FEH! Filthy PAEDO PRIESTS! Super funny PAEDO PRIEST limerick!! "A priest known as Father McFlen, molested boys younger than ten..." (306)
(too old to reply)
Loose Cannon
2023-04-02 13:29:49 UTC
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Greg Carr
2023-04-02 20:59:42 UTC
Post by Loose Cannon
catholic church is bad nazis are bad the rcc didn't excommunicate any nazis or fascists in Spain, Germany or Italy in WW2. Millions of catholics including priests and bishops said, " Il Duce or Hiel Hitler " in public between 1933-1945.

Neo-Nazi Luca Benincasa locked up for terror and child sex crimes
25 January

Luca Benincasa
Image caption,
Luca Benincasa was sentenced to nine years and three months for terror offences and possessing indecent images of children
The self-styled "UK cell leader" of a banned neo-Nazi group has been locked up for terror offences and possessing indecent images of children.

Luca Benincasa, 20, from Cardiff, was sentenced to nine years and three months at Winchester Crown Court after admitting a range of offences.

He had instructions on bomb making and was a recruiter and "prominent member" of Neo-Nazi group Feuerkrieg Division.

He also downloaded indecent images of children as young as four.

Benincasa, from the Whitchurch area of the city, pleaded guilty to terrorism offences and possession of indecent images of children.

After he was arrested he scrawled satanic and far-right messages on his prison cell, and said on social media: "Told my mum I want to be a terrorist for 2022."

Teen admits neo-Nazi terror group membership
Teen in court charged with being in neo-Nazi group
Teenager due in court to face terrorism charges
The court heard the Feuerkrieg Division "grew out of" National Action and other banned, far-right groups.

National Action was co-founded by Alex Davies, from Swansea, who was sentenced in June 2022.

Alex Davies
Image caption,
Feuerkrieg Division "grew out of" National Action, another banned far-right group co-founded by Alex Davies
Prosecutors said Benincasa was 19 when he committed the offences and was the self-described "UK cell leader" of the Feuerkrieg Division, and "one of its key recruiters".

The Feuerkrieg Division primarily existed online and promoted violence and mass murder in the pursuit of a so-called race war.

Benincasa admitted belonging to the white supremacist group after it was proscribed in July 2020 and four counts of collecting information likely to be useful to a terrorist.

When police searched his bedroom, they found a Nazi dagger and flags, airsoft rifles, tactical clothing and documents on how to make explosives and poisons.

Police found Nazi flags decorating the walls of Benincasa's bedroom
The prosecution said Benincasa had manuals on how to make improvised explosive devices, pipe bombs and plastic explosives.

He became increasingly involved with far-right ideologies during lockdown, which was described by the prosecution, as a "watershed moment".

The court heard he "became increasingly detached", spent a lot of time speaking to "friends in America" and asked his mother to order him an SS flag, which she refused.

The court heard the Feuerkrieg Division group "directly appeals to boys and men who feel they are disempowered".

Benincasa described himself as an "incel", which stands for involuntarily celibate and has been linked to mass-killings in the United States.

(Greg: Look at yourself dweeb! )

He held at least 33 one-to-one conversations with potential recruits, some as young as 14 and the court heard he was "actively recruiting individuals", asking potential recruits to put up five so-called, "propaganda posters" in their area.

Neo Nazi flags
Image caption,
Officers found a Nazi dagger, airsoft rifles and tactical clothing alongside Nazi flags in Benincasa
In January 2022 Benincasa spoke to a 14-year-old boy called Jurgen from Germany and said: "The minimum age for recruits is 15, sorry. This is a real life group, you know that."

Benincasa's defence barrister said the Feuerkrieg Division was "entirely online without any real world meetings".

Benincasa also previously pleaded guilty to possessing indecent images of children, including multiple counts of possessing an indecent image of a child and possessing an extreme pornographic image.

The ages of the children in the images were four, five and seven years old.

Benincasa used Google to search for terms such as "rape games", and "child porn T-shirt".

Sentencing, judge Jane Miller KC said: "You see yourself in a high position and the rules do not apply to you. You do present a serious risk of harm to the public."

Benincasa was sentenced to a total of nine years and three months in a young offender institute.

https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-64404704 Hope he dies there.

Hang all nazis by a noose until dead.

By Johann Hari, Guest Writer
The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay Fascists
10/21/2008 06:16 pm ET Updated May 25, 2011
The news that Jorg Haider - the Austrian fascist leader - spent his final few hours in a gay bar with a hot blond has shocked some people. It hasn’t shocked me. This is a taboo topic for a gay left-wing man like me to touch, but there has always been a weird, disproportionate overlap between homosexuality and fascism. Take a deep breath; here goes.

Some 10,000 gay people were slaughtered in the Nazi death-camps. Many more were humiliated, jailed, deported, ethnically cleansed, or castrated. One gay survivor of the camps, LD Classen von Neudegg, has written about his experiences. A snapshot: “Three men had tried to escape one night. They were captured, and when they returned they had the word ‘homo’ scrawled across their clothing. They were placed on a block and whipped. Then they were forced to beat a drum and cheer, ‘Hurrah! We’re back! Hurrah!’ Then they were hanged.” This is one of the milder events documented in his book.

So the idea of a gay fascist seems ridiculous. Yet when the British National Party - our own home-grown Holocaust-denying bigots - announced it was fielding an openly gay candidate in the European elections this June, dedicated followers of fascism didn’t blink. The twisted truth is that gay men have been at the heart of every major fascist movement that ever was - including the gay-gassing, homo-cidal Third Reich. With the exception of Jean-Marie Le Pen, all the most high-profile fascists in Europe in the past thirty years have been gay. It’s time to admit something. Fascism isn’t something that happens out there, a nasty habit acquired by the straight boys. It is - in part, at least - a gay thing, and it’s time for non-fascist gay people to wake up and face the marching music.

Just look at our own continent over the past decade. Dutch fascist Pim Fortuyn ran on blatantly racist anti-immigrant platform, describing Islam as “a cancer” and “the biggest threat to Western civilisation today.” Yet with two little fluffy dogs and a Mamma complex, he was openly, flamboyantly gay. When accused by a political opponent of hating Arabs, he replied, “How can I hate Arabs? I sucked one off last night.”

Jorg Haider blasted Austria’s cosy post-Nazi politics to rubble in 2000 when his neo-fascist ‘Freedom Party’ won a quarter of the vote and joined the country’s government as a coalition partner. Several facts always cropped up in the international press coverage: his square jaw, his muscled torso, his SS-supporting father, his rabid anti-Semitism, his hatred of immigrants, his description of Auschwitz and Dachau as “punishment centres”. A few newspapers mentioned that he is always surrounded by fit, fanatical young men. A handful went further and pointed out that several of these young men are openly gay. Then one left-wing German paper broke the story everybody else was hinting at. They alleged Haider is gay.

