"The Good Women"
(too old to reply)
beta Hirogen
2022-04-19 09:14:12 UTC
The "Good girls and women" appear to look upon me as a Diagnose, an
Illness, plus my mistakes and failures. Naturally, I do not want to be viewed
like that for eternity. I doubt that the "Good girls and women" will enter
the Kingdom of Heaven either.

in the Lord
beta Hirogen
2022-04-19 09:24:59 UTC
The control and manipulation of the "good women and girls" in my city
over men has some fascist notion and it had brought some heavy torment
on me that I could not want or endure forever.

In Paradise, such notion of control will not exist. Also, apostle Paul forbids
women to exalt themselves over men. So this notion of "women with manhood"
is somehow Antichristian. Even if it is done within the "mother Church".

1 Timothy 2:12
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

in the Lord
