but just as well when you want to affirm that you really mean what you say,
"so help you God".

Your atheist nihilism is a problem of yours, I can't help you with that.

in the Lord
2022-12-05 13:25:04 UTC
Post by shattered hologram
Post by qwerty
Fail: a person can't say 'amen' to himself
Beware: nobody will clean that amount of .sh
God father bless us all
"Amen" or "Amin" in Semitic languages is taken to mean "so be it" or equivalent of the Egyptian
"so it shall be written, so it shall be done".
"Something has to be done.
This is something.
Thus, we need to do this."
Beware: nobody will clean that amount of .sh
Greg Carr
2022-11-15 20:17:20 UTC
Post by shattered hologram
Post by qwerty
Mostly true. It's easy to be cruel, so some bad people must be comdemned
to stay alive and live with her misery interior. Say NO to death penalty.
Indeed, many wise rulers in Medieval Age or even the Roman Empire or Babylon chose to imprison
their enemies rather than execute them.
Yehoyakin, for example was pardoned by the Babylonian heir Evil Merodak and even ate at the
king's table. The noble Babylonian king gave Yehoyakin, the Judean captive king, sustenance until
the end of his life.
OTOH, cruelty of women is a different story. There should be a study on correlation between
the "body count", "abortion count" and inclination to lie, false testimony, mounted trial judgments,
and immoral behaviour of women.
This is specially true i.e. with KGB style agents in charge of mounted trials with special techniques
like accused accusing themselves as puppet from tummy speaking.
Adam Smith said that mercy towards the cruel is cruelty towards the innocent.
Certainly, no one deserving death penalty shall enter the Pearly Gates without paying the price
for his sins. Or no girl or woman committing abortion, adultery or breach of any of the Ten Commandments.
As I said, the Universe is not being fooled. It keeps straight account on every single one of our deeds,
words, and thoughts. Much like Windows logs.
And everybody must pay the price for vikarma (unlawful misconduct and breach of the sacred Law).
So, nothing that happens, like COVID-19, or inflation, children dying from leukemia, is happening without
us having deserved it with our bad karma first. In this life, in our generational ancestry, nation, religion,
race, or previous life.
For children with leukemia, it is obvious, it wasn't the Creator but DuPont that deposed Teflon byproduct
C-8 close to the underground waters. It is just that your government believes that corporate interests,
money and greed are more important than children's lives. It has nothing to do with Blasphemous Rumors
and my Creator or the Creator of the Universe.
in the LORD
GOD could cure all childhood leukemia and childhood cancer right now if he chose to. Why would a 7 year old child deserve such a thing get real. There is no such thing as reincarnation that is ignorant Buddhist thought just like prayer wheels. I don't know who your creators were my parents got drunk and had sex and 9 months later I popped out.

