Join The Fight
(too old to reply)
William Mahler
2020-11-19 11:54:45 UTC
Litsa Pappas,

I wrote to you a few weeks ago, now I reach out once again.

William Mahler
From: William Mahler
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2020 6:42 AM
To: ***@globe.com; ***@Coxinc.com
Cc: ***@mindfreedom.org; ***@madinamerica.com
Subject: Bridgewater State Hospital, Correct Care / WellPath & DOC

Hello Mr. Fox,

My name is William Mahler,

Former patient inmate at the Bridgewater State Hospital 2x. Back in 2011-2014 when DOC was in charge and again when Correct Care / Wellpath was in charge.

I read with relief that DOC has been put in the limelight regarding mental health and lack of proper treatment, via the Globe this morning, your story.

For the time DOC was in charge, it was vile, fights every other day in any one of the units, mostly between guards and prisoners. The Intensive Treatment Unit ITU was used primarily for prisoners whom merely like I would joke around and give an arm punch to a fellow friend/inmate or in some cases, under my breath say “asshole” about a guard ripping through my belongings for the umpteenth time in weeks. ITU is a long hall with solitary confinement cells that each include a toilet, no sink, greyed out window, hard plastic bunk. Prisoners were made to strip completely naked and given a heavy plastic smock with Velcro, often left in the cell for hours to as one person I know several months. Every four hours a mental health worker would open a slot and ask “are you hearing voices?” like clockwork. One patient died due to excessive force by DOC, resulting in the takeover by private care Correct Care now known as WellPath. Below is an email to Litsa Pappas, a former Correct Care employee and employed by Boston25 at the same time.

Any questions,
I’m totally available and currently fighting the department of mental health.

That story, below.

William Mahler
Worcester, MA.

From: William Mahler
Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2020 7:41 PM
To: ***@Coxinc.com
Subject: Correct Care / WellPath & You

Ms. Pappas,

You are the only reporter to have been employed in Correct Care (now Wellpath) while working for Boston25.

I must say that fact is why I am writing to you now.

I finally left Wellpath back in September 2020.

The biggest difference between Correct Care / WellPath and the former “leaders” Department of Corrections is glaringly known. Correct Care provided a relaxed totally non violent respectful behavior, contrary completely to DOC.

However, did you ever experience racism there?

For 3 ½ years I attended groups until Corona Virus / Covid 19 locked us all in our units/cells March 2020. Prior, groups.

I spent 2 hours a week in IMR, Illness Management Recovery learning exclusively about the 5 major illnesses and no more than 2 of the 9 members were of any other color than white, and for a long time, only one person of color, no latinos at all.

Across the hall at the same time, life skills took place where cooking nachos, sandwiches, balancing bank books, leases and resume’s were the norm for one white member (a lifer) and the remainder of color including one latino.

Maybe I’ll mess up someday and go back, maybe I wont but my point and question is this.

Is it fair to say that with a good knowledge of mental illness, I stand a chance to live in society as opposed to those who didn’t learn?

That’s blatant racism if I ever saw it.

Krissy is the sole person responsible for assigning groups and some get into groups they ask for but the vast majority don’t ask, maybe 95% of the patients are assigned groups without an interview. Krissy is a white young woman, engaged to be married.

In fact, a majority of people of color were either guards or mental health workers, none in the psychological/psychiatric employees and none in administration. There was one black physician, part time and one black nurse practitioner, black part time and one general nurse, black.

Why is it WellPath is the industry leader in private care and racist?

Why is it that the whites probably won’t return and the people of color remain uneducated where it matters most?

Maybe you can tell me.


William Mahler
PO BOX 866
West Yarmouth, MA.
1-774 418 3253


Back in September of this year, my attorney Tamara Barney told me to contact her the day after Halloween to start a hearings process. I did, last week there was a hearing to have a court hearing. Last week, the hearing took place with the hospital attorney to my immediate right at one table, Tamara to my left at ours. The judge and court officer were virtual. The hearing was to get a hearing based on as Tamara put it, hospital hearsay and that I have insuranc/place to go. I learned yesterday, Wednesday November 18, 2020 shortly after 4PM via Tamara that the judge denied me the right to a hearing. So, Tamara, already knew back in September this could be a challenge and has set forth a plan of attack to get into the state supreme court.

