Irrational Rationale
(too old to reply)
William Mahler
2020-12-15 21:56:42 UTC

To fill you in on what transpired today, the treatment team rescinded discharge plans due to as they claim an irrational fear of the very policeman that nearly had me jailed for 20 years. Below is my email ripping them for the abusive trigger happy “professionals” they are.

William Mahler

Crystall & Sharif,

You are not worth the titles you allegedly earned. People like you make America weak with your attitude that you so flagrantly abuse me and others with. An irrational fear? Gee, you might as well keep me for being afraid of roller coasters too, God forbid I actually don’t get on one. I cannot seem to get it into your head whatsoever that I’ve had enough of the abuse of power police used against me and countless others. So you take your oh self-serving ignorant self-indulgent powers and face the reality by your own higher power, at least God will probably send you to purgatory where as of today, by all accounts your over the top real irrational decision to be ever so cautious about my real fear of that cop and others like him and my discharge you cruelly took away from me over my fear of the guy? His illegal abuse of power aimed at ruining me beyond repair only adds fuel to a fire that I as any citizen have the right to air my grievances of and rightfully did to his superiors.

You honestly expect me or anyone else in my position to not have the least bit of fear towards that kind of monster? Really, well, you’ve made your bed and I am going to face you in court it seems with God only knows who and what Mind Freedom will do considering they’ve got my full authorization to bring the press into this. When it comes down to it, you’d probably hospitalize a child for being afraid of the dark, that’s the mentality you displayed towards me today without so much as any regards to my position. I’ve said to you before and I say to you now, I have zero intent of going anywhere near or contacting that officer. Considering the extent of damage he attempted, no doubt it’s totally within reason for me to expect he’d do it again and show up on my home property. If America adhered to your so called rationale, we’d have faced much worse than September 11, 2001 since that day. I hope you reconsider the sheer madness you displayed today and no, I don’t like you or anything you represented towards me. In fact your callous abuse of me only solidifies the awful reputation psychiatry easily deserves as borderline malicious to humanity. Prove me wrong, no doubt you don’t know how.

William Mahler
William Mahler
2020-12-15 22:24:06 UTC
From: ***@gmail.com <***@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 4:47 PM
To: 'Hollenkamp, Crystall (DMH)' <***@state.ma.us>
Cc: 'Tamara Barney' <***@publiccounsel.net>
Subject: RE: Irrational?


Your baseless accusations are just that, baseless. I don’t resort to dirt unlike others in this world. As to what the people do who read my email, I have no power to do anything other than continue to write of my displeasure over your abuse of me to those who are responsible for their own actions.

I’ve not harassed you, merely let you know how I feel, something by your own email that I am responding to now, shows you have zero humane abilities and lack consideration for me and those you don’t truly care about. For you to insinuate that I am harassing you, take a look at the job you’d done to me and my sense of wellbeing.


From: Hollenkamp, Crystall (DMH) <***@state.ma.us>
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 4:43 PM
To: ***@gmail.com
Cc: Sharif, Rifat (DMH) <***@state.ma.us>; 'Tamara Barney' <***@publiccounsel.net>
Subject: RE: Irrational?


I am receiving pornographic material from the people you are sending e-mails to and/or the organizations they are affiliated with. I am asking that you please stop with the slandering comments, the constant harassment and threats.
Thank you.


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