Greg Carr
2022-11-27 03:56:34 UTC
Sat. night and some queer has nothing better to do than post off topic racist stuff. Glad that BLM poster is still up on 72 Ave. in Surrey, BC after a year. The pathetic, feeb poster must eat him up that Obama lives in a 12 million dollar mansion and that he is on the dole. Racism is evil and usu. stupid.
What qualifies as good behavior in a Harlem school?
...Raising your hand before you pop a cap in the teacher.
What happens every time a nigger gets an abortion?
...Crime Stoppers sends her a check for $500.
What do you call a nigger at a KKK rally?
...Soon to be an ex-nigger.
Why do black woman make good housewives?
...Built in Brillo.
What do you say to a black man in uniform?
..."I'll have a Big Mac with fries and a coke."
What is a nigger's favorite anti-perspirant?
How can you spot a Black masochist?
...He's the one working for a living.
What do you call a nigger in a bus going over a cliff.
...A waste, there are 30 empty seats.
What do you call a nigger with a gun?
Hear about the black version of "Shogun"?
...It's called "Shonuff".
What do poor nigger kids use instead of Play-Doh ?
...Fresh dog shit.
...Raising your hand before you pop a cap in the teacher.
What happens every time a nigger gets an abortion?
...Crime Stoppers sends her a check for $500.
What do you call a nigger at a KKK rally?
...Soon to be an ex-nigger.
Why do black woman make good housewives?
...Built in Brillo.
What do you say to a black man in uniform?
..."I'll have a Big Mac with fries and a coke."
What is a nigger's favorite anti-perspirant?
How can you spot a Black masochist?
...He's the one working for a living.
What do you call a nigger in a bus going over a cliff.
...A waste, there are 30 empty seats.
What do you call a nigger with a gun?
Hear about the black version of "Shogun"?
...It's called "Shonuff".
What do poor nigger kids use instead of Play-Doh ?
...Fresh dog shit.