From: ***@mindfreedom.org <***@mindfreedom.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 10:33 PM
To: William Mahler <***@mahlers.net>
Subject: re: The Current State Of Mental Health Care In Massachusetts.

Dear William:

Were you notified that you have a scheduled hearing? Is your psychiatrist recommending that you be involuntarily committed? Sorry but I am confused if the reference to the Supreme Court hearing is different than any other hearings you are facing


From: "William Mahler" <***@mahlers.net>
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 6:37 PM
To: "***@globe.com" <***@globe.com>, "Tamara Barney" <***@publiccounsel.net>
Cc: "peter.bailey-***@globe.com" <peter.bailey-***@globe.com>, "***@globe.com" <***@globe.com>, "***@mindfreedom.org" <***@mindfreedom.org>, "***@madinamerica.com" <***@madinamerica.com>
Subject: The Current State Of Mental Health Care In Massachusetts.

Hello Boston Globe, Mr. Mcgrory, Mr. Bailey-Wells & Ms. Larson,

My name is William Mahler, Cape Cod native and current patient at the Worcester Recovery Center facing a state supreme court challenge to my attempt at discharge.

Below is the running email started today sent to many media outlets and I leave to you to know, I am totally available for any questions unbarred to me at your leisure okay?


William Mahler
309 Belmont Street Unit A2
Worcester, MA. 01604
My Cell: 1-774-418-3253



Back in April 2017, I was charged with a hijack/bomb threat & two assault and batteries.

The sole witness to call police regarding the bomb threat, along with his preacher, leader of the church the threat was allegedly made at, went on record to completely contradict the reporting Barnstable Police Patrolman Kevin Shaw. Shaw states in the police report that I made a threat vocally to blow up Victory Chapel and it was caught on video. Stanley Miranda, the witness merely called police at my request to inform the Police about someone he and I both knew. My theory is the officer is on the underground take but no proof. Miranda and Father Paul Campo both said to my attorney and detective on the record neither Miranda or Campo hinted at bomb threat and bomb threat on video. Entirely a falsity by Kevin Shaw. As a result, I was taken into custody and remanded to Bridgewater State Hospital for a 90 day competency hearing. The hearing resulted in the evaluator Lorena Kouperschmidt stating she believed that I was guilty for I was not on my meds at the time, therefore, I was involuntarily committed for an entire year.

The next two years the same ruling was made, regardless of the witness statements. The bomb threat case was dismissed due to what I call a draw, incompetent to stand trial. As for the two assault and battery charges brought up by Kevin Shaw, also dismissed prior to the bomb threat dismissal. I did spit at a guard at Cape Cod Hospital in 2004 and was charged 13 years years later in 2017, long after the case had legal weight and was able to go forward until 2010 when the statute of limitations ran out. The other assault and battery charge also by Keven Shaw is I allegedly threw coffee at a staffer of Cape Cod Hospital. The fact is, I was in a “white room” with a solid door complete with waist high window between me and her when she told me I wasn’t drinking coffee so I threw the coffee cup and all against the shut door window. I asked her jokingly “did that hit you” to which she smiled and said “not at all”. The police report states she felt cool coffee on her cheek. Shaw lied 3 times for reasons I am not fully knowledgeable but to say the least he is corrupt plain and simple.

What my step brother a Mass State Police detective and honorably discharged Persian Gulf I Army Airborne Ranger thinks, he treated me wholeheartedly without judgment and Tom Forest of Otis, MA. my step brother of all people would have told me I am guilty yet he never did to this day.

So, as of August 2020, I was found to be okay enough, stable enough to be remanded to Worcester Recovery Center where the b.s. continues.

Why does this system do this Sarah? Why? Can you or anyone for that matter tell me a logical sensible reason as to why the system is to say the least corrupt and broken?


