(too old to reply)
psychiatric asexual beta drone
2022-03-20 03:47:38 UTC
In Temple of Humanity, I would pray to the LORD God, but the technicians
would say "we are God". I would say they are not, and they would reply
"To you we are".

They were also Jesus, Isus, Jehovah ("We know Jehove") and everything
I would pray to.

I have then looked upon my Holy Bible and prayed to God of Israel.

They did not want to be God of Israel, despite saying that they had
a deal with Allah.

in the Lord
psychiatric asexual beta drone
2022-03-20 03:54:50 UTC
After that, the only way I found to pray was to pray to God of Israel and
to Jesus Christ in English, which was snitched to the staff and psychiatrists
and diagnosed as an "especially hard schizophrenic disorder", as
I have a Muslim name and my father was a Bosnian Muslim.

(Though my mother was Croatian Catholic though not a professing one.)

I would assert my freedom of choice which was mocked by staff as a
great derision of a loonie mind.

However, in the long run I think I had a better outcome than those who
sold and had no faith at all. Psychiatrists and staff were unable to destroy
my faith my erasing mind, spirit and emotions, black memory recovery
therapy, body dismantling, mind reconstructions and the like.

in the Lord
psychiatric asexual beta drone
2022-03-20 04:57:55 UTC
For this I would like to preach the Gospel in the Temple of Humanity.

(Which is currently banned, not only for me, but for the outside preachers,
only a defunct Roman Catholic church is there with an unexperienced
priest. The old Greek Catholic priest knew more, but he was retired,
and the old nuns have also disappeared.)

I believe that salvation of God and Christ Jesus would increase the odds
of patients in their recovery, by the grace of God, especially if they
also pray and read the Holy Bible. Every room should have one, as we
are no longer in communism.

1 John 5:4
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the
victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

Luke 4:4
But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

There would however be no compulsion in accepting salvation, as this
is by the grace of God and free will alone.

The inmates still do not distinguish archangel Michael from "Safe Satan",
so much about being saved by child baptism in the Roman Catholic church.

in the Lord
psychiatric asexual beta drone
2022-03-20 05:04:47 UTC
My father, a non-practising Bosnian Muslim whose faith was reduced
to womanising his adulterous "harem", was the main witness about my
"schizophrenia" and "odd behaviour".

He was very informed about the pastors of every church I went into,
discarding a pastor as a "cook", the other also, for he was devout to
return me to not even Islam but to atheism and my profession.
This was also suggested to me by the psychiatrists after the brainwashing,
that I should be a computer engineer and forget the stuff about God,
Christ, faith and religion. Some were worried that I will push out the
Cardinal, others that they will lose their State.

Though my father tried to look like he has the insight of God, it turned
out that he was informed by UDBA (Yugoslav branch of KGB) communist

My father would also claim that he is my God, and that doctors are gods.

in the Lord