Rumours of an Indian waiter with “intimate details” of Haider’s body broke into the press. The Freedom Party’s general manager Gerald Miscka quickly quit, amid accusations that he was Haider’s lover. Haider’s close gay friend Walter Kohler - who has been photographed showing off a holstered pistol while Haider chuckled - declared his opposition to outing politicians. Haider - who was married and has two children - kept quiet while his functionaries denied the rumours. The revelation that he died after leaving a gay bar suggests these rumours were true.

On and on it goes. If you inter-railed across Europe, only stopping with gay fascists, there aren’t many sights you’d miss. France’s leading post-war fascist was Edouard Pfieffer, who was not batting for the straight side. Germany’s leading neo-Nazi all through the eighties was called Michael Kuhnen; he died of AIDS in 1991 a few years after coming out. Martin Lee, author of a study of European fascism, explains, “For Kuhnen, there was something supermacho about being a Nazi, as well as being a homosexual, both of which enforced his sense of living on the edge, of belonging to an elite that was destined to make an impact. He told a West German journalist that homosexuals were ‘especially well-suited for our task, because they do not want ties to wife, children and family.’”

And it wouldn’t be long before your whistlestop tour arrived in Britain. At first glance, our Nazis seem militantly straight. They have tried to disrupt gay parades, describe gay people as “evil”, and BNP leader Nick Griffin reacted charmingly to the bombing of the Admiral Duncan pub in 1999 with a column saying, “The TV footage of gay demonstrators [outside the scene of carnage] flaunting their perversion in front of the world’s journalists showed just why so many ordinary people find these creatures repulsive.”

But scratch to homophobic surface and there’s a spandex swastika underneath. In 1999, Martin Webster, a former National Front organiser and head honcho in the British fascist movement, wrote a four-page pamphlet detailing his ‘affair’ with Nick Griffin. “Griffin sought out intimate relations with me,” openly-gay Webster explained, “in the late 1970s. He was twenty years younger than me.” Ray Hill, who infiltrated the British fascist movement for twelve years to gather information for anti-fascist groups, says it’s all too plausible. Homosexuality is “extremely prevalent” in the upper echelons of the British far right, and at one stage in the 1980s nearly half of the movement’s organisers were gay, he claims.

Gerry Gable, editor of the anti-fascist magazine ‘Searchlight’, explains, “I have looked at Britain’s Nazi groups for decades and this homophobic hypocrisy has been there all the time. I cannot think of any organisation on the extreme right that hasn’t attacked people on the grounds of their sexual preference and at the same time contained many gay officers and activists.”

Griffins’ alleged gay affair would stand in a long British fascist tradition. The leader of the skinhead movement all through the 1970s was a crazed, muscled thug called Nicky Crane. He was the icon of a reactionary backlash against immigrants, feminism and the ‘hippy’ lifetsyle of the 1960s. His movement’s emphasis on conformity to a shaven, dehumanised norm resembled classical fascist movements; Crane soon became a campaigner and leading figure in the National Front. Oh, and he was gay. Before he died of AIDS in the mid-1980s, Crane came out and admitted he had starred in many gay porn videos. Just before he died in 1986, he was allowed to steward a Gay Pride march in London, even though he still said he was “proud to be a fascist.”

The rubber-soled friction between gay fascists and progressive British gay people sparked into anger in 1985 when the Gay Skinhead Movement organised a disco at London’s Gay Centre. Several lesbians in particular objected to the “invasion” of the centre. They felt that the cult of “real men” and hypermasculine thugs was stirring up the most base feelings “in the very place, the gay movement, where you would least expect them.”

And this Gaystapo has an icon to revere, an alternative Fuhrer to worship: the lost gay fascist leader Ernst Rohm. Along with Adolf Hitler, Rohm was the founding father of Nazism. Born to conservative Bavarian civil servants in 1887, Ernst Rohm’s life began - in his view - in the “heroic” trenches of the First World War. Like so many of the generation who formed the Nazi Party, he was nurtured by and obsessed with the homoerotic myth of the trenches - heroic, beautiful boys prepared to die for their brothers and their country.

He emerged from the war with a bullet-scarred face and a reverence for war. As he put it in his autobiography, “Since I am an immature and wicked man, war and unrest appeal to me more than the good bourgeois order.” After being disbanded, he tried half-heartedly to get a foothold in civilian life, but he saw it as alien, bourgeois, boring. He had no political beliefs, only prejudices - particularly hatred of Jews. Historian Joachim Fest describes Rohm’s generation of alienated, demobbed young men humiliated by defeat as “agents of a permanent revolution without any revolutionary idea of the future, only a wish to eternalize the values of the trenches.”

It was Rohm who first spotted the potential of a soap-box ranter called Adolf Hitler. He saw him as the demagogue he needed to mobilize support for his plan to overthrow democracy and establish a “soldier’s state” where the army ruled untrammelled. He introduced the young fascist to local politicians and military leaders; they knew him for many years as “Rohm’s boy.” Gay historian Frank Rector notes, “Hitler was, to a substantial extent, Rohm’s protégé.” Rohm integrated Hitler into his underground movement to overthrow the Weimar Republic.

Rohm’s blatant, out homosexuality seems bizarre now, given the gay genocide that was to follow. He talked openly about his fondness for gay bars and Turkish baths, and was known for his virility. He believed that gay people were superior to straights, and saw homosexuality as a key principle of his proposed Brave New Fascist Order. As historian Louis Snyder explains, Rohm “projected a social order in which homosexuality would be regarded as a human behaviour pattern of high repute... He flaunted his homosexuality in public and insisted his cronies do the same. He believed straight people weren’t as adept at bullying and aggression as homosexuals, so homosexuality was given a high premium in the SA.” They promoted an aggressive, hypermasculine form of homosexuality, condemning “hysterical women of both sexes”, in reference to feminine gay men.

This belief in the superiority of homosexuality had a strong German tradition that grew up at the turn of the twentieth century around Adolf Brand, publisher of the country’s first gay magazine. You could call it ‘Queer as Volk’: they preached that gay men were the foundation of all nation-states and represented an elite, warrior caste that should rule. They venerated the ancient warrior cults of Sparta, Thebes and Athens.

Rohm often referred to the ancient Greek tradition of sending gay solider couples into battle, because they were believed to be the most ferocious fighters. The famous pass of Thermopylae, for example was held by 300 soldiers - who consisted of 150 gay couples. In its early years, the SA - Hitler and Rohm’s underground army - was seen as predominantly gay. Rohm assigned prominent posts to his lovers, making Edmund Heines his deputy and Karl Ernst the SA commander in Berlin. The organisation would sometimes meet in gay bars. The gay art historian Christian Isermayer said in an interview, “I got to know people in the SA. They used to throw riotous parties even in 1933... I once attended one. It was quite well-behaved but thoroughly gay. But then, in those days, the SA was ultra-gay.”