From: ***@gmail.com <***@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 9:01 PM
To: '***@mindfreedom.org' <***@mindfreedom.org>
Subject: RE: Activate Shield: "Worcester Recovery Center & The Current State Of Mental Health In America"

In this court case coming up, it's going to be a civil no holds barred attack on a health care system that outright holds prisoner people to devices best used in 3rd world countries as far back as the 16th century, molded to todays "standards" of "acceptable humane care" and that I entirely am willing to face head on in a public light.

From: ***@gmail.com <***@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 8:47 PM
To: '***@mindfreedom.org' <***@mindfreedom.org>; 'Tamara Barney' <***@publiccounsel.net>
Cc: '***@rollingstone.com' <***@rollingstone.com>; '***@nytimes.com' <***@nytimes.com>; '***@capecodonline.com' <***@capecodonline.com>; '***@madinamerica.com' <***@madinamerica.com>; Boston Herald (***@bostonherald.com) <***@bostonherald.com>; '***@wcvb.com' <***@wcvb.com>; '***@whdh.com' <***@whdh.com>
Subject: RE: Activate Shield: "Worcester Recovery Center & The Current State Of Mental Health In America"


My over the top serious command of a conversation via the phone is my downfall LOL.

But ya, the local court found no reason to grant me a hearing, citing reasons other than the facts that I am not fully aware of. But considering my attorney, also the same person in charge of the mental health litigation unit of the Committee For Public Counsel Services in Worcester county, Tamara Barney told me that since my previous mental health attorney got me to waive a court hearing and go directly to Worcester, I legally have the right to a fair hearing in the local system. Had I gone to court to get out of Bridgewater, I’d have zero leg to stand on for a hearing that as of today I learned the local court ruled against said hearing, effectively pushing the case to the state supreme court. Had the local court not dismissed my right to a fair hearing, I’d not activate shield. The local court already had a top state level ruling in favor of people in my situation so the local court are ordered to grant hearings yet the local court sidestepped the ruling.

So ya, bring in the “military” army, navy, marines, coast guard and space force all of it – analogy of the moment.

If you have my first email about activating shield, you will know that the message went to several media outlets as is this email too.

From: ***@mindfreedom.org <***@mindfreedom.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 8:35 PM
To: ***@gmail.com
Cc: Ron Bassman (***@ronaldbassman.com) <***@ronaldbassman.com>
Subject: re: Activate Shield: "Worcester Recovery Center & The Current State Of Mental Health In America"

Dear William:

I am in possession of your written request to activate your Shield.

We will start assembling all of the information we have on file in regards to your situation and put a written Shield alert together as soon as possible.

Can I take this to mean that your discharge hearing did not go as you had hoped?

Sarah Smith
MindFreedom International

From: ***@gmail.com
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 3:06 PM
To: ***@mass.gov, ***@mass.gov, ***@nytimes.com, "Tamara Barney" <***@publiccounsel.net>
Cc: ***@mindfreedom.org, ***@madinamerica.com, ***@wcvb.com, ***@whdh.com, "Boston Herald" <***@bostonherald.com>
Subject: Activate Shield: "Worcester Recovery Center & The Current State Of Mental Health In America"

Hello Everybody

My name is William K. Mahler, 20 year psychiatric survivor pitted yet again against a misinformed, Venus fly trap meets flypaper, do as we say entirely or else, caulking gun for a needle hospital named the Worcester Recovery Center,

There own 30+ year veteran of Psychiatry and my current doctor, Rifat Shariff once told me she’d keep her own flesh and blood son on Geodon despite becoming type 2 diabetic, anemic, splotchy skin, high cholesterol, always drowsy, dull minded and sexually inept. It’s happened to me.

Do people matter in this country? A society where the media makes darlings of the truly violent and the rest of us non violent people suffer. How? Why? Why is the psychiatric system seemingly hell bent on delivering body wrecking drugs such a Geodan? For the factual record, Geodon is the least bad effecting to a person out of all anti-psychotics so says Nurse Practitioner Erin Regan of Bridgewater State Hospital and Dr. Rifat Sharif, my clinician.

