Temple of Humanity
(too old to reply)
chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
2022-03-10 06:51:00 UTC
As the Temple of Humanity and para-intelligence underworld as I suspected cooperated in mass erasure of the memory of the population as a means of social control and creating false light in the "democratic elections", I doubt there will be "political will" to deal with the abuse in the Temple, as long as they serve their purpose of "social control" and eliminating "dangerous" and "odd".

I predict that this system will outlive me end persist until the End of Days, to serve in the exact purpose I predicted: except that the "doctors from God" will now demand worship of god, but this will be the Lawless One, who will sit in the Temple and impose as God.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

Again will schizophrenics and the mentally ill be sterilized and executed, because the Antichrist is the "King of the North", and it is in his nature to despise "genetically degenerate" and "weak".

... election setup.

With the internetworked para-intelligence and network of snitches and informants, the Temple of Humanity has the role of providing the logistics for the "mental job specialists".

Besides that, the former UDBA hasn't gone to exile, unlike young Croats, but it remained to create some kind of mental block in the general population, with the possible actors who would be able to disclose it being eliminated (to emigration, to "mental health system", or physical elimination for the "toughest nuts").

Generally, it has been practised to "slay all the white ones" in each election, as that way social programming becomes total. I have been searching for the sources of randomness in trees and leaves, but after a while, the entire city had been programmed on nanoparticle level, with the dark the skill of the synagogue of Satan as well (not to be confused with the house of Jacob and temple of Ashtoreth).

In the past 30 years, the goal was to have everyone sell themselves to the unknown authority, and in turn they became part of the system. Every loan, or business, or graduation, or PhD, but also employment, was mandated with the "point of sale" and soul swap on some occasions.

It was assumed by the commie hardliners that I have even sold myself for salvation, and "sold myself to pastor", or "sold myself to priest", or "sold myself to God". I had to explicitly explain that God is my Creator and that I only return to Him, with Jesus paying for my sins on the cross of the Calvary.

By this, enough of a mass was created over the period of 30 years that the democratic change could be rolled back, with the remaining opposition eliminated or simply reprogrammed.

The most common was programming through medications and the medicine. It was also required that doctors sell for their position, and by this alone, most of the doctors were actors of UDBA.

Likewise the dentists, even private ones.

Mind drugs were especially suitable for mental programming (and still are).

This might seem paranoid, but the dark commies and "the black ones" were allowed to take over before each election, to "create enough light" for the election to go the way the power holders wanted, despite the obvious corruption and failure of government.

Not all could have been bought with privileges, like retired war veterans or retired in general with ridiculous subsidies right before the election. Some had to be reprogrammed, some removed from public life or society.

If anyone would want to escape from this system of evil, it is simple with a prayer:

Dear Father God,
I regret my mistakes and sins.
I renounce Satan, his evil kingdom and his evil ways.
Please accept me as Your child and make Jesus my Lord and Saviour.
in Jesus name

in the LORD
chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
2022-03-10 08:17:05 UTC
Essentially, the "mind erasing tecniques", "memory wipe", "reprogramming", "mental reconstruction", "conditioning" and other
forms of mind control and manipulation are not invented by Temple of Humanity and people like Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung,
Abraham Maslow or Viktor Frankl, but mostly by military psychiatrists.

However, somehow they came to the political power subservient to authoritarian systems, regimes and elites.

Biological psychiatry is the resurrection of the eugenics psychiatry, so unpopular after its shameful marriage with the Nazi regime,
in which they sterilized or eliminated between 250,000 and 500,000 mentally ill Germans with "degenerate genetics".

The main problem is in the requirement that the "technicians" be sold to dark commie UDBA, with the low educational requirement
for the psychiatric staff, with the technicians effectively doing the bastardisation of these mind programming techniques, selling them
to commie paraintelligence secret service underworld, from which it propagates also to their offspring and proliferated to virtually
everything whose only requirement was that to sell.

It is hard to estimate the extent of the abuse, but the result of long-term hospitalisation is hospitalism and "zombification" of inmates,
with deterioration in mental and physical capacity. The preaching of Gospel was forbidden, under mental health excuses.

