Sacrifice of The Sheep For The Companies
(too old to reply)
shattered hologram
2023-12-23 16:32:49 UTC
in Ecoratia, the state of affairs is oligarchisation of the remaining
companies under the hand of oligarch with no capital and no
management skill, but with full backing of the communists within
the secret services, and the deceived public starting from youths
who perceive this oligarch as a patriot.

This is crowned with the ritual sacrifice of "sheep" to the communist
gods, which involves love-bombing angel "presents" and guardian angels
in BMWs and other exponents that are meant to protect worker class rights
in Marshal Tito's variant of socialism.

in the LORD
shattered hologram
2023-12-23 16:48:32 UTC
This involves mass Judas betrayals and pilling up of friends and
neighbours who raise loans and buy cars (BMWs, not worker class cars
nor utility vehicles) and household items on the souls of the "good ones"
in pledge.

The also sell the basic tools for work, or consider them a part of the wage
and bought for the compensation of overtime work, as it is written:

Deuteronomy 24:6
No man shall take the nether or the upper millstone to pledge: for he taketh
a man's life to pledge.

I am wondering what makes this people worship evil ones so much, as
to sell to the communists for every life's need, instead of praying to
God or at least to their "Lady" as a provider, for God is Jehovah-Yireh,
the LORD-Who-Provideth.

The strategy for the future depends on whether it is sufficient to the Beast 666
to have one nation completely "sell", becoming the Lamb With Two Horns,
that exercises all the power of Dragon in his presence, and makes it happen
that all who were not written in The Book of Life shall accept the Mark of the Beast
on their right arm or their forehead.

I also do not know what to do with the corporation entrusted, and I seek someone
that would be according to the LORD's will and heart to manage this - I don't have
time to waste on that as I have a prayer ministry that is not compatible with commercial
endeavours, and theological studies, which comes first before the LORD.

in the LORD
shattered hologram
2023-12-23 18:01:10 UTC
Still worse, Ecoratia has the system of "sending" people, whoever resists to the
secret service can be "sent" in his house or bed, without anybody ever answering
for it.

It is done usually by the women, including those in the church or the other
religions, often in the name of God, but by unbelievers wielding a tanathos spirit.
(Often having sold to the System for the power to eliminate anyone without proof,
or have done some witchcraft or calling the dead spirits.)

in the LORD
shattered hologram
2023-12-24 14:21:07 UTC
The "good women" preserved the tanathos spirit telekinetic murders to punish evil.

So, they would typically "punish greed" of a guy who takes like 10 cans of sardines,
which is deserving death, but not if a guy connected with politicians takes 10 factories,
LNG terminal and market chains ...

"Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi" ... that's what they say ...

However, I fail to see anything divine in oligarchs, even if they aspire to nobility.
Later - maybe immortality as well - who knows. For they already have a deal with the women
ministering Death, to spare the rich and "send" only the poor and the needy.

in the LORD