In this 320 bed facility, not one nano second of their time has been devoted to me regarding any one on one counseling with anyone proficient other than to meet for ½ hour a month with a clinical social worker and my social worker, Crystall Hollenkamp by her own admission is a current psychiatric patient taking two drugs for anxiety and depression, a real gung-ho social worker.

In my attorneys possession is Dr. Sharifs own report detailing outright lies and misconceptions about me as a patient here in Worcester. Including a falsified statement that I have refused all medicine, refused meals and argumentative, yelling at staff and no insurance during my stay here. New York Times, how and why would a psychiatric facility let me near a computer much less the internet if I were really doing as Dr. Sharif said?

Dr. Sharif is making baseless claims to thwart my legal attempt for early discharge. Due to legal maneuvers by my former mental health attorney to get out of custody at Bridgewater State Hospital, I am legally guaranteed a hearing but the local courts have stomped on my rights sending my current attorney and head of the mental health litigation unit at the Committee For Public Counsel Services, Tamara Barney to the state supreme court.

Mind Freedom International has my full on the button permission to use the program known as ‘Shield’ and to be blunt about shield, demonstrations and press consume Worcester Recovery Center and are hereby of this email, authorized to launch.

The leader of Mind Freedom is Dr. Ronald Bassman, a psychologist and psychiatric survivor himself. He was hospitalized during the late 1960’s when drugs were far worse and treatment is now classified as inhumane.

Well, being captive for an entire year until August 2021 does not sit well with me and my 53rd birthday in 3 days.

I could go on about myself, but the story about the cruelty and blatant misuse of the mental health system by the persons in charge such as Dr. Sharif and the dozens of “pass the buck” reckless, careless doctors in my and millions of others past and current lives too.

Want to research more?

Look at the recipients of this email.





New York Times,

Count on me to tell you my truths anyway I can.

