Confession and Black Erasing of Sins
(too old to reply)
2022-04-05 04:08:19 UTC
As it is common among Croats to have "black saint Peter",
"black Michael", "safe Satan", they also have black sacraments.
Whenever I confess a larger sin, they first try "black confession",
and "black cleansing of sin", before anything else.

Just as they have been worried for telekinetic traffic accidents just
because "they might lose the tourist season", so they will "pause the
sending until the end of the season". This is not what is seen in the
Black chronicles, however.

However, this is only a futility of the fake believers: erasing sins
from mind is Satan, and it doesn't affect the account of the God
All-Knowing, All-Seeing in the record in books in Heaven:

Job 16:19
Also now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and my record is on high.

However, despite the eventual attempt of Croats to exercise
"black confession" as of to remove the evidence of the crimes,
the true forgiveness upon confession and regret for sin with
repentance is a promise from 1 John 1:9, Psalm 32:5.

Black erasing of sins, just like black defragmenting of hard disks,
is not the idea of the God Creator, but the perversion of Evil one.

1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

When we confess a sin and repent, God eventually causes the
sin to be cleansed by the blood of the Lamb (1 John 1:7).
It mightily owerpowers any satanic possession or enchantment,
together with such blasphemies against the Holy Spirit as
"black confession of sins".

The harder the sin, the greater the Devil's attempts to prevent us
from confession, repentance and returning to the LORD. Nothing
new, as he is the "motivated adversary". By the envy of Devil
death came into the world, and as he is condemned, he is not
likely to watch us go to Heaven just like that.

Religion made of empty sacraments without God or Christ
or Holy Spirit doesn't bother the Devil: he invented it.

At the end, the great reward for confessing sins should be
black sending after black confession and black cleansing of
sins: the unholy trinity.

This is NOT the Gospel I preach, for the promises of God are
true: YES and AMEN.

Confessed sins are eventually forgiven. My best experience was
to confess them to Holy Spirit filled brothers and sisters
(James 5:16) I trusted. Confession to a priest bound by
clergy and religious politics can bring issues, especially if the
priest is in sin himself (i.e. secretly in wild marriage or a paedophile).

Then the rule that priest first confesses his sin and then the sin
of the people is not satisfied (Hebrews 7:27), because the priest
did not just sin, he LIVES IN SIN. Thereof, his sacrament is doubtfully
valid, and he will often be too lenient towards sin, lacking the Spiritual

in the Lord
2022-04-05 05:52:52 UTC
Later, they will forgive each other and give each other absolution,
their nuns will say it was not a sin, their priests and even Pope
will give them absolution, and the Catholic gamers will seek the
next "victim" (scapegoat).

After several decades or earlier, some Croatian historian will say
that it actually did not happen, that it was the conspiracy against
Croatian holy nation and church, and that death concentration camps
were actually work camps, and the notorious war operations with
war crimes and the excessive use of artillery were actually even "Holy".