Overall satanism propagated to wide social arena, which is probably also likely to cause the birth of the "unwanted offspring" in Croatia.
The "strong ones" and the "dark children", very unreceptive to the Word of God Creator and to the Gospel, who have the capacity to
spiritually and psychologically subvert and torment, mostly gifted individuals, who will ask the help from the Temple and have their
faith sealed, being destined to spend life on psychiatric medications, for example: 2 to 3 anti-psychotics, 1 or 2 "stabilisers of mood",
1 antidepressant, and a strong benzodiazepine tranquiliser like Lorazepam (Ativan).

This is in the long run creates individuals whose sole occupation is about mental illness, taking meds, obeying the authority of psychiatrists,
and medical and lower staff, and abusing substances (excessive smoking for example): The Devil will find work for idle hands to do.

What even a renown Croatian psychiatrist noted, the life of psychiatric hospital inmates is now devoid of occupational therapy and
mostly left to boredom. This is aggravated in the times of pandemic, when exit out of ward to the hospital yard is forbidden.

This same Temple of Humanity had their inmates betrayed by the staff and executed by the Nazi puppet Ustashe regime in 1943.

I have no illusions that they will be less subservient to the next King of North's reincarnation.

in the Lord
chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
2022-03-10 08:36:14 UTC
The role of the Temple of Humanity in the communist system was not to treat or cure people, but to be a Damocles
Sword to anyone thinking that he can challenge communist authorities. Communists in Yugoslavia did not kill or send
to gulag-like Naked Island those who could be managed through psychological subversion and psychiatric system.

It mainly kept that role in the pseudo-democracy of Croatia, as the UDBA para-intelligence underworld couldn't allow
"secret" "democratic" elections without psycho-surveillance and overall gazing of All-Seer guardians.

The Temple of Humanity kept serving the commie intelligence underworld, despite officially claiming and exhibiting
patriotism, and the the government was also authoritarian so it had no interest with dealing with the abuse but instead
also used its services.

Croatian people are by nature bigots and easily completely discard a person registered in the mental health system
as a "nut", "loonie", "subhuman", and damaged goods.

From the alleged fear of the mentally ill persons, their complete servitude to the general population is required, for
them to be allowed to exist in the society.

Which radically means that an engineer who is diagnosed has worse status than a cleaning lady who is "sane".

in the Lord
chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
2022-03-10 08:43:26 UTC
Some libertarian ideas are generally diagnosed as mental illness or "schizophrenia". Then the actual symptoms
are manufactured through mental programming and frozen with medications.

The inmates are conditioned to be subservient sheeple, puppets in the system.

in the Lord
chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
2022-03-10 08:57:58 UTC
This is done by breaking individuals through the long stay under an authority of fear (sometimes of death
and being physically restrained or psycho-slain by the technician).

The system of overall boredom is certainly not meant to cure the people with psychosocial difficulties, but
to make them moldable and subservient to the "normals" and to the "system". Outside comes a sheep, but
with no personality that entered the system.

The purpose of the system is to destroy personality, rather than to help it heal and recover, in order to make
patients dependable on mind drugs as the consumers.

I can't say much more, for I still plan to go there next Saturday to see how the flock breathes.

in the Lord
chemical remote controlled psycho-slave
2022-03-10 12:16:46 UTC
Common sheep however also side with the para-intelligence underworld and the social control system,
from the school children to the elderly.

I see no way of progress known to me.

There was a proverb in Communism: "UDBA name je sudba."
("UDBA secret service is our destiny", but it loses wit and rhyme with the translation.)

Another proverb is: "Sila Boga ne moli." (Force doesn't pray to God.)

in the Lord
chemical remote mind controlled psycho-slave
2022-03-10 12:33:04 UTC
Many say they fear me as I was labelled as the "next Putin" or "next Hitler".
Some fear I will retaliate for what they've done if I unwind and recover my memories.

This is however, not the will of the LORD:

Leviticus 19:18
Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people,
but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.

in the Lord