William Mahler
309 Belmont Street Unit A2
Worcester, MA. 01604
Greg Carr
2020-11-19 20:21:51 UTC
Fight the good fight and I hope you don't get locked up again. My nephew's female roommate hung herself an hour after being discharged from the psychiatric unit. My nephew had some sort of bad feeling and took off from work to find her hanging from the ceiling and he cut her down but it was too late. Life sucks sometimes understatement. I knew a woman who spent a year on a locked psych ward after swallowing a bunch of pills and calling 911. Her prescriptions were the largest I have ever seen for anyone and she lived in social housing and could just manage 25 hours a week as a near minimum wage cashier. I have never heard of someone being cured of their mental health problems in lock up. Last time I was in the local jail here I brought my meds but they refused to let me take them go figure although they did put me in E Echo unit which is sparsly used and long so ppl with mental health problems can get loud etc. without bothering anyone much. Good luck on a miracle and/or full mental health recovery. If you haven't seen the movie Spotlight check it out.
Post by William Mahler
Litsa Pappas,
I wrote to you a few weeks ago, now I reach out once again.
William Mahler
From: William Mahler
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2020 6:42 AM
Subject: Bridgewater State Hospital, Correct Care / WellPath & DOC
Hello Mr. Fox,
My name is William Mahler,
Former patient inmate at the Bridgewater State Hospital 2x. Back in 2011-2014 when DOC was in charge and again when Correct Care / Wellpath was in charge.
I read with relief that DOC has been put in the limelight regarding mental health and lack of proper treatment, via the Globe this morning, your story.
For the time DOC was in charge, it was vile, fights every other day in any one of the units, mostly between guards and prisoners. The Intensive Treatment Unit ITU was used primarily for prisoners whom merely like I would joke around and give an arm punch to a fellow friend/inmate or in some cases, under my breath say “asshole” about a guard ripping through my belongings for the umpteenth time in weeks. ITU is a long hall with solitary confinement cells that each include a toilet, no sink, greyed out window, hard plastic bunk. Prisoners were made to strip completely naked and given a heavy plastic smock with Velcro, often left in the cell for hours to as one person I know several months. Every four hours a mental health worker would open a slot and ask “are you hearing voices?” like clockwork. One patient died due to excessive force by DOC, resulting in the takeover by private care Correct Care now known as WellPath. Below is an email to Litsa Pappas, a former Correct Care employee and employed by Boston25 at the same time.
Any questions,
I’m totally available and currently fighting the department of mental health.
That story, below.
William Mahler
Worcester, MA.
From: William Mahler
Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2020 7:41 PM
Subject: Correct Care / WellPath & You
Ms. Pappas,
You are the only reporter to have been employed in Correct Care (now Wellpath) while working for Boston25.
I must say that fact is why I am writing to you now.
I finally left Wellpath back in September 2020.
The biggest difference between Correct Care / WellPath and the former “leaders” Department of Corrections is glaringly known. Correct Care provided a relaxed totally non violent respectful behavior, contrary completely to DOC.
However, did you ever experience racism there?
For 3 ½ years I attended groups until Corona Virus / Covid 19 locked us all in our units/cells March 2020. Prior, groups.
I spent 2 hours a week in IMR, Illness Management Recovery learning exclusively about the 5 major illnesses and no more than 2 of the 9 members were of any other color than white, and for a long time, only one person of color, no latinos at all.
Across the hall at the same time, life skills took place where cooking nachos, sandwiches, balancing bank books, leases and resume’s were the norm for one white member (a lifer) and the remainder of color including one latino.
Maybe I’ll mess up someday and go back, maybe I wont but my point and question is this.
Is it fair to say that with a good knowledge of mental illness, I stand a chance to live in society as opposed to those who didn’t learn?
That’s blatant racism if I ever saw it.
Krissy is the sole person responsible for assigning groups and some get into groups they ask for but the vast majority don’t ask, maybe 95% of the patients are assigned groups without an interview. Krissy is a white young woman, engaged to be married.
In fact, a majority of people of color were either guards or mental health workers, none in the psychological/psychiatric employees and none in administration. There was one black physician, part time and one black nurse practitioner, black part time and one general nurse, black.
Why is it WellPath is the industry leader in private care and racist?
Why is it that the whites probably won’t return and the people of color remain uneducated where it matters most?
Maybe you can tell me.
William Mahler
PO BOX 866
West Yarmouth, MA.
1-774 418 3253
Back in September of this year, my attorney Tamara Barney told me to contact her the day after Halloween to start a hearings process. I did, last week there was a hearing to have a court hearing. Last week, the hearing took place with the hospital attorney to my immediate right at one table, Tamara to my left at ours. The judge and court officer were virtual. The hearing was to get a hearing based on as Tamara put it, hospital hearsay and that I have insuranc/place to go. I learned yesterday, Wednesday November 18, 2020 shortly after 4PM via Tamara that the judge denied me the right to a hearing. So, Tamara, already knew back in September this could be a challenge and has set forth a plan of attack to get into the state supreme court.
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 10:33 PM
Subject: re: The Current State Of Mental Health Care In Massachusetts.
Were you notified that you have a scheduled hearing? Is your psychiatrist recommending that you be involuntarily committed? Sorry but I am confused if the reference to the Supreme Court hearing is different than any other hearings you are facing
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 6:37 PM
Subject: The Current State Of Mental Health Care In Massachusetts.
Hello Boston Globe, Mr. Mcgrory, Mr. Bailey-Wells & Ms. Larson,
My name is William Mahler, Cape Cod native and current patient at the Worcester Recovery Center facing a state supreme court challenge to my attempt at discharge.
Below is the running email started today sent to many media outlets and I leave to you to know, I am totally available for any questions unbarred to me at your leisure okay?
William Mahler
309 Belmont Street Unit A2
Worcester, MA. 01604
My Cell: 1-774-418-3253
Back in April 2017, I was charged with a hijack/bomb threat & two assault and batteries.
The sole witness to call police regarding the bomb threat, along with his preacher, leader of the church the threat was allegedly made at, went on record to completely contradict the reporting Barnstable Police Patrolman Kevin Shaw. Shaw states in the police report that I made a threat vocally to blow up Victory Chapel and it was caught on video. Stanley Miranda, the witness merely called police at my request to inform the Police about someone he and I both knew. My theory is the officer is on the underground take but no proof. Miranda and Father Paul Campo both said to my attorney and detective on the record neither Miranda or Campo hinted at bomb threat and bomb threat on video. Entirely a falsity by Kevin Shaw. As a result, I was taken into custody and remanded to Bridgewater State Hospital for a 90 day competency hearing. The hearing resulted in the evaluator Lorena Kouperschmidt stating she believed that I was guilty for I was not on my meds at the time, therefore, I was involuntarily committed for an entire year.