On June 30th 1934, Rohm was awoken in a Berlin hotel by Hitler himself. He sprang to his feet and saluted, calling, “Heil Mein Fuhrer!” Hitler said simply, “You are under arrest,” and with that he left the room, giving orders for Rohm to be taken to Standelheim prison. He was shot that night. Rohm was the most high-profile kill in the massacre known as ‘the Night of the Long Knives’.

Rohm had been suspected by Hitler of disloyalty, but his murder began a massive crackdown on gay people. Heinrich Himmler, head of the Gestapo, described homosexuality as “a symptom of degeneracy that could destroy our race. We must return to the guiding Nordic principle: extermination of degenerates.”

German historian Lothar Machtan argues that Hitler had Rohm - and almost all of the large number of gay figures within the SA - killed to silence speculation about his own homosexual experiences. His ‘evidence’ for Hitler being gay is shaky and has been questioned by many historians, although some of his findings are at least suggestive. A close friend of Hitler’s during his teenager years, August Kubizek, alleged a “romantic” affair between them. Hans Mend, a despatch rider who served alongside Hitler in the First World War, claimed to have seen Hitler having sex with a man. Hitler was certainly very close to several gay men, and never seems to have had a normal sexual relationship with a woman, not even his wife, Eva Braun.

Rudolph Diels, the founder of the Gestapo, recorded some of Hitler’s private thoughts on homosexuality. “It had destroyed ancient Greece, he said. Once rife, it extended its contagious effects like an ineluctable law of nature to the best and most manly of characters, eliminating from the breeding pool the very men the Volk most needs.” This idea - that homosexuality is ‘contagious’ and, implicitly, tempting - is revealing.

Rohm is venerated on the Homo-Nazi sites that have bred on the internet like germs in a wound. They have names like Gays Against Semitism (with the charming acronym GAS), and the Aryan Resistance Corps (ARC). Their Rohmite philosophy is simple: while white men are superior to other races, gay men are “the masters of the Master Race”. They alone are endowed with the “capacity for pure male bonding” and the “superior intellect” that is needed for “a fascist revolution.” The ARC even organises holiday “get-togethers” for its members where “you can relax amongst the company of our fellow white brothers.”

So it’s fairly easy to establish that gay people are not inoculated from fascism. They have often been at its heart. This begs the bigger question: why? How did gay people - so often victims of oppression and hate - become integral to the most hateful and evil political movement of all? Is it just an extreme form of self-harm, the political equivalent to the gay kids who slash their own arms to ribbons out of self-hate?

Gay pornographer and film-maker Bruce LaBruce has one explanation. He claims that “all gay porn today is implictly fascist. Fascism is in our bones, because it’s all about glorifying white male supremacy and fetishizing domination, cruelty, power and monstrous authority figures.” He has tried to explore the relationship between homosexuality and fascism in his movies, beginning with ‘No Skin Off My Ass’ in 1991. In his disturbing 1999 film “Skin Flick’, a bourgeois gay couple - one black, one white - are sexually terrorised by a gang of gay skinheads who beat off to ‘Mein Kampf’ and beat up ‘femmes’. He implies that bourgeois gay norms quickly break down to reveal a fascist lurking underneath; the movie ends with the black character being raped in front of his half-aroused white lover, as the racist gang chant, “Fuck the monkey.”

I decided to track down some gay fascists and ask them directly. Wyatt Powers, director of the ARC, says, “I always knew in my heart racist and gay were both morally right. I don’t see any conflict between them. It’s only the Jew-owned gay press that tries to convince us that racialism is the same thing as homophobia. You can be an extreme nationalist and gay without any contradiction at all.”

One comment board on a gay racist website goes even further into racist lunacy. One gay man from Ohio says, “Even if you are gay and white, or retarded and white, YOU ARE WHITE, BOTTOM LINE! Instead of letting the white race go extinct because of worthless races such as the Africans or Mexicans popping out literally millions of babies a day, we have to fight this fucked up shit they are doing. They are raping our country.” It’s true that racism and homophobia do not necessarily overlap - but as Rabbi Bernard Melchman explains, “Homophobia and anti-Semitism are so often part of the same disease.” Racists are usually homophobic. Even after reading all their web rantings, I didn’t feel any closer to understanding why so many gay men ally themselves with people who will almost always turn on them in the end, just as the Nazis did.

Gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell has a sensitive and intriguing explanation. “There are many reasons for this kind of thing,” he says. “Some of them are in denial. They are going for hyper-masculinity, the most extreme possible way of being a man. It’s a way of ostentatiously rejecting the perceived effeminacy of the homosexual ‘Other’. These troubled men have a simple belief in their minds: ‘Straight men are tough. Queers are weak. Therefore if I’m tough I can’t be queer.’ It’s a desperate way of proving their manhood.”

‘Searchlight’ magazine - the bible of the British anti-fascist movement, with moles in every major far-right organisation - offers an alternative explanation. “Generally condemned by a society that continues to be largely hostile to gays, some men may find refuge and a new power status in the far right,” one of their writers has explained. “Through adherence to the politics espoused by fascist groups, a new identity emerges - one where they aren’t outcasts, because they are White Men, superior to everyone else. They render the gay part of their identity invisible - or reject the socially less acceptable parts, like being feminine - while vaunting what they see as superior.”

But there’s another important question: will fascist movements inevitably turn on gay people? In the case of the Nazis, it seems to have been fairly arbitrary; Hitler’s main reason for killing Rohm was unrelated to his sexuality. From my perspective as a progressive-minded leftie, all fascism is evil; but should all gay people see it as inimical to their interests? Is it possible to have a gay fascist who wasn’t acting against his own interests? Fascism is often defined as “a political ideology advocating hierarchical government that systematically denies equality to certain groups.” It’s true that this hierarchy could benefit gay people at the expense of, say, black people. But given the prevalence of homophobia, isn’t that - even for people who don’t see fascism as inherently evil - a terrible risk to take? Won’t a culture that turns viciously on one minority get around to gay people in the end? This seems, ultimately, to be the lesson of Ernst Rohm’s pitiful, squalid little life.

The growing awareness of the role gay men play in fascist movements has been abused by some homophobes. In an especially nutty work of revisionist history called ‘The Pink Swastika’, the ‘historian’ Scott Lively tries to blame gay people for the entire Holocaust, and describes the murder of gay men in the camps as merely “gay-on-gay violence.” A typical website commenting on the book claims absurdly, “The Pink Swastika shows that there was far more brutality, rape, torture and murder committed against innocent people by Nazi homosexuals than there even was against homosexuals themselves.”