Adam Smith wrote some great stuff The Wealth Of Nations.
shattered hologram
2022-12-03 16:02:35 UTC
Post by shattered hologram
Post by qwerty
Mostly true. It's easy to be cruel, so some bad people must be comdemned
to stay alive and live with her misery interior. Say NO to death penalty.
Indeed, many wise rulers in Medieval Age or even the Roman Empire or Babylon chose to imprison
their enemies rather than execute them.
Yehoyakin, for example was pardoned by the Babylonian heir Evil Merodak and even ate at the
king's table. The noble Babylonian king gave Yehoyakin, the Judean captive king, sustenance until
the end of his life.
OTOH, cruelty of women is a different story. There should be a study on correlation between
the "body count", "abortion count" and inclination to lie, false testimony, mounted trial judgments,
and immoral behaviour of women.
This is specially true i.e. with KGB style agents in charge of mounted trials with special techniques
like accused accusing themselves as puppet from tummy speaking.
Adam Smith said that mercy towards the cruel is cruelty towards the innocent.
Certainly, no one deserving death penalty shall enter the Pearly Gates without paying the price
for his sins. Or no girl or woman committing abortion, adultery or breach of any of the Ten Commandments.
As I said, the Universe is not being fooled. It keeps straight account on every single one of our deeds,
words, and thoughts. Much like Windows logs.
And everybody must pay the price for vikarma (unlawful misconduct and breach of the sacred Law).
So, nothing that happens, like COVID-19, or inflation, children dying from leukemia, is happening without
us having deserved it with our bad karma first. In this life, in our generational ancestry, nation, religion,
race, or previous life.
For children with leukemia, it is obvious, it wasn't the Creator but DuPont that deposed Teflon byproduct
C-8 close to the underground waters. It is just that your government believes that corporate interests,
money and greed are more important than children's lives. It has nothing to do with Blasphemous Rumors
and my Creator or the Creator of the Universe.
in the LORD
GOD could cure all childhood leukemia and childhood cancer right now if he chose to. Why would a 7 year old child deserve such a thing get real. There is no such thing as reincarnation that is ignorant Buddhist thought just like prayer wheels. I don't know who your creators were my parents got drunk and had sex and 9 months later I popped out.
Yes, God could cure a 7-year-old girl that is dying from leukemia and going to Heaven as an angel
and she could then be seduced by a bad young man, disappointed, seek true love in others, then casual sex, increase her "body count" above 80 or 100, and eventually become a "soul collector" or "maneater", eventually becoming like Herodias, demanding head of a prophet on a silver plate.

The latter is definitely not something that would make her going to Heaven as an innocent angel, is it?

In the Lord
Adam Smith wrote some great stuff The Wealth Of Nations.
Yes, he was a great thinker ahead if his time.
But today our technology and economy made us depend on what is happening with the other nations, not only ours.

I wonder how would this apply today, or was Dr. John Nash closer to the truth?
Greg Carr
2022-12-03 23:14:44 UTC
Post by shattered hologram
Post by shattered hologram
Post by qwerty
Mostly true. It's easy to be cruel, so some bad people must be comdemned
to stay alive and live with her misery interior. Say NO to death penalty.
Indeed, many wise rulers in Medieval Age or even the Roman Empire or Babylon chose to imprison
their enemies rather than execute them.
Yehoyakin, for example was pardoned by the Babylonian heir Evil Merodak and even ate at the
king's table. The noble Babylonian king gave Yehoyakin, the Judean captive king, sustenance until
the end of his life.
OTOH, cruelty of women is a different story. There should be a study on correlation between
the "body count", "abortion count" and inclination to lie, false testimony, mounted trial judgments,
and immoral behaviour of women.
This is specially true i.e. with KGB style agents in charge of mounted trials with special techniques
like accused accusing themselves as puppet from tummy speaking.
Adam Smith said that mercy towards the cruel is cruelty towards the innocent.
Certainly, no one deserving death penalty shall enter the Pearly Gates without paying the price
for his sins. Or no girl or woman committing abortion, adultery or breach of any of the Ten Commandments.
As I said, the Universe is not being fooled. It keeps straight account on every single one of our deeds,
words, and thoughts. Much like Windows logs.
And everybody must pay the price for vikarma (unlawful misconduct and breach of the sacred Law).
So, nothing that happens, like COVID-19, or inflation, children dying from leukemia, is happening without
us having deserved it with our bad karma first. In this life, in our generational ancestry, nation, religion,
race, or previous life.
For children with leukemia, it is obvious, it wasn't the Creator but DuPont that deposed Teflon byproduct
C-8 close to the underground waters. It is just that your government believes that corporate interests,
money and greed are more important than children's lives. It has nothing to do with Blasphemous Rumors
and my Creator or the Creator of the Universe.
in the LORD
GOD could cure all childhood leukemia and childhood cancer right now if he chose to. Why would a 7 year old child deserve such a thing get real. There is no such thing as reincarnation that is ignorant Buddhist thought just like prayer wheels. I don't know who your creators were my parents got drunk and had sex and 9 months later I popped out.
Yes, God could cure a 7-year-old girl that is dying from leukemia and going to Heaven as an angel
and she could then be seduced by a bad young man, disappointed, seek true love in others, then casual sex, increase her "body count" above 80 or 100, and eventually become a "soul collector" or "maneater", eventually becoming like Herodias, demanding head of a prophet on a silver plate.
The latter is definitely not something that would make her going to Heaven as an innocent angel, is it?
In the Lord
Adam Smith wrote some great stuff The Wealth Of Nations.
Yes, he was a great thinker ahead if his time.
But today our technology and economy made us depend on what is happening with the other nations, not only ours.
I wonder how would this apply today, or was Dr. John Nash closer to the truth?
I hate when grieving ppl say JEHOVAH took their child that died at say 7 to have an angel in Heaven. I get it they are distraught but he created oodles of angels without killing ppl.