The next two years the same ruling was made, regardless of the witness statements. The bomb threat case was dismissed due to what I call a draw, incompetent to stand trial. As for the two assault and battery charges brought up by Kevin Shaw, also dismissed prior to the bomb threat dismissal. I did spit at a guard at Cape Cod Hospital in 2004 and was charged 13 years years later in 2017, long after the case had legal weight and was able to go forward until 2010 when the statute of limitations ran out. The other assault and battery charge also by Keven Shaw is I allegedly threw coffee at a staffer of Cape Cod Hospital. The fact is, I was in a “white room” with a solid door complete with waist high window between me and her when she told me I wasn’t drinking coffee so I threw the coffee cup and all against the shut door window. I asked her jokingly “did that hit you” to which she smiled and said “not at all”. The police report states she felt cool coffee on her cheek. Shaw lied 3 times for reasons I am not fully knowledgeable but to say the least he is corrupt plain and simple.
What my step brother a Mass State Police detective and honorably discharged Persian Gulf I Army Airborne Ranger thinks, he treated me wholeheartedly without judgment and Tom Forest of Otis, MA. my step brother of all people would have told me I am guilty yet he never did to this day.
So, as of August 2020, I was found to be okay enough, stable enough to be remanded to Worcester Recovery Center where the b.s. continues.
Why does this system do this Sarah? Why? Can you or anyone for that matter tell me a logical sensible reason as to why the system is to say the least corrupt and broken?
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 9:01 PM
Subject: RE: Activate Shield: "Worcester Recovery Center & The Current State Of Mental Health In America"
In this court case coming up, it's going to be a civil no holds barred attack on a health care system that outright holds prisoner people to devices best used in 3rd world countries as far back as the 16th century, molded to todays "standards" of "acceptable humane care" and that I entirely am willing to face head on in a public light.
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 8:47 PM
Subject: RE: Activate Shield: "Worcester Recovery Center & The Current State Of Mental Health In America"
My over the top serious command of a conversation via the phone is my downfall LOL.
But ya, the local court found no reason to grant me a hearing, citing reasons other than the facts that I am not fully aware of. But considering my attorney, also the same person in charge of the mental health litigation unit of the Committee For Public Counsel Services in Worcester county, Tamara Barney told me that since my previous mental health attorney got me to waive a court hearing and go directly to Worcester, I legally have the right to a fair hearing in the local system. Had I gone to court to get out of Bridgewater, I’d have zero leg to stand on for a hearing that as of today I learned the local court ruled against said hearing, effectively pushing the case to the state supreme court. Had the local court not dismissed my right to a fair hearing, I’d not activate shield. The local court already had a top state level ruling in favor of people in my situation so the local court are ordered to grant hearings yet the local court sidestepped the ruling.
So ya, bring in the “military” army, navy, marines, coast guard and space force all of it – analogy of the moment.
If you have my first email about activating shield, you will know that the message went to several media outlets as is this email too.
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 8:35 PM
Subject: re: Activate Shield: "Worcester Recovery Center & The Current State Of Mental Health In America"
I am in possession of your written request to activate your Shield.
We will start assembling all of the information we have on file in regards to your situation and put a written Shield alert together as soon as possible.
Can I take this to mean that your discharge hearing did not go as you had hoped?
Sarah Smith
MindFreedom International
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 3:06 PM
Subject: Activate Shield: "Worcester Recovery Center & The Current State Of Mental Health In America"
Hello Everybody
My name is William K. Mahler, 20 year psychiatric survivor pitted yet again against a misinformed, Venus fly trap meets flypaper, do as we say entirely or else, caulking gun for a needle hospital named the Worcester Recovery Center,
There own 30+ year veteran of Psychiatry and my current doctor, Rifat Shariff once told me she’d keep her own flesh and blood son on Geodon despite becoming type 2 diabetic, anemic, splotchy skin, high cholesterol, always drowsy, dull minded and sexually inept. It’s happened to me.
Do people matter in this country? A society where the media makes darlings of the truly violent and the rest of us non violent people suffer. How? Why? Why is the psychiatric system seemingly hell bent on delivering body wrecking drugs such a Geodan? For the factual record, Geodon is the least bad effecting to a person out of all anti-psychotics so says Nurse Practitioner Erin Regan of Bridgewater State Hospital and Dr. Rifat Sharif, my clinician.
In this 320 bed facility, not one nano second of their time has been devoted to me regarding any one on one counseling with anyone proficient other than to meet for ½ hour a month with a clinical social worker and my social worker, Crystall Hollenkamp by her own admission is a current psychiatric patient taking two drugs for anxiety and depression, a real gung-ho social worker.
In my attorneys possession is Dr. Sharifs own report detailing outright lies and misconceptions about me as a patient here in Worcester. Including a falsified statement that I have refused all medicine, refused meals and argumentative, yelling at staff and no insurance during my stay here. New York Times, how and why would a psychiatric facility let me near a computer much less the internet if I were really doing as Dr. Sharif said?
Dr. Sharif is making baseless claims to thwart my legal attempt for early discharge. Due to legal maneuvers by my former mental health attorney to get out of custody at Bridgewater State Hospital, I am legally guaranteed a hearing but the local courts have stomped on my rights sending my current attorney and head of the mental health litigation unit at the Committee For Public Counsel Services, Tamara Barney to the state supreme court.
Mind Freedom International has my full on the button permission to use the program known as ‘Shield’ and to be blunt about shield, demonstrations and press consume Worcester Recovery Center and are hereby of this email, authorized to launch.
The leader of Mind Freedom is Dr. Ronald Bassman, a psychologist and psychiatric survivor himself. He was hospitalized during the late 1960’s when drugs were far worse and treatment is now classified as inhumane.
Well, being captive for an entire year until August 2021 does not sit well with me and my 53rd birthday in 3 days.
I could go on about myself, but the story about the cruelty and blatant misuse of the mental health system by the persons in charge such as Dr. Sharif and the dozens of “pass the buck” reckless, careless doctors in my and millions of others past and current lives too.
Want to research more?
Look at the recipients of this email.
New York Times,
Count on me to tell you my truths anyway I can.
William Mahler
309 Belmont Street Unit A2
Worcester, MA. 01604
William Mahler
2020-11-19 20:51:27 UTC
Greg Carr,