Yet we can’t allow these madmen to prevent a period of serious self-reflection from the gay movement. If Bruce LaBruce is right, many of the mainstream elements of gay culture - body worship, the lauding of the strong, a fetish for authority figures and cruelty - provide a swamp in which the fascist virus can thrive. Do some gay people really still need to learn that fascists will not bring on a Fabulous Solution for gay people, but a Final Solution for us all?

Johann Hari is a writer for the Independent newspaper. To read more of his articles, click here.


Thomas Michael Marks is a known Pedophile and Nazi.

The 54 year old Roseville, Minnesota White Nationalist
organizer has been arrested in an undercover Child-sex sting in
August, 1997. Marks answered an internet ad for a company in
Yuma, Arizona offering enticements of ”the young at heart.”
This is a known code phrase for those interested in sex with
children. The placed Ad was part of an undercover operation and
Marks was arrested after flying into Yuma and meeting with his
“sex-tour liaison” at a motel. According to court documents
Marks was interested in overnight stays with pre-teen girls and
booked a three day stay with several 8-year old girls. After
raiding his residence federal agents discovered child
pornography downloaded to his computer. Marks was a teacher
before getting arrested in the Child-sex sting.

Francis Joseph "Frank" Collin (born November 3, 1944 in
Chicago, Illinois) Midwest coordinator with the National
Socialist White People's Party. After being ousted for being
part Jewish (which he denied), Collin founded in 1970, the
National Socialist Party of America.[1] In the late 1970s, its
plan to march in the predominantly Jewish suburb of Skokie,
Illinois was challenged, but the ACLU defended its freedom of
speech and assembly in a case that reached the United States
Supreme Court. The court in National Socialist Party of America
v. Village of Skokie (1979), a major First Amendment decision,
ruled that the party had a right to march and to display a
swastika, despite local opposition. Collin was convicted and
sentenced in 1979 for child molestation.

Germany opens files on Chile sect run by Nazi pedophile‘For
many years… German diplomats looked the other way,’ concedes
foreign minister regarding abusive group Colonia Dignidad

Kevin Alfred Strom (born August 17, 1956) is an American White
nationalist, neo-Nazi, Holocaust denier, White separatist and
associate editor of National Vanguard. Strom resigned from
National Vanguard in July 2006,[1] but rejoined in 2012.
In 2008 Strom pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography
and was sentenced to 23 months in prison, of which he served
four months. Think he informed on his companions? He has posted as Topaz on USENET from time to time over the years spreading his lies and hatreds towards his cultural and intellectual betters the Jews.
Nazis are pedophiles hang them.

August Kreis III: Sentenced to 50 Years For Child Molestation

Back in June 2008 we ran a story concerning neo-Nazi parents (one of whom we continue to refer to as "Nazi Mom") who had attended the first Aryan Guard march in Calgary. This particular couple, now divorced, hit the news when Child and Family Services removed the children from their home after "Nazi Mom" had sent her daughter to school with racist iconography scrawled in marker all over her daughter's arms. Despite attempting to regain custody, "Nazi Mom" never did regain her parental rights.

At the time the news hit the msm, the usual suspects jumped in to support "Nazi Mom" and "Nazi Dad." The most prominent included Paul Fromm and members of the Aryan Guard itself, but they also received some international support:

August Kreis III, the leader of the Aryan Nations, told the Winnipeg Free Press his organization is prepared to mobilize whatever resources are necessary -- including financial and legal -- to ensure the decision isn't allowed to stand. He said the case is unlike anything he's ever heard of and fears it will set a dangerous precedent across North America.

"We're all family people. If they can do this in Canada, how long until they are doing it down here?" Mr. Kreis said in an interview from his home in South Carolina.
"The Canadians need to know we support this fight, that they are not alone. We're all over, and there are a lot of Canadians who feel the same way we do and are fed up with all this multiculturalism."

Mr. Kreis said he wouldn't advise his followers to turn their children into so-called "billboards" -- such as what is alleged to have happened in Winnipeg -- but added that's hardly grounds to have children removed from a home.

Mr. Kreis questions why similar seizures haven't been made of children being raised by homosexual or lesbian parents.

Ah, they are, "all family people" eh? Big supporters of the 14 words, no doubt.

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

It is such a relief that family men such as August Kreis are looking out for the welfare of "white" families and their children. Kreis himself was a family man having sired many children himself.

And just how well protected were the "white" children under Kreis' care?

Former Aryan Nations Leader Gets 50 Years For Child Rape

August Byron Kreis III, a one-time pre-eminent racist leader with ties to the Ku Klux Klan, Posse Comitatus and the Aryan Nations, will spend the rest of his life in prison for child molestation.

The 61-year-old Kreis -- who lost both legs to diabetes and is now wheel-chair bound -- was sentenced Thursday to 50 years in prison after being found guilty by a jury in Lexington, S.C., of one count of criminal sexual conduct involving a child and two counts of committing lewd acts on a child.

The charges were related to repeated sexual abuse of two girls between the ages of 10 and 14 by the man who at one-time declared he was the hand-picked leader of the Aryan Nations, chosen to succeed the late Richard G. Butler.

But child rape conviction aside, Kreis wasn't about to let the opportunity to get the message out pass:

During the three-day trial, Kreis held up a sign to the jury, “Vote for Donald Trump.” That prompted his defense attorney to ask for a mistrial, but the judge rejected the attempt to derail the trial.

At sentencing Thursday afternoon, Kreis was back with an anti-Semitic rant and another plug for the Republican presidential candidate who is leading most current polls.

“I will always hate the Jew,” Kreis said in the courtroom. “This government is run by an evil group of people, and, please, ‘Vote for Trump!’”

An endorsement that we think even the Donald would refuse.

We think.

KKK "Grand Dragon" molested his granddaughter

Leading US neo-Nazi jailed for child porn possession

More on neo-nazis and child porn

neo-Nazi leader shot dead by his 10 year old son whom he abused

Frank Collin, leader of the National Socialist Party of America: pedophile

"Aryan Nations" leader, convicted of theft, is also a pedophile

Fugitive Nazis who built a paedophile paradise in the sun

neo-Nazi attacks women with hammer, gets 248-year sentence

Notorious German Neo-Nazi Tino Brandt Charged With Child Abuse

Nazis were "sexually aroused by necrophilia, bestiality and sadism"

White supremacist beat a five year old to death

British neo-Nazis torture, murder 17 month old boy

British neo-Nazi sentenced to life for raping a two year old girl

Child porn found on computer of neo-Nazi Holocaust Museum shooter

White supremacists rob and murder a family, including an 8 year old girl

British KKK "leader" is a convicted child molester

Hungarian neo-Nazis murder four year old boy

BNP paedophile convicted

And ANOTHER BNP paedophile convicted!