Bible Question:
How many angels are there?

Bible Answer:
God never told us how many angels He created or how many are in heaven. The only comments that are made in scripture about the number of angels that exist can be found in the following verses.

But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels . . . (NASB) Hebrews 12:22

“You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth.” Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders; and the number of them was myriads of myriads, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice, “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing.” (NASB) Rev. 5:10-12

In both passages we are told that the number of angels that have been created is too large to count. There are “myriads of myriads, and thousands of thousands” of angels. The Greek word for “myriads” can be translated as tens of thousand (10,000). This would mean that there are more than 100 million (100,000,000) angels. That is a lot of angels.


GOD created the original humans Adam and Eve he doesn't need to kill to have angels.

Dr. Nash did all his great work before going schizophrenic he outlived the majority of schizophrenics and died when the taxi he was in was hit by another vehicle. One of his two sons developed schizophrenia. He was an atheist.

John Forbes Nash Jr.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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"John F. Nash" redirects here. For the railroad executive, see John Francis Nash.
John Forbes Nash Jr.
John Forbes Nash, Jr. by Peter Badge.jpg
Nash in the 2000s
Born June 13, 1928
Bluefield, West Virginia, U.S.
Died May 23, 2015 (aged 86)
Monroe Township, New Jersey, U.S.
Carnegie Mellon University (BS, MS)
Princeton University (PhD)
Known for
Nash bargaining game
Nash blowing-up
Nash equilibrium
Nash embedding theorem
Nash functions
Nash inequality
Nash's theorem
Nash–Moser theorem
Hilbert's nineteenth problem
Ideal money
Alicia Lardé Lopez-Harrison

​(m. 1957; div. 1963)​

​(m. 2001)​
Children 2[1]
John von Neumann Theory Prize (1978)
Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (1994)
Member of the National Academy of Sciences (1996)
Abel Prize (2015)
Scientific career
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Princeton University
Thesis Non-Cooperative Games (1950)
Doctoral advisor Albert W. Tucker
John Forbes Nash Jr. (June 13, 1928 – May 23, 2015) was an American mathematician who made fundamental contributions to game theory, real algebraic geometry, differential geometry, and partial differential equations.[2][3] Nash and fellow game theorists John Harsanyi and Reinhard Selten were awarded the 1994 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel (popularly known as the Nobel Prize in Economics). In 2015, he and Louis Nirenberg were awarded the Abel Prize for their contributions to the field of partial differential equations.

As a graduate student in the Mathematics Department at Princeton University, Nash introduced a number of concepts (including Nash equilibrium and the Nash bargaining solution) which are now considered central to game theory and its applications in various sciences. In the 1950s, Nash discovered and proved the Nash embedding theorems by solving a system of nonlinear partial differential equations arising in Riemannian geometry. This work, also introducing a preliminary form of the Nash–Moser theorem, was later recognized by the American Mathematical Society with the Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research. Ennio De Giorgi and Nash found, with separate methods, a body of results paving the way for a systematic understanding of elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations. Their De Giorgi–Nash theorem on the smoothness of solutions of such equations resolved Hilbert's nineteenth problem on regularity in the calculus of variations, which had been a well-known open problem for almost sixty years.

