shattered hologram
2022-11-13 06:19:26 UTC
"Paying debts of karma
You party for a living
What you take won't kill you
But careful what you're giving!"
* * *
Debts of karma can restrain you from success in life, from turning over
to the new page, like bad creeping bank debt and mortgage.
Debts of karma can be personal debt, debts that shows themselves
as illnesses and addictions that run in families, karmic debts can
also be national. For example, your nation might have committed
oppression 500 or 600 years ago, and the memory of those cruelties
is still present in the victimised nation's racial memory.
Debts can also be due to ethnicity, race or religion.
Many crimes have been done in the name of the church, many
evils, like inquisitions and witch hunts, many were accompanied
with religions like paedophilia.
White race as a race had oppressed other races, like the genocidal
persecution and the virtual extermination of the American natives
(wrongly called "Indians"), or keeping other nations in slavery.
Some nations have executed genocides like the Armenian genocide,
Holocaust or the Killing Fields, or genocide in Rwanda.
All of this adds to the debts of karma. You might be surprised why
there is no economic progress in Western Balkans, but only tyranny,
corruption, recurring bloodshed, embezzlement, thefts by kinds,
disrespect for work, savings, honesty, knowledge and wisdom
(except the wisdom of the evil behaviours).
Dishonest wealth also brings bad karma. Wealth has to be "blessed",
which usually means karmically earned. This is why more than 9 in 10
people gets ruined rather than helped with lottery winnings, many
sport, musical and film stars end up broke, in addictions, and
with broken lives.
Likewise, it is known that the children of the oligarchs only want to
party, drink alcohol, take drugs and participate in orgies and perversions,
like even changing sex or gender.
Then come the karmic debts of past lives, which brought you born
on a planet that is an ocean of misery, in a nation plagued by misery,
and in a family that was not happy, maybe with birth defect or
some heavy physical or mental illness.
One of the ways to pay off the debts of karma is by paying the tithes
for building the Temple of God. Today this is largely done by paying
to the church, religions or charities. Helping God's Word and message
or redemption and salvation being spread. The other way is hard
work and living in virtues, a life regulated by the principles of
One of the greatest endeavours in paying debts of karma for the
entire humankind was the cross of the Lamb of God on the Calvary.
But very few people benefit from this.
At most, they confess personal sins, and not the sins of the fathers,
nor sins of the nations like Daniel and Ezra had.
The key is not a denial of Holocaust, the denial of Jasenovac
concentration camp, denial of Armenian genocide,
denial of the Killing Fields or denial or Srebrenica massacre or
Rwanda genocide. Not the denial of the Ottoman Turk oppression,
or paedophilia in the church or inquisition or witch hunts.
This is cowardly denial. We know the punishment is pending, and
do not have the courage to face it and admit the truth.
But this debt of karma and generational sins creep up on us in
the form of bad and negative energy in life, emotions, and work place
and countries and their economies. After each new election promises,
new managements and governments find themselves bound and
dragged to the old ways like a yo-yo, cancelling even sincere good
desires to turn a new page.
The solution is to return to the Creator of the Universe,
confess sins, generational sins and the debts of karma as
listed above.
The Lamb of God had paid for them 2000 years ago, but we have to
do our part. The first step is to stop (karmically) spending more
than we earned, which only increases debt and misery, which will
eventually bring physical deformations to the offspring, not only that
of character and soul. The inwards ugliness will eventually come out
as we age, despite all beauty treatments.
There is a sum covering most of our debts paid by our rich relative,
but we have to come to the bank and claim it.
If we continue living and spending more than we earn, our debt
is not likely to decrease.
It is known that some people increase reckless spending if there is
an opportunity to spend on a consumer loan. But in the long run,
it increases misery.
The Universe doesn't get fooled: we cannot get out of the material world
("maya") into Heaven unless we have paid our debts.
in the LORD
You party for a living
What you take won't kill you
But careful what you're giving!"
* * *
Debts of karma can restrain you from success in life, from turning over
to the new page, like bad creeping bank debt and mortgage.
Debts of karma can be personal debt, debts that shows themselves
as illnesses and addictions that run in families, karmic debts can
also be national. For example, your nation might have committed
oppression 500 or 600 years ago, and the memory of those cruelties
is still present in the victimised nation's racial memory.
Debts can also be due to ethnicity, race or religion.
Many crimes have been done in the name of the church, many
evils, like inquisitions and witch hunts, many were accompanied
with religions like paedophilia.
White race as a race had oppressed other races, like the genocidal
persecution and the virtual extermination of the American natives
(wrongly called "Indians"), or keeping other nations in slavery.
Some nations have executed genocides like the Armenian genocide,
Holocaust or the Killing Fields, or genocide in Rwanda.
All of this adds to the debts of karma. You might be surprised why
there is no economic progress in Western Balkans, but only tyranny,
corruption, recurring bloodshed, embezzlement, thefts by kinds,
disrespect for work, savings, honesty, knowledge and wisdom
(except the wisdom of the evil behaviours).
Dishonest wealth also brings bad karma. Wealth has to be "blessed",
which usually means karmically earned. This is why more than 9 in 10
people gets ruined rather than helped with lottery winnings, many
sport, musical and film stars end up broke, in addictions, and
with broken lives.
Likewise, it is known that the children of the oligarchs only want to
party, drink alcohol, take drugs and participate in orgies and perversions,
like even changing sex or gender.
Then come the karmic debts of past lives, which brought you born
on a planet that is an ocean of misery, in a nation plagued by misery,
and in a family that was not happy, maybe with birth defect or
some heavy physical or mental illness.
One of the ways to pay off the debts of karma is by paying the tithes
for building the Temple of God. Today this is largely done by paying
to the church, religions or charities. Helping God's Word and message
or redemption and salvation being spread. The other way is hard
work and living in virtues, a life regulated by the principles of
One of the greatest endeavours in paying debts of karma for the
entire humankind was the cross of the Lamb of God on the Calvary.
But very few people benefit from this.
At most, they confess personal sins, and not the sins of the fathers,
nor sins of the nations like Daniel and Ezra had.
The key is not a denial of Holocaust, the denial of Jasenovac
concentration camp, denial of Armenian genocide,
denial of the Killing Fields or denial or Srebrenica massacre or
Rwanda genocide. Not the denial of the Ottoman Turk oppression,
or paedophilia in the church or inquisition or witch hunts.
This is cowardly denial. We know the punishment is pending, and
do not have the courage to face it and admit the truth.
But this debt of karma and generational sins creep up on us in
the form of bad and negative energy in life, emotions, and work place
and countries and their economies. After each new election promises,
new managements and governments find themselves bound and
dragged to the old ways like a yo-yo, cancelling even sincere good
desires to turn a new page.
The solution is to return to the Creator of the Universe,
confess sins, generational sins and the debts of karma as
listed above.
The Lamb of God had paid for them 2000 years ago, but we have to
do our part. The first step is to stop (karmically) spending more
than we earned, which only increases debt and misery, which will
eventually bring physical deformations to the offspring, not only that
of character and soul. The inwards ugliness will eventually come out
as we age, despite all beauty treatments.
There is a sum covering most of our debts paid by our rich relative,
but we have to come to the bank and claim it.
If we continue living and spending more than we earn, our debt
is not likely to decrease.
It is known that some people increase reckless spending if there is
an opportunity to spend on a consumer loan. But in the long run,
it increases misery.
The Universe doesn't get fooled: we cannot get out of the material world
("maya") into Heaven unless we have paid our debts.
in the LORD