White supremacist tortured and sexually assaulted teen stepdaughters

Nigel Hesmondalgh, British neo-Nazi: jailed for possessing a series
of degrading photos and videos of children.

Shaun Jones, British neo-Nazi: jailed for raping a 12 year old girl

Kane Hutchinson, British neo-Nazi: jailed for abusing young boys

John Broomfield, British neo-Nazi: jailed for child abuse images

Mervyn Jones, British neo-Nazi: 17 years for "sustained and prolific sex crimes"

Darren Francis, British neo-Nazi: multiple sex offences, illegal drugs

James Mullen, British neo-Nazi, repeatedly kicked his pregnant girlfriend
in the stomach, attacked others, incl. a 10-year-old girl

Wayne McCurry, British neo-Nazi, convicted of attacking two 14-year-old girls
More on this sick nazoid animal: http://tinyurl.com/penov2z

Eliot Jones, British neo-Nazi, sentenced for blackmail and child abuse
Yes, business as usual with the nazoid sickos.
More in: http://tinyurl.com/p89ypar

Jeff Marsh, British neo-Nazi "leader", jailed for attacking a woman


Travis Mitchell Patron Of Redvers, Saskatchewan Convicted Of A Hate Crime Against Jews Crown Wants A Year. He Was Sentenced To 18 Months For Aggravated Assault Against 2 Women In 2019. He Was Founder Of The Now Defunct Canadian Nationalist Party.

Saskatchewan Man Found Guilty for Promoting Antisemitism After B’nai Brith Canada Advocacy and Court Testimony (Greg: Good news hope he gets a harsher sentence of Arthur Topham of BC who is twice convicted.)

Travis Patron (CBC)
Cliquez ici pour le français

Oct. 6, 2022

Estevan, Sask. –The former leader of the now-defunct Canadian Nationalist Party (Greg: Glad to learn they are kaput every comment I heard from right of center ppl about them was negative.) has been found guilty by a jury in southeast Saskatchewan of promoting hatred against Jews.

The decision comes years after B’nai Brith Canada advocacy led to an investigation and charges against Travis Patron, 29.

It took a jury in southeast Saskatchewan about an hour on Wednesday to decide the former leader of the now-defunct Canadian Nationalist Party was guilty of hate speech against Jewish people.

Patron is notorious for producing a video that referred to Jews as “the parasitic tribe.” He also advocated for the removal of Jews from Canada. In addition, he claimed that Jews control the media and Canada’s central bank, trying to perpetuate antisemitic tropes.

The charge and subsequent jury trial at Court of King’s Bench in Estevan, Sask. — about 200 kilometres southeast of Regina — came after the Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigated Patron in 2019.

“We are pleased with the conviction of this man following such blatant, offensive and appalling hate messages,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada. “Patron advocated for the destruction of Canadian Jewry using dehumanizing language. His rhetoric is genocidal and we are grateful that the jury recognized the vile behaviour that our organization emphasized while seeking justice.”

Crown prosecutor Ryan Snyder told the CBC that the video evidence spoke for itself in this trial.

He cited the testimony of a “woman from Ontario” who made a difference. The woman was associated with B’nai Brith Canada.

“You start out with what looks like a victimless crime. It’s hate speech on the internet — where’s the victim? And yet we heard from a complainant during the course of this trial who really brought home the fact that words do matter,” Snyder was quoted after court adjourned on Wednesday. “Her visceral reaction to the wild words that Mr. Patron put on the internet — that was a good reminder to me that hate speech has a victim and that it has a real impact on people.”

B’nai Brith previously issued a number of exposés regarding Patron’s activities. One resulted in a virtual office banning his group.

Snyder said court also heard from three other Crown witnesses: an RCMP criminal analyst who gathered the video evidence, a Mountie from Carlyle, Sask., who helped identify Patron in the video, and a Jewish history professor from Harvard University who broke down the meaning behind what was said in it.

Patron will return to court later this month for sentencing. B’nai Brith will keep you posted.

https://www.bnaibrith.ca/saskatchewan-man-found-guilty-for-promoting-antisemitism-after-bnai-brith-canada-advocacy-and-testimony/ has a picture of the convicted cretin. He lives in Redvers, Sask. the jury took less than an hour to convict the fool who represented himself. He was convicted previously for assault causing bodily harm against two women in a 2019 incident. He was also previously convicted of 2 counts of breach of an undertaking and mischief at the Redvers Legion Hall. https://www.sasktoday.ca/south/local-news/travis-patron-convicted-of-hate-speech-charge-5914665 has another pic of the criminal. https://leaderpost.com/news/crime/jury-finds-one-time-leader-of-the-canadian-nationalist-party-guilty-of-promoting-hatred-against-jews This has two different pics of the anti-Semite the guys appearance changes a lot. https://ca.linkedin.com/in/travispatron He got a good start in life education wise but turned into a jailbird. Bitcoin guy.

https://www.thej.ca/2020/07/15/canadian-nationalist-party-leader-calls-for-removal-of-jews-from-canada/ Here he is giving the nazi salute.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Nationalist_Party#:~:text=The%20party%20did%20not%20win,parties%2C%20garnering%20only%20281%20votes. Travis Patron founded the Canadian Nationalist Party in 2017 and it ceased to exist in 2022. It only ran 4 candidates in its history contested 2 elections and received less than 350 votes.

https://www.coindesk.com/author/TravisPatron/ this website of his has been inactive for 6 years.

https://www.buzzfeed.com/justinling/canadian-nationalist-party More pics of the guy.


Federal Corporation Directors
Travis Mitchell Patron
Address: 40 Railway Ave, Box 490, Redvers, SK S0C 2H0, Canada
Travis Mitchell Patron is a director of Canadian federal corporation registered by Corporations Canada. The director's corpration name is Canadian Nationalist Party Parti Nationaliste Canadien. https://opengovca.com/director/travis-mitchell-patron

https://www.hallfuneralservices.ca/memorials/gloria-patron/5015085/ Travis used to have a wife Brooke.


https://students.usask.ca/documents/convocation/spring-2014.pdf Travis Mitchell Patron took marketing at the U. of Sask. page 89.

http://anti-racistcanada.blogspot.com/2019/09/the-cnp-eligible-for-official-party_19.html The list of all CHP members in 2019 plus their home towns. Ppl associated with neo nazis and the Proud Boys and Blood And Honour were on the list and Sons Of Odin. (EYEROLL)

https://www.ckom.com/2019/10/07/travis-patron-canadian-nationalist-party/ Figures he admires Trump.



https://mobile.twitter.com/btron17 Don't know when but this hottie seems to have left Travis Mitchell Patron.

https://www.talento.co.nz/talent/3105/brooke-patron She is an actress among other things hey Travis Mitchell Patron you violent Jew hater you blew it entirely your own fault. Those 2 spirited Aboriginals will enjoy training the violent Travis Mitchell Patron in the pen again!