In 1959, Nash began showing clear signs of mental illness, and spent several years at psychiatric hospitals being treated for schizophrenia. After 1970, his condition slowly improved, allowing him to return to academic work by the mid-1980s.[4] His struggles with his illness and his recovery became the basis for Sylvia Nasar's biographical book A Beautiful Mind in 1998, as well as a film of the same name directed by Ron Howard, in which Nash was portrayed by New Zealand Australian actor Russell Crowe.[5][6][7]


The movie is good.
shattered hologram
2022-12-21 13:30:17 UTC
I fail to be both concise and say all truth in a single article.

When I read it later, I see it is not good enough. My English is not good enough, but OTOH if it was better
it would not touch the native speakers who have not well read classics. And especially those whose
English is their second language (though many speak and write better than me, much of it is self-confidence,
I tend to speak better with native speakers than with Croats who just know English but somehow intimidate me).

Post by Greg Carr
Post by shattered hologram
Post by shattered hologram
Post by qwerty
Mostly true. It's easy to be cruel, so some bad people must be comdemned
to stay alive and live with her misery interior. Say NO to death penalty.
Indeed, many wise rulers in Medieval Age or even the Roman Empire or Babylon chose to imprison
their enemies rather than execute them.
Yehoyakin, for example was pardoned by the Babylonian heir Evil Merodak and even ate at the
king's table. The noble Babylonian king gave Yehoyakin, the Judean captive king, sustenance until
the end of his life.
OTOH, cruelty of women is a different story. There should be a study on correlation between
the "body count", "abortion count" and inclination to lie, false testimony, mounted trial judgments,
and immoral behaviour of women.
This is specially true i.e. with KGB style agents in charge of mounted trials with special techniques
like accused accusing themselves as puppet from tummy speaking.
Adam Smith said that mercy towards the cruel is cruelty towards the innocent.
Certainly, no one deserving death penalty shall enter the Pearly Gates without paying the price
for his sins. Or no girl or woman committing abortion, adultery or breach of any of the Ten Commandments.
As I said, the Universe is not being fooled. It keeps straight account on every single one of our deeds,
words, and thoughts. Much like Windows logs.
And everybody must pay the price for vikarma (unlawful misconduct and breach of the sacred Law).
So, nothing that happens, like COVID-19, or inflation, children dying from leukemia, is happening without
us having deserved it with our bad karma first. In this life, in our generational ancestry, nation, religion,
race, or previous life.
For children with leukemia, it is obvious, it wasn't the Creator but DuPont that deposed Teflon byproduct
C-8 close to the underground waters. It is just that your government believes that corporate interests,
money and greed are more important than children's lives. It has nothing to do with Blasphemous Rumors
and my Creator or the Creator of the Universe.
in the LORD
GOD could cure all childhood leukemia and childhood cancer right now if he chose to. Why would a 7 year old child deserve such a thing get real. There is no such thing as reincarnation that is ignorant Buddhist thought just like prayer wheels. I don't know who your creators were my parents got drunk and had sex and 9 months later I popped out.
Yes, God could cure a 7-year-old girl that is dying from leukemia and going to Heaven as an angel
and she could then be seduced by a bad young man, disappointed, seek true love in others, then casual sex, increase her "body count" above 80 or 100, and eventually become a "soul collector" or "maneater", eventually becoming like Herodias, demanding head of a prophet on a silver plate.
The latter is definitely not something that would make her going to Heaven as an innocent angel, is it?
In the Lord
Adam Smith wrote some great stuff The Wealth Of Nations.
Yes, he was a great thinker ahead if his time.
But today our technology and economy made us depend on what is happening with the other nations, not only ours.
I wonder how would this apply today, or was Dr. John Nash closer to the truth?
I hate when grieving ppl say JEHOVAH took their child that died at say 7 to have an angel in Heaven. I get it they are distraught but he created oodles of angels without killing ppl.
How many angels are there?
God never told us how many angels He created or how many are in heaven. The only comments that are made in scripture about the number of angels that exist can be found in the following verses.
But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels . . . (NASB) Hebrews 12:22
“You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth.” Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders; and the number of them was myriads of myriads, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice, “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing.” (NASB) Rev. 5:10-12
In both passages we are told that the number of angels that have been created is too large to count. There are “myriads of myriads, and thousands of thousands” of angels. The Greek word for “myriads” can be translated as tens of thousand (10,000). This would mean that there are more than 100 million (100,000,000) angels. That is a lot of angels.
GOD created the original humans Adam and Eve he doesn't need to kill to have angels.
Dr. Nash did all his great work before going schizophrenic he outlived the majority of schizophrenics and died when the taxi he was in was hit by another vehicle. One of his two sons developed schizophrenia. He was an atheist.
John Forbes Nash Jr.
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"John F. Nash" redirects here. For the railroad executive, see John Francis Nash.
John Forbes Nash Jr.
John Forbes Nash, Jr. by Peter Badge.jpg
Nash in the 2000s
Born June 13, 1928
Bluefield, West Virginia, U.S.
Died May 23, 2015 (aged 86)
Monroe Township, New Jersey, U.S.
Carnegie Mellon University (BS, MS)
Princeton University (PhD)
Known for
Nash bargaining game
Nash blowing-up
Nash equilibrium
Nash embedding theorem
Nash functions
Nash inequality
Nash's theorem
Nash–Moser theorem
Hilbert's nineteenth problem
Ideal money
Alicia Lardé Lopez-Harrison

