(too old to reply)
Dr Wypp
2023-02-10 12:05:11 UTC
Are you looking for the best place to buy crystal meth online anonymously? Search no further, visit https://www.portentis.com/med-brands/meth-for-sale-online/ today, and buy pure meth crystals online at giveaway prices.

What other stimulants can you buy from us?
We also sell stimulants such as
Alprazolam ----> https://www.portentis.com/med-brands/xanax-for-sale/
DMT, -------> https://www.portentis.com/product/5-meo-dmt/
Adderall, -------> https://www.portentis.com/med-brands/adderall-for-sale/
Ketamine, -------> https://www.portentis.com/med-brands/ketamine-for-sale/
LSD, ---------> https://www.portentis.com/med-brands/lsd-for-sale-online/
and much more.

Buy crystal meth now ==> https://www.portentis.com/product/crystal-meth-for-sale/
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Buy Crystal Meth online in Florida,
Best place to buy Crystal Meth online in New Jersey
Greg Carr
2023-02-11 06:41:27 UTC
Report this drug dealer to D.E.A. and F.B.I.

The website says this is their address Contact Us
1425 Woodward Ave
Detroit, MI 48226
(929) 236-4201
***@portentis.com So contact the Detroit Police Dept.

I think some homies are having fun way kewl https://www.google.ca/search?q=1425+Woodward+Ave+detroit&source=hp&ei=wjbnY8-LLMCvqtsPsti7yA8&iflsig=AK50M_UAAAAAY-dE0jaAlj8nEoam3ndCpfhqBOsNMKhS&ved=0ahUKEwjP9NLa7Iz9AhXAl2oFHTLsDvkQ4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=1425+Woodward+Ave+detroit&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyCQgAEBYQHhDxBDoFCAAQgARQAFj-K2D5L2gAcAB4AIAB7gGIAboQkgEDMi05mAEAoAECoAEB&sclient=gws-wiz#ip=1 Do a Google search of the address it shows a florist shop and a bra store.

https://www.google.ca/search?q=1425+Woodward+Ave+detroit&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi89bbe7Iz9AhVQk4kEHW2nBvgQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=1880&bih=939&dpr=1 A image search of that address shows a old but nice building in Downtown Detroit.

https://issuu.com/portentis/docs/girl_scout_cookies Since 2021 they have been selling pot from that address online apparently.
Post by Dr Wypp
Are you looking for the best place to buy crystal meth online anonymously? Search no further, visit https://www.portentis.com/med-brands/meth-for-sale-online/ today, and buy pure meth crystals online at giveaway prices.
What other stimulants can you buy from us?
We also sell stimulants such as
Alprazolam ----> https://www.portentis.com/med-brands/xanax-for-sale/
DMT, -------> https://www.portentis.com/product/5-meo-dmt/
Adderall, -------> https://www.portentis.com/med-brands/adderall-for-sale/
Ketamine, -------> https://www.portentis.com/med-brands/ketamine-for-sale/
LSD, ---------> https://www.portentis.com/med-brands/lsd-for-sale-online/
and much more.
Buy crystal meth now ==> https://www.portentis.com/product/crystal-meth-for-sale/
Crystal Meth for sale in California,
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Crystal Meth for sale in New York,
Crystal Meth for sale in North Carolina,
Buy Crystal Meth online in Florida,
Best place to buy Crystal Meth online in New Jersey