First and foremost, thank you kindly for telling your story. My brother died in his drug laden prescribed and illegal (which are worse) sleep. Technically, I theorize he woke to vomit blocking his airways by his lungs and to this day, the coroner says he died in his sleep. He was diagnosed with depression and had cyatica and 10 screws in his foot just to walk in addition to 9 not completely healed broken ribs from a motor bike accident years before. So Troy would ask me and m y friends "got any oxy's, percs? Complete strangers and treat his depression meds as if they were pez candy in a dispenser for desert. In addition to a quart of seagrams seven whiskey that he could drain 1/2 of in a single guzzle without so much as wavering a few inches and burping. June 4, 2011 brought an end to a viscious repeatitive alcholic lifestyle leavin g behind a wife, mistress and two children yet he died completely alone. My attempts at talking with his medical and psychiatric help was totally in vain over the years and that includes his court ordered probation officer whom Troy told me, let him free with a dirty drug test coming up positive for marjuana and alcohol.

The same system won't bat an eye and actually drag me into an ambulance simply because I attempted to clean my body of the ever damaging psyche drugs. Troy kissed ass and lied enough to get out of inpatient services, something that has been my achillees heel since 2000. I've got to learn to keep my mouth shut even among family whom read me as an open book, and find a support system better than kryptonite and technically there is not one outlet anywhere on cape cod and the two islands for that. www.mindfreedom.org has been my outlet, headed by a former psyche patient who's 1960's treatment is now banned in the entire usa. Ronald Bassman. I ask you to look into his autobiography "A Fight To Be" which literally gave me hope like a faint candle in a massive dark cavern the last 4 years.