And of course there is the old Jew hater Arthur Topham doing his poverty thing and trying to screw his dead son's family out of their inheritance:

Arthur Topham Twice Convicted For Hate Crimes Against Jews Lives In Quesnel/Barkerville, BC.
Greg Carr's profile photo
Greg Carr
May 3, 2021, 12:07:15 AM
Arthur Topham Twice Convicted For Hate Crimes Against Jews Lives In Quesnel/Barkerville, BC.

https://vimeo.com/user117721729 Arthur Topham has posted some videos judging from the views almost no one cares.

https://gogetfunding.com/radical-press-publisher-arthur-topham-arrested-for-alleged-breach-of-probation/?show_desktop=1 the nazi is trying to raise funds less than $4k .

https://gogetfunding.com/radical-press-publisher-arthur-topham-arrested-for-alleged-breach-of-probation/?show_desktop=1 from 2018 to March 2020 less than $3,800 has been raised for the chronically lying Jew hater.

Arthur Topham
4633 Barkerville Highway
Quesnel, B.C.
V2J 6T8

Arthur Topham The Twice Convicted Anti-Semitic Jew Hater Of Quesnel, BC Gets 3 Years Probation And 30 Day Conditional Sentence.

B'nai Brith Canada
QUESNEL, B.C. – Convicted B.C. hatemonger Arthur Topham has been sentenced to a 30-day conditional sentence plus three years probation, after failing to comply with the terms of his previous probation.
Friday's sentencing comes a month after Topham had been found guilty of breach of probation, following a prior conviction for wilfully promoting hatred against Jews in 2017.

His conditions include a ban on posting any online content related to Jewish people, the Jewish religion, Israel and Israelis, and/or Zionism.

Topham was first charged in 2012, after he had called for Jews to be forcibly sterilized, claimed that Canada is “controlled by the Zionist Jew lobby,” and described Jewish places of worship as “synagogues of Satan.” He was convicted by a jury in November of 2015.

Topham then launched a failed constitutional challenge to Canada’s hate speech laws, which delayed his sentencing until March of 2017. Though facing a maximum penalty of two years in prison, he received a mere six-month curfew and ban on posting online. B’nai Brith condemned this development at the time as a “mere slap on the wrist,” warning that it failed to establish a deterrent against future offences.

Topham was also ordered not to post “any information about persons of Jewish religion or ethnic origin” to the internet for a period of two years. He proceeded to violate this term of his probation by posting antisemitic material, leading to further charges earlier this year.

“This decision is a positive development in the fight against antisemitism and hate speech in Canada,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada. “We need accountability for inciting hatred in this country, and Topham can now serve as an example to remind people that there are real consequences for these sorts of actions against your fellow citizens.”

Both Topham’s original conviction and his re-arrest for breach of probation were made possible through the work of Harry Abrams, a long-time B’nai Brith volunteer based in British Columbia.

Way to go B'nai Brith And Harry Abrams. FIGHT THE GOOD FICHT. I hope more affluent Jews send this man and the organization some money. Too bad Topham wasn't sentenced to at least half a year in jail and fined a few grand. All these court cases must be costing Arthur Topham a lot of money on legal fees which is good. https://www.bnaibrith.ca/tags/arthur_topham has a picture of the 72 year old nazi with the rumpled suit.

https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/OoO7CMdDGDU/m/NZ9hFE9BAQAJ has a lot of information of the bad decisions of Judge Bruce Butler the judge in the first case who was unexplainingly lenient.

https://infotel.ca/newsitem/kamloops-councillor-handed-eight-safety-violations-after-stores-robbed/it59603 Kamloops City Councillor Denis Walsh 250-299-5454

https://contributions.electionsbc.gov.bc.ca/pcs/lepublished/100127634.pdf Denis Jerome Walsh in 2014 was not a big money candidate only around $3,300 in donations most of it from Mr.Walsh himself. In 2014 his mailing address was 173 St.Paul St Kamloops B.C. V2C 2J1

In 2001 Denis Walsh ran for the Green Party in the provincial election. Finishing third with 15% of the vote. This was 3 years after he stated support publicly for Arthur Topham saying he has known him for 15 years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamloops-North_Thompson

Nancy Lafontant
Registry Officer
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal

Date: March 16, 2009

Dear Nancy Lafontant,

RE: File Number: T1360/9008

I have known Arthur Topham as editor of Radical Press for approximately
15 years and he has always expressed his opinions openly without
prejudice and he has no expectations of persuasion or transference on
behalf of the reader. He often expresses radical assumptions and
provides interesting conjecture through his editorials. His aptly named
former newspaper and website “Radical Press” should indicate to any free
thinking intelligent individual the challenging level of his discourse.

As a person who believes very strongly in the fundamental right of ALL
Canadians to be able to express their opinions and views without fear of
legal repercussions I wish to register my dissatisfaction with the fact
that special lobby groups in Canada are attempting to use the Canadian
Human Rights Act and Sec. 13(1) to stop their fellow Canadians from
expressing their opinions and beliefs on matters of importance to Canada.

I strongly feel that a person’s right to speak their mind in an open,
civil and truthful manner on political, social and religious issues of
the day is crucial to an understanding of how our society and the world
at large works and that a person’s viewpoint should not be censored
merely because it disagrees with either the status quo or the position
of another interest group with differing political views.

Judging from how this Sec. 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act has
been used to unfairly penalize free expression in Canada I believe that
this legislation should be removed from the CHR Act and that issue of
“hate crimes” should be dealt with as in the Criminal Code of Canada
where a person thus charged has the right to a fair trial in a court of
law with either a Judge or a Judge and Jury.

Thank you,

Denis Walsh,
City Councillor, Kamloops.
520A Seymour St.,
Kamloops, BC


Scyi (Topham) Norgaard the son of the hate monger and liar and convicted twice anti-Semite has publicly supported his evil old man Arthur Topham.

David Icke the guy who claims Wuhan isn't real and that the Queen is actually a reptile has also supported Arthur Topham. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reptilian_conspiracy_theory

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Rense Jeff Rense
***@mindspring.com has also publicly supported Arthur Topham. The SPLC says Mr.Rense is a nazi and anti-Semitic. These birds of feather flock together. Jeffry Shearer Rense is an American radio talk-show host. His show, the Jeff Rense Program, was broadcast via satellite radio and is now released through his personal website.[1]

Rense's radio program and website propagate conspiracy theories, including those of 9/11 conspiracists,[2] ufologists and advocates of the paranormal, the creation of diseases, chemtrails, evidence of advanced ancient technology, emergent energy technologies, and alternative medicine.