​(m. 1957; div. 1963)​

​(m. 2001)​
Children 2[1]
John von Neumann Theory Prize (1978)
Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (1994)
Member of the National Academy of Sciences (1996)
Abel Prize (2015)
Scientific career
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Princeton University
Thesis Non-Cooperative Games (1950)
Doctoral advisor Albert W. Tucker
John Forbes Nash Jr. (June 13, 1928 – May 23, 2015) was an American mathematician who made fundamental contributions to game theory, real algebraic geometry, differential geometry, and partial differential equations.[2][3] Nash and fellow game theorists John Harsanyi and Reinhard Selten were awarded the 1994 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel (popularly known as the Nobel Prize in Economics). In 2015, he and Louis Nirenberg were awarded the Abel Prize for their contributions to the field of partial differential equations.
As a graduate student in the Mathematics Department at Princeton University, Nash introduced a number of concepts (including Nash equilibrium and the Nash bargaining solution) which are now considered central to game theory and its applications in various sciences. In the 1950s, Nash discovered and proved the Nash embedding theorems by solving a system of nonlinear partial differential equations arising in Riemannian geometry. This work, also introducing a preliminary form of the Nash–Moser theorem, was later recognized by the American Mathematical Society with the Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research. Ennio De Giorgi and Nash found, with separate methods, a body of results paving the way for a systematic understanding of elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations. Their De Giorgi–Nash theorem on the smoothness of solutions of such equations resolved Hilbert's nineteenth problem on regularity in the calculus of variations, which had been a well-known open problem for almost sixty years.
In 1959, Nash began showing clear signs of mental illness, and spent several years at psychiatric hospitals being treated for schizophrenia. After 1970, his condition slowly improved, allowing him to return to academic work by the mid-1980s.[4] His struggles with his illness and his recovery became the basis for Sylvia Nasar's biographical book A Beautiful Mind in 1998, as well as a film of the same name directed by Ron Howard, in which Nash was portrayed by New Zealand Australian actor Russell Crowe.[5][6][7]
The movie is good.
shattered hologram
2022-12-21 13:40:08 UTC

If you'd ask me if I'd die now if I would then go straight to Heaven and go to Hell if I continue like this,
it would be a rational decision.

But the animal part of a human wants to live, and I might flinch ... And sell myself and/or others in adversity.
This is what the trials are for ...

So, God might choose some children to avoid the corruption of this life and probably go to Heaven, others
to go to the greatest depths and repent so they become equally holy. It might seem unjust, but the price
paid for the repentance on the cross was more than enough to even the score, and we cannot comprehend
that in a carnal existence ...

Usually, understanding pain on the cross involves suffering oneself. So a few are ready to pay that price.

