Five very brief thoughts
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Halfbreed Aztec
2020-06-26 10:31:06 UTC
1. I opine that an individual should perhaps not always, under the law, be required to pay a child support allowance for such an individual’s son, let alone for his or her grandson.
2. I imagine that certain styles of communism might at times engender abuse of one’s elders, such abuse of one’s elders perhaps not always being biblically sound.
3. I suggest that though the worship of an elder might perhaps not always be so spiritually unwholesome, the worship of such an elder’s descendant might, on the contrary, sometimes be spiritually deficient.
4. I suggest that within a primitive encampment one can perhaps often more readily tolerate an elder’s foibles than in a more mechanical encampment.
5. I assert that certain laws and social structures can perhaps at times impede the progress of simple compassion.
Halfbreed Aztec
2020-06-26 17:46:51 UTC
1. I assert that, although it might be obvious enough, once an elder ceases to live such an elder inevitably becomes a sort ancestor.
2. I perhaps would not mind giving up most of my worldly possessions in order to acquire true love, even though I realize that giving up my possessions alone need not guarantee me such love.
3. Although I might harbor a slight fetish for printed books, I do not consider myself to be very materialistic.
4. I might be somewhat college educated, but I did not often enjoy my major at such a school or the school itself.
5. Although I might have partaken of such an activity to a certain extent during my senior year of high school, I now consider bodybuilding, as well as physical exercise in general, to be mostly uninteresting and shallow.
Halfbreed Aztec
2020-06-26 20:55:02 UTC
With regard to item 5, such bodybuilding was done privately and unofficially, never in actual competition. Perhaps a better word for me to have used is simply “weight training”.
Halfbreed Aztec
2020-06-26 21:04:09 UTC
One more thing: I no longer partake of such weight training as earnestly I did in my senior year of high school. As such, my overall physique has degraded quite a bit. My personal hygiene habits could possibly also use a bit of improvement, perhaps especially as seem from those of the White race’s point of view. Fickle bastards.
Halfbreed Aztec
2020-06-26 23:39:02 UTC
1. I do not very much like my two younger siblings, finding such to perhaps be greedy and mean-spirited. As such, I am not so interested in bequeathing any of my personal belongings at all to either them or their immediate households after my death.
2. I posit that it might perhaps not be so impossible for certain kinds of psychic to at least slightly be able to sense certain psychographic trends within certain regions of the world, whether or not such a psychic resides in that region or not.
3. I assert that I do not particularly trust in Pope Francis, the present Pontiff of Rome, for reasons that might be based mostly on my own intuition rather than on actual facts alone.
4. I suggest that perhaps not every opinion or insight should have to be proven in order that it be expressed openly.
5. Perhaps excepting the authority of a supernatural God and infrequently also that of the Bible, I do not often enjoy bending to most any worldly authority.
6. I am neither a Filipino nor a gangbanger, even though I suspect that certain ignorant fools might be inclined to unfairly typecast me as being one of such.
7. As a tweak of a common enough adage, I would suggest, Neither a follower nor a leader be.
8. I personally do not find it to be so bad for any given individual, employed or not, to simply meditate on such an individual’s free time.
9. Within my past attempts to discover my true inner nature and personal strengths, I might sometimes have deceived my own self.
10. Various adages of good mood follow: a) Don’t worry, be happy. b) Smile, Jesus loves you. c) It is always darkest just before dawn. d) This too will pass. e) Be happy that you are alive.