I will be contacting Councilman Walsh in Kamloops and see if his views of Arthur Topham the repeat liar and twice convicted anti-Semite have changed and if he will repudiate and disavow his former support of the vile and disgusting man.


As of May 2 2021 Dennis Walsh and the others have failed to rebuke Arthur Topham for his chronic lying about Jews or repudiate their prior public support for the hate criminal. Neither have any of the ppl below all of whom are connected to Arthur Topham public supporter Dennis Walsh of Kamloops (or media ppl or area political ppl) have repudiated his views despite being contacted a number of times. Please contact them by email, phone, mail and fax to get them to do the ethical thing which is long overdue.


Sun., Nov. 29, 2020 at 2:45 p.m.

This is a copy of the email I recently sent to Kamloops city councillour Denis Walsh regarding his gushing support back in 1998 to now twice convicted Jew hater Arthur Topham. He refuses to repudiate his views expressed in 1998 regarding Arthur Topham. Why is he still on Kamloops City Council? Is Kamloops a hot bed of anti-Semitic behavior and views? I have of course been to your town and I never noticed anything like that. There are of course some very rich billionairre business ppl Jews why would they want to invest in Kamloops with a man like this on city council? I have also emailed the Kamloops Film Society since Mr.Wash's bio says he was or is a member and of course he runs a video store. Jews are throughout the film industry obviously. If you ppl want to endorse Mr.Walsh and Arthur Topham maybe you could hold a
Leni Riefenstahl film festival. Mr.Walsh also was on the human rights Committee at TRU so I am contacting them.

Greg Carr <***@yahoo.ca>

Sun., Nov. 22 at 6:43 p.m.

November 22, 2020
B'nai Brith Canada
QUESNEL, B.C. – Convicted B.C. hatemonger Arthur Topham has been sentenced to a 30-day conditional sentence plus three years probation, after failing to comply with the terms of his previous probation.
Friday's sentencing comes a month after Topham had been found guilty of breach of probation, following a prior conviction for wilfully promoting hatred against Jews in 2017.

His conditions include a ban on posting any online content related to Jewish people, the Jewish religion, Israel and Israelis, and/or Zionism.

Topham was first charged in 2012, after he had called for Jews to be forcibly sterilized, claimed that Canada is “controlled by the Zionist Jew lobby,” and described Jewish places of worship as “synagogues of Satan.” He was convicted by a jury in November of 2015.

Topham then launched a failed constitutional challenge to Canada’s hate speech laws, which delayed his sentencing until March of 2017. Though facing a maximum penalty of two years in prison, he received a mere six-month curfew and ban on posting online. B’nai Brith condemned this development at the time as a “mere slap on the wrist,” warning that it failed to establish a deterrent against future offences.

Topham was also ordered not to post “any information about persons of Jewish religion or ethnic origin” to the internet for a period of two years. He proceeded to violate this term of his probation by posting antisemitic material, leading to further charges earlier this year.

“This decision is a positive development in the fight against antisemitism and hate speech in Canada,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada. “We need accountability for inciting hatred in this country, and Topham can now serve as an example to remind people that there are real consequences for these sorts of actions against your fellow citizens.”

Both Topham’s original conviction and his re-arrest for breach of probation were made possible through the work of Harry Abrams, a long-time B’nai Brith volunteer based in British Columbia.

Way to go B'nai Brith And Harry Abrams. FIGHT THE GOOD FICHT. I hope more affluent Jews send this man and the organization some money. Too bad Topham wasn't sentenced to at least half a year in jail and fined a few grand. All these court cases must be costing Arthur Topham a lot of money on legal fees which is good. https://www.bnaibrith.ca/tags/arthur_topham has a picture of the 72 year old nazi with the rumpled suit.

https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/OoO7CMdDGDU/m/NZ9hFE9BAQAJ has a lot of information of the bad decisions of Judge Bruce Butler the judge in the first case who was unexplainingly lenient.

https://infotel.ca/newsitem/kamloops-councillor-handed-eight-safety-violations-after-stores-robbed/it59603 Kamloops City Councillor Denis Walsh 250-299-5454

https://contributions.electionsbc.gov.bc.ca/pcs/lepublished/100127634.pdf Denis Jerome Walsh in 2014 was not a big money candidate only around $3,300 in donations most of it from Mr.Walsh himself. In 2014 his mailing address was 173 St.Paul St Kamloops B.C. V2C 2J1

In 2001 Denis Walsh ran for the Green Party in the provincial election. Finishing third with 15% of the vote. This was 3 years after he stated support publicly for Arthur Topham saying he has known him for 15 years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamloops-North_Thompson

Nancy Lafontant
Registry Officer
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal

Date: March 16, 2009

Dear Nancy Lafontant,

RE: File Number: T1360/9008

I have known Arthur Topham as editor of Radical Press for approximately
15 years and he has always expressed his opinions openly without
prejudice and he has no expectations of persuasion or transference on
behalf of the reader. He often expresses radical assumptions and
provides interesting conjecture through his editorials. His aptly named
former newspaper and website “Radical Press” should indicate to any free
thinking intelligent individual the challenging level of his discourse.

As a person who believes very strongly in the fundamental right of ALL
Canadians to be able to express their opinions and views without fear of
legal repercussions I wish to register my dissatisfaction with the fact
that special lobby groups in Canada are attempting to use the Canadian
Human Rights Act and Sec. 13(1) to stop their fellow Canadians from
expressing their opinions and beliefs on matters of importance to Canada.

I strongly feel that a person’s right to speak their mind in an open,
civil and truthful manner on political, social and religious issues of
the day is crucial to an understanding of how our society and the world
at large works and that a person’s viewpoint should not be censored
merely because it disagrees with either the status quo or the position
of another interest group with differing political views.

Judging from how this Sec. 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act has
been used to unfairly penalize free expression in Canada I believe that
this legislation should be removed from the CHR Act and that issue of
“hate crimes” should be dealt with as in the Criminal Code of Canada
where a person thus charged has the right to a fair trial in a court of
law with either a Judge or a Judge and Jury.

Thank you,

Denis Walsh,
City Councillor, Kamloops.
520A Seymour St.,
Kamloops, BC


Scyi (Topham) Norgaard the son of the hate monger and liar and convicted twice anti-Semite has publicly supported his evil old man Arthur Topham.