Eating, drinking and indulging in carnal sexual lust is much more common and promoted by media such as
Holywood or Virgin Records.

This is not accidental. It is long known that spiritual men are more frugal and sinful tend to spend more than
they earn and go into debt slavery. Somebody happens to want both your money and your liberty to get more
on his stash.

Even if it kills millions. This is why greed is the root of all evil and one of the Seven Deadly Sins (the ones
you cannot repay with good deeds or charity).

So God chooses to take some children as infants, and convert others on their deathbeds, but this
is the Sovereign Will. I tried to mend things, but I am both inept and powerless to do so.

in the Lord
shattered hologram
2022-12-21 14:02:10 UTC

I certainly lack Dr. Nash's math proficiency to prove my point the way he did, though it might not
be impossible altogether. Once I was good at math, and understanding Langrange, integration and
derivation drill. But as the NASA proverb says: "Use it or lose it!" and they meant very muscles
and bone strength.

This is the main problem with interstellar travel, that artificial gravity works only on film as of now.
Magnetic shoes do not do the trick, as they do not press the body with its weight, so the bones
and muscles are used only in exercise in a hamster wheel equipment, which Mr. Arthur C. Clarke
already had in his proto voyage to Jupiter with a paranoid AI computer ...

in the Lord

Greg Carr
2022-11-15 20:10:00 UTC
Post by qwerty
Post by shattered hologram
"Paying debts of karma
You party for a living
What you take won't kill you
But careful what you're giving!"
* * *
Debts of karma can restrain you from success in life, from turning over
to the new page, like bad creeping bank debt and mortgage.
Debts of karma can be personal debt, debts that shows themselves
as illnesses and addictions that run in families, karmic debts can
also be national. For example, your nation might have committed
oppression 500 or 600 years ago, and the memory of those cruelties
is still present in the victimised nation's racial memory.
Debts can also be due to ethnicity, race or religion.
Many crimes have been done in the name of the church, many
evils, like inquisitions and witch hunts, many were accompanied
with religions like paedophilia.
White race as a race had oppressed other races, like the genocidal
persecution and the virtual extermination of the American natives
(wrongly called "Indians"), or keeping other nations in slavery.
Some nations have executed genocides like the Armenian genocide,
Holocaust or the Killing Fields, or genocide in Rwanda.
All of this adds to the debts of karma. You might be surprised why
there is no economic progress in Western Balkans, but only tyranny,
corruption, recurring bloodshed, embezzlement, thefts by kinds,
disrespect for work, savings, honesty, knowledge and wisdom
(except the wisdom of the evil behaviours).
Dishonest wealth also brings bad karma. Wealth has to be "blessed",
which usually means karmically earned. This is why more than 9 in 10
people gets ruined rather than helped with lottery winnings, many
sport, musical and film stars end up broke, in addictions, and
with broken lives.
Likewise, it is known that the children of the oligarchs only want to
party, drink alcohol, take drugs and participate in orgies and perversions,
like even changing sex or gender.
Then come the karmic debts of past lives, which brought you born
on a planet that is an ocean of misery, in a nation plagued by misery,
and in a family that was not happy, maybe with birth defect or
some heavy physical or mental illness.
One of the ways to pay off the debts of karma is by paying the tithes
for building the Temple of God. Today this is largely done by paying
to the church, religions or charities. Helping God's Word and message
or redemption and salvation being spread. The other way is hard
work and living in virtues, a life regulated by the principles of
One of the greatest endeavours in paying debts of karma for the
entire humankind was the cross of the Lamb of God on the Calvary.
But very few people benefit from this.
At most, they confess personal sins, and not the sins of the fathers,
nor sins of the nations like Daniel and Ezra had.
The key is not a denial of Holocaust, the denial of Jasenovac
concentration camp, denial of Armenian genocide,
denial of the Killing Fields or denial or Srebrenica massacre or
Rwanda genocide. Not the denial of the Ottoman Turk oppression,
or paedophilia in the church or inquisition or witch hunts.
This is cowardly denial. We know the punishment is pending, and
do not have the courage to face it and admit the truth.
But this debt of karma and generational sins creep up on us in
the form of bad and negative energy in life, emotions, and work place
and countries and their economies. After each new election promises,
new managements and governments find themselves bound and
dragged to the old ways like a yo-yo, cancelling even sincere good
desires to turn a new page.
The solution is to return to the Creator of the Universe,
confess sins, generational sins and the debts of karma as
listed above.
The Lamb of God had paid for them 2000 years ago, but we have to
do our part. The first step is to stop (karmically) spending more
than we earned, which only increases debt and misery, which will
eventually bring physical deformations to the offspring, not only that
of character and soul. The inwards ugliness will eventually come out
as we age, despite all beauty treatments.
There is a sum covering most of our debts paid by our rich relative,
but we have to come to the bank and claim it.
If we continue living and spending more than we earn, our debt
is not likely to decrease.
It is known that some people increase reckless spending if there is
an opportunity to spend on a consumer loan. But in the long run,
it increases misery.
The Universe doesn't get fooled: we cannot get out of the material world
("maya") into Heaven unless we have paid our debts.
in the LORD
Mostly true. It's easy to be cruel, so some bad people must be comdemned
to stay alive and live with her misery interior. Say NO to death penalty.
Beware: nobody will clean that amount of .sh
I support the death penalty for murder, gay sex, penetration rape, warlocks and witches and astrologers. As for karma or fate that is very limited.
2022-11-16 04:17:16 UTC
Post by Greg Carr
I support the death penalty for murder, gay sex, penetration rape,
warlocks and witches and astrologers. As for karma or fate that is
very limited.