My social worker had me sign two waivers, one to talk with my best friend and landlord about my place to stay and the other to setup psyche/medical care upon discharge and about discharge, she states she believes my story about police corruption and abuse in bridgewater state hospital and finds no reason to talk to my tell the truth no frills but all facts like state police detective brother, son to my step father to know the truth. she finds i dont pose a risk to myself or anyone else but fell short as to how my psychiatrist dr. sharif is going to proceed from here on out. as of today my attorney is filing state supreme court papers.

Carr, any realation to the carr of ABC world news tonight? 630 pm mon-fri an on the field abc journalist. also, rip eric carr long time 2nd drummer and singer to KISS.

Thanks Mr. Carr, you got my email addy, find me if you care to
Greg Carr
2020-11-20 07:50:33 UTC
Post by William Mahler
Greg Carr,
First and foremost, thank you kindly for telling your story. My brother died in his drug laden prescribed and illegal (which are worse) sleep. Technically, I theorize he woke to vomit blocking his airways by his lungs and to this day, the coroner says he died in his sleep. He was diagnosed with depression and had cyatica and 10 screws in his foot just to walk in addition to 9 not completely healed broken ribs from a motor bike accident years before. So Troy would ask me and m y friends "got any oxy's, percs? Complete strangers and treat his depression meds as if they were pez candy in a dispenser for desert. In addition to a quart of seagrams seven whiskey that he could drain 1/2 of in a single guzzle without so much as wavering a few inches and burping. June 4, 2011 brought an end to a viscious repeatitive alcholic lifestyle leavin g behind a wife, mistress and two children yet he died completely alone. My attempts at talking with his medical and psychiatric help was totally in vain over the years and that includes his court ordered probation officer whom Troy told me, let him free with a dirty drug test coming up positive for marjuana and alcohol.
The same system won't bat an eye and actually drag me into an ambulance simply because I attempted to clean my body of the ever damaging psyche drugs. Troy kissed ass and lied enough to get out of inpatient services, something that has been my achillees heel since 2000. I've got to learn to keep my mouth shut even among family whom read me as an open book, and find a support system better than kryptonite and technically there is not one outlet anywhere on cape cod and the two islands for that. www.mindfreedom.org has been my outlet, headed by a former psyche patient who's 1960's treatment is now banned in the entire usa. Ronald Bassman. I ask you to look into his autobiography "A Fight To Be" which literally gave me hope like a faint candle in a massive dark cavern the last 4 years.
My social worker had me sign two waivers, one to talk with my best friend and landlord about my place to stay and the other to setup psyche/medical care upon discharge and about discharge, she states she believes my story about police corruption and abuse in bridgewater state hospital and finds no reason to talk to my tell the truth no frills but all facts like state police detective brother, son to my step father to know the truth. she finds i dont pose a risk to myself or anyone else but fell short as to how my psychiatrist dr. sharif is going to proceed from here on out. as of today my attorney is filing state supreme court papers.
Carr, any realation to the carr of ABC world news tonight? 630 pm mon-fri an on the field abc journalist. also, rip eric carr long time 2nd drummer and singer to KISS.
Thanks Mr. Carr, you got my email addy, find me if you care to
I am of course a KISS fan have seen them twice in concert. Have a concert sovenior shirt and and one I bought from a street vendor . My awesome Granny gave me Destroyer and News of The World as a gift around 1977. Still have both records in great shape. KISS Alive 1 and 2 are some of the greatest live albums ever released I have gone through some tapes of them. I never watch ABC News although I used to be a Sam Donaldson fan and remember when Nightline got its start. No relation to Eric Carr to me the best KISS drummer was Peter Chris I am also not related to the CDN artist Emily Carr. Rock on have a great today and tomorrow.