David Icke the guy who claims Wuhan isn't real and that the Queen is actually a reptile has also supported Arthur Topham. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reptilian_conspiracy_theory

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Rense Jeff Rense
***@mindspring.com has also publicly supported Arthur Topham. The SPLC says Mr.Rense is a nazi and anti-Semitic. These birds of feather flock together. Jeffry Shearer Rense is an American radio talk-show host. His show, the Jeff Rense Program, was broadcast via satellite radio and is now released through his personal website.[1]

Rense's radio program and website propagate conspiracy theories, including those of 9/11 conspiracists,[2] ufologists and advocates of the paranormal, the creation of diseases, chemtrails, evidence of advanced ancient technology, emergent energy technologies, and alternative medicine.

https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/LjtxSIC1PVw/m/PS2r7VDEpkQJ has the letters showing the support of these three ppl for Arthur Topham twice convicted for hate crimes against Jews..

I will be contacting Councilman Walsh in Kamloops and see if his views of Arthur Topham the repeat liar and twice convicted anti-Semite have changed and if he will repudiate and disavow his former support of the vile and disgusting man.

https://mobile.twitter.com/arthur_topham just like Auric Hellmann he hates Jews and is an anti-vax kook.

https://www.quesnelobserver.com/news/photos-washout-closes-highway-26-in-cottonwood/ Arthur Topham nazi seems to make a few dollars taking pictures for Black Press.

http://cafe.nfshost.com/?tag=arthur-topham Non secure website. Arthur Topham had a son he died and the whole family of dreck is fighting over the spoils.

Compassionate Appeal from Former Political Prisoner & Free Speech Warrior Arthur Topham

Dear friends and associates,
I’m sending out the url to my GoGetFunding campaign in order to raise funds to help defray legal costs associated with my application for a grant of administration in the case of my late son Shashone who tragically passed from this world on January 25, 2022.

When he passed suddenly he hadn’t left a Will and that has caused a tremendous amount of problems with his siblings and former common-law partners and his three children; one daughter and two boys. As is usual with cases like this disagreements arise immediately and so I decided to apply for a grant of administration in order to help settle his intestate possessions in a fair and equitable manner. (Greg: Yes you lying nazi these things happen no it is not normal. )

The details of all this are included in the narrative that can be read on the campaign site.

Given the recent actions of different funding sites, especially the GoFundMe site that the Canadian Trucker Convoy was using, many people now are very skeptical of donating to these organizations. Having said this I want to let people know that my regular email address that I’m using to send out this appeal ( ***@nym.hush.com ) can also be used to send e-Transfers directly to my CIBC banking account should anyone wish to donate that way. (Greg: C.I.B.C. doesn't want me but they welcome twice convicted hate crimer Arthur Topham who hates Jews publicly. https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/qfOTXhG_rps and https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/YD29gMjvA1c Hey Jewish community there are like 5 other banks in Canada that you can take your personal and business accounts to. C.I.B.C. = hypocrisy.)

Any amount will be gratefully appreciated. On behalf of my wife Shasta and myself we thank you.


Arthur Topham

Father of the late Shashone Topham

https://www.linkedin.com/in/shashone-topham-05b55230/?originalSubdomain=ca the dead Shashone was young had good paying work the scavenger relatives want his gold fillings as well I am sure.

Jul 26, 2021
Dear Terri and all who were privileged to know my wonderful and beloved Aunty Flo. The strange thing about our relationship is that it really didn’t begin until November of 2019! While working on my late Aunt Nora’s estate matters via email with my Cousin Diana Popoff in Ottawa I had mentioned that our Babushka, aka Anne Podmoroff, was Ukrainian. Diana replied that she was actually Russian and not Ukrainian and that she had been talking with Aunty Flo on the phone and Flo also confirmed the same. It was only then that I realized I actually had an Aunty Flo!
Diana gave me Flo’s contact information and I sent her an email on December 4, 2019 and she replied to me on the 7th. That was the start of a long and interesting email relationship that only ceased on July 4, 2021. Over the past year and 7 months we exchanged 253 emails and Flo taught me so much about my family history throughout that period of time. My mother, Pauline Podmoroff (Topham) was Flo’s cousin and they both grew up in Saskatchewan. I was born in my Grandmother’s home in Togo back on Feb. 25, 1947 about a year after Flo went west to B.C. We followed her out to Kitimat in 1956 where my father Roy had found employment with Alcan in ’55.
Flo told me in her first email that she had met me back in Kitimat in 1972 when she and George were up visiting my parents. I had gotten married while they were there and she recalled the event. Of course I had totally forgotten the fact but thanks to Flo’s coaching and identifying many old photos from our family albums which I inherited I learned so much more about my family history something I shall always be thankful for.
I feel that Flo is now back together with all those who’ve already departed and they’re likely reminiscing and chuckling about all us mortals still stranded here on this 3rd rock from the sun. :-) May God bless and keep them all in His loving fold until we meet again.
Arthur & Shasta Topham
Cottonwood, B.C.


A Merry Christmas Greeting from Arthur & Shasta Topham
December 23rd, 2016 Awake Goy

https://www.jewworldorder.org/a-merry-christmas-greeting-from-arthur-shasta-topham/ The usual lies and hate about Jews that Arthur Topham has espoused for years.

Greetings Readers. It’s been a rather inordinate length of time since I last posted to the site, so much so that I feel it’s necessary to provide an explanation.

On January 25th of 2022 my wife and I received word that our youngest son, Shashone Topham, had suddenly died while on a short trip to Kamloops, B.C. It was totally unexpected and for obvious reasons threw a monkey wrench into our lives, one that is still causing us untold grief, pain and anguish.

The world of course continues on in its petty pace toward God only knows what.

I will do my best to resume publishing articles of interest but I’m also very busy at this time dealing with our son’s estate. He didn’t leave a Will and that has created immense problems which must be dealt with.

I have created a GoGetFunding site in order to help defray the costs associated with all the legal aspects. If anyone is so inclined and can help out please feel free to go to it here.


Arthur Topham

https://cariboosentinel.ca/2022/05/01/update-from-the-editor/ The dead son was 46 had at least 3 children and was too stupid to have a will yes he was a Topham.

MAY 4, 2022 AT 6:45 AM
Arthur, please accept condolences from an old friend on Vancouver Island. My heart goes out to you and your wife at such a great loss. Those little empty spaces where he once filled with his physical presence are now silent but hopefully you will hear from him again. Meanwhile, this wicked world of ours goes on; it seems so unfair I understand.

MAY 4, 2022 AT 9:46 AM
Thank you BarbaraLee. I had thought you’d abandoned me back in 2015. Glad to hear from you and thank you for condolences. “Those little empty spaces” as you say aren’t that little for us as he had moved his life back home just prior to passing and his presence is practically everywhere that we turn. We’ll meet again though. Blessings & Peace. Arthur & Shasta.

(Greg: Hope all of you die violently and raped.)

The only good nazi is a dead one.