The case is that this group is called alt.suuport.schizofrenia
and not alt.support.schizoideas

As far as witches and astrologers pays the taxes, and there are
pools of ignorance still in XXI century, you can tax ignorance
this way. You can call it karma tax.
Beware: nobody will clean that amount of .sh
Greg Carr
2022-11-19 23:45:36 UTC
Post by Greg Carr
Post by Greg Carr
I support the death penalty for murder, gay sex, penetration rape,
warlocks and witches and astrologers. As for karma or fate that is
very limited.
The case is that this group is called alt.suuport.schizofrenia
and not alt.support.schizoideas
As far as witches and astrologers pays the taxes
I doubt they are honest with the tax man since they often deal in cash.

https://www.astrologersatinder.com/about This guy has ads at the bus shelters here in Surrey. I occ. see unattractive Indo women in their 50's mentioning him unlike many women in their community they lack jewelry and the nice clothes. He admits to being an occultist in his web page. If these charlatans could see the future they would be rich from the stock market and lottery total malarkey these demon infested.

Psychic Visions on 152nd
9123 152 St, Surrey, BC V3R 4E8
At Psychic Visions on 152nd, we have over 30 years of experience. We specialize in Palm, Tarot Card, and Psychic Readings. There is no job too big or too small when it comes to restoring success and happiness back into your life. This god gifted healer will help and advise you on all of life's many problems, and is able to remove black magic, negative influences and bad luck from your life. Call today for a free consultation and learn more about your past, present, and future. less...

These ppl are H.A. house is the worst on the block but the lot is worth $$$$ have a nice boat and vehicles in the back yard the nearby Jake's Pub was torched in an arson

https://www.facebook.com/JAKSFleetwood/ Jaks Beer and Wine 9082A 152 St where the old Jake's Pub was that burned down in a non prosecuted arson. Jake's Pub was blown up in 2019 here in Surrey. https://globalnews.ca/news/5155338/thursday-morning-fire-heavily-damages-pub-surrey/ nothing in the media about it since. The arson of the Jake's Pub in Surrey hasn't been solved despite witnesses seeing someone in flames running away and some guy with very bad burns turning up at SMH the next day. Fire looked bad on TV.
Post by Greg Carr
, and there are
pools of ignorance still in XXI century, you can tax ignorance
this way. You can call it karma tax.
Beware: nobody will clean that amount of .sh